Hello people of fanficiton. I am alive. I am very sorry for not updating this story in such a long time. I finally got a job and have been so busy. Thank you for enjoying my story and I am working on it and my other story (which i realized may have been too soon or at least not a good idea at the moment) since i have followers I would once again like to thank you all. When i have time I'll delete this storyand up date it with a better proof read version. thank u for going along with all my mistakes. this is a preview for the next chapter.

Shinji peered curiously at the red twister of terror. He once had a dream of this event happening but to see it in real life was something along the lines of a sober Misato or non-military Kensuke or a sensitive Toji or even the 3rd impact.

It did not just happen.

"Asuka...are you asking me to...?" Shinji asked quizzically. Asuka quickly covered his mouth before he had chance to finish his sentence. "Yes i am so don't make a big deal out of this!...I...umm" She uncharacteristically flushed in a embarrassment. That's when Shinji knew that this wasn't an Asuka revenge plan. This was Asuka asking for help. From him.

And it made him happy.

"Sure Asuka...I'll help with your date" he smiled weakly as he thought maybe happy wasn't quite the word he'd use.

conflicted was more like it

Asuka stared up at the stars above. It seemed like a perfect night out for this date. Everything had gone right, smoothly and she dared say it, perfectly. She turned her head to him and smile the biggest smile she had ever given anyone.

He smiled back, his blue eyes dancing in the moonlight with happiness as he told her "This is almost perfect"

"Almost perfect?" Asuka gently teased "What else is missing?"

He looked right at her and Asuka couldn't fight the shiver that raced down her body. Was this really about to happen?

He leaned in and slowly approached her lips, and she, unable to fight her longing for human warmth, did the same.

"There's more..."


"I'm Pregnant"

"Pregnant!? i...don't...huh?"

Then he fainted. Like she expected him too