At only the age of 15, I've accepted that I'll probably never amount to anything. Average grades, average looks, average personality. I've never been anything special. Well, not quite true. I've always been told I was exceptionally kind, but so far that's generally gotten me more crap than if I could just stand up for myself.

Anyway. My name is Aono Tsukune. Messy brown hair, average height; if you passed me on the street you probably would never even notice.

I got average grades in middle school; high school entrance exams are incredibly difficult, and with my average grades, I didn't get in. Needless to say, my mother was giving me a serious guilt trip over the fact until my dad got home dancing, informing us he found a flyer, called the number listed and got me into a prestigious school.

I may have a good relationship with my parents, but their reaction to my failing my entrance exams surprised even me. Mom hadn't stopped harassing me about it until then. It made me wonder if I really had a place with my family.

"Our son won't be a delinquent, a drop out!" my parents exclaimed while they embraced each other and danced around our kitchen. If my life were a manga, I'd have sweatdroped to the floor at the sight of it.

My reverie, thinking back to that night, was broken when the bus driver spoke up. "You'd best be prepared, boy. Youkai Academy is a terrifying school!"

After he said that, I felt chills go up my spine, but pushed it away as nerves. I'm the new kid in town; of course I'd be nervous! I got off the bus and took in my surroundings... and promptly wished I'd never disembarked that damn bus. He wasn't kidding! The whole place looked like it had pulled from a horror movie... huge cliff with red water? Check. Creepy castle with gargoyles? Check. Bike bell? Check. Wait what...?!


"Ow..." The hell? Some welcome! I put my hand down to give myself some leverage to get up... and felt something a lot softer than the ground my ass just hit.

"Ah..." An angelic voice squeaked. I opened my eyes to see what the source of the heavenly voice was, and saw the pink-haired goddess. A bust unmatched, beautiful, near-translucent skin, cotton candy pink hair... I was a goner the moment I opened my eyes. I cursed Fate mentally for teasing me; I'm the epitome of average, and here lay a goddess... with my hand on her thigh.


I promptly freaked out and tried to apologize, flailing and hoping I didn't offend her with my accidental hand placement. I wanted to make her acquaintance, because I felt, in my heart, something which I had never felt before. I felt an attraction, a movement in my life's priorities, with this girl at the center of it.

"Oh! Gomen gomen! I'm so sorry I ran into you... I'm anemic, you see, and I was kinda dizzy... Oh! You're bleeding!" she rattled off, and then began to rummage in her bag for something, and pulled out a handkerchief and began to lean over me to dab the blood away. She froze suddenly, and looked me straight in the eyes... I've never held direct eye contact with a girl this long before!

"...Don't think badly of me... I'm a vampire!" was all I heard before I felt her lips on my neck and... teeth inside my neck? Oddly, of the two, the second was better feeling than the first...

"OH! I'm so sorry! I couldn't help myself. Can we start over? My name is Akashiya Moka! Although I look like this, I'm a vampire! What's your name?

After blinking to regain my composure, I responded "Oh... Aono Tsukune. I'm a first year."

"Really?! Me too! Please be my friend?" she asked

She asked me... to be her friend? Yes! I could not verbally respond to having my hope of getting to know this girl better, so I just nodded my head.

She squealed in delight and responded "Yay! I was afraid I'd be lonely here, I don't know anyone either. After the entrance ceremony come find me and talk to me some more okay?" Of course I agreed to. Maybe Fate is paying me back.

Something seems weird, but right now I don't care. All I know is I have the opportunity to get to know Moka-San better, to have a place of my own – of some sort - with her.

And I will do whatever it takes to keep my place by her side.