Disclaimer: Victorious is NOT owned by Num.1 Hyperactive Kunoichi, thank you public.

A little warning for the flashback on this one. It could be rated M, but i really don't feel it's all that graphic, but feel free to skip to the line break.


She wasn't entirely sure how it happened. One second they were laughing carelessly at the ditzy blonde actress, the next they were swapping spit. With her sitting comfortably in between his legs, his back against the couch.

"This is so wrong; you're like my gay best friend." She mumbled against his jaw, where she was previously placing kisses, before drawing his lower lip lightly in between hers.

"I'm not gay." His stated his voice husky with need as he drew her in closer.

"Yeah but you could never love me, just like I could never love you." Her words were slurred but her touch was accurate as her hand descended.

"Then this can't be wrong." He whispered, lowering her to the floor.

"Why did you go out with Tori?" She hummed, enjoying the warmth setting in. "You knew I didn't like her." She said it with curiosity simply.

"I wanted to know." He kissed her jaw.

"Know what?" She whispered, intertwining her fingers with his.

"What made her worth your time? Your anger, you're insecurity." Her shirt was suddenly gone, thanks to quick fingers.

"Did you find it?" She asked, returning the favor.

"No, and I don't think you have either." Her skin was so warm, soft.

"Then why do her wrong?" She ran her fingers through his hair, her back arching slightly.

"She went through my phone." His fingers were traveling past her waistline at this point. "Some things are private."

"She apologized." Jade reminded him tracing the edges of his belt.

"I did too, everything should be even." He kissed her again, throwing the buckled material aside.

"It's not." She whispered when they parted.

"You wanna know why?" He asked looking into her eyes. They were hazy, but focused.

"Tell me." She ran the back of her hand against the side of his face. He always did fascinate her.

"Because I didn't retaliate when she snooped in my things. I let it go, it would have ended there. Then she goes and calls on me again. I didn't deny her because I figured it was fine, but then she heard a rumor. She retaliated, so therefore she won. It's simple as that. You retaliate, get the upper hand and come out victorious in the end."

"Hmmmm" She kissed his chest. "So you're completely innocent in the matter?" She eyed the necklace hanging from his neck.

"It's not my fault I lose interest fast. Partner activities require you to take a look around the room. I see what I like and go for it. Talent or not." That reminded him.

"You're still a dick." She smiled against his lips, as he kissed her eagerly.

"You think Beck wants to know too." She asked shimmying out of her shorts. "What makes her worth my time?"

"I don't know." He answered truthfully. "I can only speak for myself." All remaining clothes at this point were thrown to the side.

"Well I hope he finds it." She closes her eyes, waiting for him.

"Then maybe he can tell us." She gasped, gripping his shoulders.

"Maybe." He sighed back, lost for the moment.

"He almost kissed her tonight, ya know, maybe he already did." Her eyes were closed, her breath ragged.

"Kisses don't always mean something." His mind was focused somewhere else. Somewhere she wished she too could float off to.

"Like now?" Her toes curled.

"Yeah" He smiled lightly.

"What are we thinking?" Her mouth busy against his neck.

"It doesn't really matter at this point ." He whispered against her skin.

"I don't love you." She felt the tears comings. This was wrong, even she knew it, but it just didn't feel wrong.

"I know. I don't either." He kissed her eyelids.

"Could we pretend then?" She whimpered, moving her hips with his.

"Just for right now?" He held her tightly.

"Yeah" She whispered.

"Then I love you." Ryder told her intertwining their fingers together.

"I love you too." She smiled back lightly.

It didn't mean anything. It never does.

"I'm leaving." She snaps, but made no move to get up. It was a few days after finally confirming her suspicions.

They were seated at their usual lunch table after Sikowitz's class. No surprise there. Conversation was mediocre at best. She figured it was time to drop the bombshell.

"Where you going?" Cat asked, everyone else assuming she was referring to her spot at the table.

"Away." She shrugged, reaching for the salt. It was all a matter of keeping cool she reminded herself.

"Well how long." Cat tilted her head at an angle. Her friend didn't usually leave her.

"Forever." Jade said casually. She was met with silence before, yup you guessed it, Vega spoke up.

"Wait, are you being serious right now?" Tori asked, giving her a skeptical look.

"No I'm lying and penguins are flying." She pointed up and wasn't surprised when they all lifted their gaze.

"Stupid." She mumbled

"Umm Jade?" Tori cleared her throat.

"Yes I'm serious." She sighed. "I'm leaving"

"Why?" Beck asked, not wrapping his mind around what was being said. 'Was she going on a trip or something?'

