Cosmic Baby

By CFEditor

A/N E/O Challenge: Raw. Drabble at 400 words. Tag to 5X18, Point of No Return.

Here's what should have happened when Cas brought Dean back, beaten and bloody. A present for my friend Silver Ruffian, who says that Sam's and Bobby's reaction never sat right with her. I agree.


The sight of Dean's blood-covered face, his battered body so still against Castiel's broad shoulders, was like a sucker punch to Sam's gut. His raw anger at Dean's suffering was eclipsed only by worry and the guilt that he'd let this happen.

"What the hell happened to him?" Sam snapped.


Sam took Dean from the angel, easing him onto the bed, and retrieved the first aid kit. Castiel's answer inflamed Sam's nerves with fresh rage. "Who do you think you are, God?" Sam growled. "Touch my brother again and the worst punishments of Hell will be a picnic compared to what I do to you." His outburst punctuated the stunned silence and the look he gave Castiel was hard and unforgiving.

"You're right, Sam," Bobby said, "but there's no time for this now. We need to take care of Dean and we need to find Adam."

"What the hell? Bobby, he beat Dean up!"

"Take care of your brother, Sam. I'll handle this."

Wordlessly, Sam followed Bobby's orders, glaring in silent mutiny at the man who'd been like a foster dad to him and his brother. Was Bobby really gonna let this go so easily?

Bobby looked at Castiel. "All right, Castiel, let's get one thing straight. You may be a great winged wonder up there but here you're like a big cosmic baby - stronger than a human, got that angel mojo, and you're on the edge. I get it."

A bizarre mixture of emotions washed across Castiel's face, shock and irritation at being called a baby.

"So y'got angry. We all do... So Dean disappointed you. He's human." Bobby paused and stared at Castiel. Pointing a finger at the angel, he ordered, "Get over it. Like they say in them comics, with great power comes great responsibility. So, idjit - don't beat up on humans, 'specially those that're tryin' to help you."

Castiel looked nonplussed, but Sam thought maybe the message had penetrated the angel's thick skull.

"Now what do you mean, the angels took Adam? You branded his ribs, didn't you?" Bobby demanded. If they couldn't trust their ally, Sam thought, how could they win this war?

As Sam sponged his brother's face, the three of them focused on finding Adam. One brother was home safe; now they had to find the half-brother who'd been left behind, get him back before he tipped the world into the abyss.