A man in a long green coat looked out from his window on the highest floor of his home, he saw the stumps of the truffula trees, the sludgy water, the thick overhanging pollution in the sky. He spoke to himself to fill the silence, his voice thick with regret and tears.

"I did this. I tore this place to pieces. Cut down its trees, banished its creatures; filled the air with smog and waters with waste from my factory. I turned the ground to dust and burned and ravaged the land. I was so selfish.

"And now, I'm banished myself. Cut off from people, from mothers and fathers and children. And maybe it's for the best. I poisoned their air, their waters, I took and took till there was no more to take, and only then did I see my wrongs. Only when the harm had been done did I realize I had become a monster.

"I wonder, does the Lorax think I've paid my dues? Though I think I'll never be able to give enough, to repent enough, for what I've done. I miss them all, Melvin, Pipsqueak, the singing fish… especially the Lorax. And again, only after do I know what I have done. My family has forsaken me, my friends left me to my fate, and I sit in this dark, dusty room with only a single truffula seed for company, the last truffula seed. Will I ever see a tree again, I wonder? Will I ever be forgiven?

"I would rail against the world, scream to the sky, claw and bite and kick and punch my way through if it meant I could go back, stop myself from becoming greedy, and bitter. If I could see even one of them again, see the Lorax's stupid mustache again.

"But what I really want, I suppose, is not to be alone anymore."

He sighed and his shoulders slumped low, a single tear fell, tracing down his face and onto his lapel. And with that he turned out his light, lay down on the bed, and gently closed his eyes.

"Please. Forgive me."