Danger, Danger, Sam Winchester!

By CFEditor and the Ymp

A tale of the Impala and Sam and a date gone very wrong… cowritten by CFEditor and the Ymp for mainegirlwrites on her birthday. Happy birthday, Randee! Hope we got this right.

This chapter written by CFEditor


Chapter 1: She Likes Me

Sam gazed shyly at Miriam, the cute girl in the passenger seat. A college student who worked at the library, she'd helped with Sam's research. Normally the research had his full attention, especially because lives were so often at stake. This time, he'd found himself glancing at Miriam while he worked, noticing her long, red hair and the way her hips swayed as she brought him a book from the shelf. When the research was done, she'd pulled him aside.

"Hey," she said, "I've got tickets to this concert, wanna come? Tonight at 8..."

"S..sure," he'd stuttered, wondering how he was going to convince Dean to lend him the Impala.

In the end, he didn't have to. Dean and Dad were on a hunt in Dad's truck. So Sam had borrowed the Impala.

Now he was sitting in the driver's seat, tongue-tied and useless, wishing he were more like his brother.

He cleared his throat. "So..."

"So... there's some time before the concert starts." She smiled fetchingly at him. "We could... talk..."

Suddenly the doors of the Impala locked, and Sam noticed the sharp fangs in Miriam's mouth.