Meet Sean from the beginning….Since this is kind of mashed together the styles change here and there. Part of it will be from a particular characters point of view (POV) and other times it will be written from the third person. This was my very first writing project and is a bit bumpy at times…but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless; it will take you through season five.

This is the story of a boy; a boy who had nearly impossible expectations placed on him and yet he managed to meet every one of them. Through his triumphant spirit we learn of his capacity of how to live, love, laugh - how to cry, care and survive unbearable loss. Through the support of his weary and broken family he gives us a glorious trip through the victories of life as well as its tragedies. He gives desire and hope to do whatever we need to accomplish in our own existence.

Rainbow in the Dark

…Rainbows are said to purify space and have healing and tranquilizing properties…

…The rainbow is interpreted as a divine attribute and a sign of divine presence,

a sign of peace and compassion…

…Some cultures and legends say the rainbow is used to fire arrows at evil spirits and have divine communication…

No man of woman born,

Coward or brave, can shun his destiny.

Homer, Iliad

A Child is Born

From John's point of view….

I got the news today that I am to become a father again. I have found solace in a psychic that I met and could really talk to her and gain understanding. She helped me and the boys get through some difficult issues we had been struggling with. I have found Sarah to be nonjudgmental and full of wisdom.

We had been together a few times and today she tells me we will have a son together in six short months. I guess being a psychic leaves no surprises in life. I do have mixed emotions. I am not the father I had dreamed about, my life won't allow it. But looking at Sam and Dean and to think another miracle like that can happen, another child...well, it gives me a light in an otherwise darkened world.

The only problem is Sarah is sure he is a child of destiny, one here for a purpose. He will not have an easy life and will be in constant danger. She also is sure that her life will end as his begins. I don't want to believe that, but how can I argue with her? I hate that she shared this with me, but she felt I must know in order to be prepared. How accurate is she, and what exactly is his destiny?

She feels her abilities growing stronger by the day. As the baby grows and gains strength so does she. She has talked her sister into taking the baby, at least for a few years until he is old enough to come stay with the boys and me.

I just don't want to believe her premonition. I don't want more tragedy in our lives. Sarah has seemed to accept her fate and carries the baby proudly. She has even picked a name, Sean Michael. The S is from Sam, the ean is from Dean and it is a Celtic form of John and apparently the name also means old hero in Gaelic. Maybe that is his destiny. Michael is for the angel because he is going to need all the help he can get.

Can you take me away?

Can you carry me away?

Maybe I'm the mirror that reflects all.

Robert Mirobal

Sean Comes Home

John's pov….

I got a frantic phone call today from Elizabeth, Sarah's sister and the woman who has had Sean since birth. It seems as if it is time for him to join our nomadic family and way of life.

Sarah unfortunately was correct in her premonition and died only moments after his birth. I was able to be in the delivery room with her and watched as she demanded to see him, then smiled, and as tears rolled down her face she said some phrases in Latin and slipped away. Sean was born on August 31, 1994 at 11:59 p.m.

I was devastated. Sean will never know his mother and I already know the pain this causes. The boys and I stayed for several weeks, bonding as best we could. Dean wasn't thrilled from the beginning about having another brother to keep track of, but now I can't pry the baby out of his arms. Sam is reading baby books and trying to bring Elizabeth up to speed.

Sean is now four years old and far from average. Apparently Elizabeth can take no more, the daycare called today and stated that Sean is no longer welcome. Evidently things tend to go awry when he is there, such as; floating toys, temperature fluctuations, radios and lights turning off and on as well as other things. Since all is calm when he's not there they figure he is some kind of genius and is doing this intentionally. I suppose that is easier than believing the truth. So we are off to pick up our boy.


We have made every effort to see Sean as often as possible and it was always so hard to say goodbye. As we pull up he is running to the car, hair bouncing, smile as wide as it gets. "Daddy, daddy, brothers" he screams. I'm thrilled beyond belief, but as I look more closely I see the bruises and the scratches on his body. He looks away and then runs to Dean. Elizabeth comes out with his bags and I look to her for an explanation. She says it happens at night most of the time, but "whatever it is, is getting bolder, poking and scratching him during the day." She has seen red marks and scratches appear with nobody around him. She has no idea who or what is trying to hurt him or for that matter why. She just knows that she is no match for whatever it is and fears for Sean as well as herself. I too, wonder, who, or what he is to draw this unseen world around him.

Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Day

Sean's First Hunt

John's pov….

I'm sitting at the small table looking over some research while the boys sleep. They look so peaceful, but I know that will not last. Dean is sprawled out on the roll-a-way bed, Sam is sleeping diagonally on the one bed and Sean is taking up as much room as a four year old possibly can on my bed. So far, most of Sean's scratches and bruises have healed. We haven't had too many problems and he seems to feel safe of course I take every precaution to protect him, from salt to special candles and protective phrases. I have been leaving Sam behind to baby sit most days, so that Dean and I can hunt. I don't think Sam misses the action too much, but he misses being in school. But to help fill the time he has been teaching Sean a Kindergarten curriculum as well as keeping up with his own studies.

The problem that is keeping me up tonight is our current case. There have been numerous reports from area kids about several boogey men in an old house just outside of town. The big dare is to go into the basement and retrieve something to prove you were brave enough. So far there have been several kids who've exited with quite a bit of trauma: some babbling about some "really, ugly, big, hairy creatures" and some so scared they haven't spoken yet. My dilemma is that I will need both Sam and Dean to help me out tomorrow night and I don't want to leave Sean alone. His nights haven't been violent, but they aren't completely peaceful either. I'm afraid he will become a target again if we aren't around to protect him.

If this is what the future will bring, it will be a difficult one. I feel as though it is me and the boys against the world. I still had no solution with what do about Sean, so we went out for ice cream and he fell asleep in the backseat. We weren't far from the house so I figured we might as well give it a go. I covered Sean with a warm blanket and locked the car. I thought with the three of us we could check on him regularly and I felt better with him being so close. We entered the house and headed towards the basement stairs, I needed Dean for extra fire power and Sam for an extra pair of eyes. It didn't take long before I identified our boogeyman, it was an Almas. They are big and ugly and love to go after anybody in their path. I began seeing shadows everywhere and was concerned that the three of us weren't going to be enough. I was able to shoot one and he went down, but another was closing in on Sam quickly, Dean saw it as I did and took care of him. We were getting our breath when another appeared out of nowhere. I have never seen so many; this must be the last one. It caught Sam off guard and he tripped over something hitting the floor hard. Dean went over to help him up when another one hit me with something. Suddenly we found ourselves in big trouble, I had dropped my weapon and Deans was sandwiched under Sam with the two uglies closing in. We needed a distraction and fast, but I had no idea what would save us. We all turned as we heard the creak of the stairs and standing at the bottom was my youngest son. Sean stood transfixed and time seemed to stop. We all seemed to be frozen until Sean uttered "holy crap what is that?" I think I need to have a talk with Dean about his language. We took advantage of that brief moment of distraction, as Dean ran over and scooped up Sean running up the stairs two at a time. Sam jumped up pulling the weapon with him and while backing up, I managed to find mine as I found myself stepping on it. After taking care of the last two beasts we gave a big sigh of relief and went upstairs and found Dean holding Sean whose eyes were as big as saucers. I wanted to hug him and shake him all at the same time. We got out of there after setting a small fire to hide what remained behind.

I then lectured Sean about not coming into a house uninvited and staying in the car. I was alternating between hugging him and holding him out in front of me. He just looked at me and said, "I knew you were in trouble, I just wanted to help and do my part; I'm brave too! I did help too, I did."

"Yes you did son, yes you did. But we need to have a long talk about all this, you can't just help whenever you want, it is too dangerous. How did you know we were in trouble?"

Sean just shrugged and stated "I just knew there are a lot of times I just know things."

In the short time we have had Sean I have noticed he has his mother's abilities, my stubbornness (and eyes), Dean's demeanor and Sam's brains. This kid is going to be a challenge – for us all!