"As in leaving Hollywood arts?" Andre asked.

"That's what leaving means." She rolled her eyes. She vaguely wondered what the chances of them following her were if she just got up and left. Pretty high right, I mean with Tori being as nosey as she was.

"But why? When? Where to Jadey?" Cat squealed in fear. This wasn't happening it must be a day similar in meaning to April first, it had to be.

"New York probably, I'm leaving in a couple of days."

Gasps rang out and Jade lowered her gaze to her salad. Was this what Ryder meant when he mentioned finding out wasn't the hardest part?

"But why?" Beck asked. This was just Jade being Jade, she was just being cruel. I mean did she not know how badly this would tilt their entire dynamic.

"Why not?" She spat back, feeling her blood boil. "I'm not doing much here." She crossed her arms.

"I can't remember the last time I led a play where my character wasn't chosen at random. I'm wasting my time here. I need to get out there and get my own already. I'm sick and tired of going at the same routine continuously. I'm talented, physically appealing, intelligent, and I'm wasting it all sitting here. It exhausting." She finished pinning them with a look of determination. "I should've been famous by now. Broadway's my calling anyways."

"That's stupid Jade! You're barely in high school. You have time, leaving and running off to New York isn't going to get you anything. We're not even close to graduation!" Tori exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter, I won't need it." She shrugged keeping up the facade. Cat had gone completely silent at this point, which didn't surprise her.

"Jade this is crazy." Andre sighed reaching out to grip her shoulder. She didn't shrug him off. He cared; she wouldn't hold it against him.

"It might be." She felt his hand drop as she shrugged. "but it's a change."

"This is bull shit Jade! What's your motive what are you getting at here?" Beck snapped his panic escalating into rage.

"I just thought I'd let you know. It's not nice waking up to find someone gone, vanished without any warning signs. Friend or not." She explained with a glare. Her voice stayed low as she searched his eyes, careful to not read anything out of context.

"You're quitting High School, but you're not even eighteen yet." Robbie exclaimed. "What would your parents say?"

"They don't care and just because I'm quitting doesn't mean I can't go get my G.E.D later. It's about time I took some control of my life. I want things, like really want them, and I'm not gonna quit till I get them. If that means stepping out then fine, whatever it takes." She said firmly.

"Jadey no! You can't leave! New York is too far away." Cat cried reaching across the table to grasp her hands in hers. "It's too far." She shook her head, tears spilling.

"I have an appointment with Lane later to finalize my withdraw papers." She stood up. "It's happening deal with it." She looked down on them, engraving each of their faces to memory, willingly for the first time.

She heard laughter, Beck was always surprising her. "I'm sorry, but do you want applause now or is this just another one of your twisted schemes? You know Jade you've done some pretty stupid shit before, but this, this has no basis." Beck spoke as he stood. He rounded the table to face her, leaned toward her with a condescending look fixated even in his stance

"What really happened?" He asked. "What finally clicked that made you decide to leave!" He snapped. Anger was raging off him, and for a second she was grateful for Andre's sudden hold on his arm.

That is until she remembered who she was, Jade West that is.

"First off back up before I backhand you so hard, my handprints will still be there even after I'm gone." She snarled.

"You see Beck that's the thing about me. I leave marks. I'm raw, wild. I engrave myself in everything I touch. You on the other hand, you fade. Pretty scripted words fade. Looks fade, your presence will fade. You are going to fade because you're empty." She smiled, but it wasn't a pretty one. This one scared him.

"You whisper." She said it in a soft voice. "Volume doesn't fit you it sounds misplaced every time you use it. The way your eyes shift away from your target, you avoid confrontation. You avoid what you want. Tell us Beck what do you want? Throw the script away for a second and introduce yourself to us. Leave the smile behind, the relaxed posture. Show us raw, can you? No?" She tilted her head mockingly.

"Now ask me again what finally clicked." She spat, turning and walking off.

She didn't need to tell them why she was leaving, she simply was. It wasn't like she'd ever see any of them again, at least not if she could help it. Granted that wasn't really how she wanted their last conversation to go, but better she told them then have Lane tell them.

She knocked on his door twice before letting herself in. She wanted to attend Sikowitz's class one last time, before saying goodbye.

"Jade?" Lane asked surprised to see the raven haired girl in his office. He was expecting someone else surely. Stepping over to his desk he picked up the withdrawal form lying on it. His breath hitched for a second when he took into the account the name printed in perfect scripture across the top.

"Is there anything you'd like to talk about Jade?" He took a seat across from her.

"Can we not do this?" She muttered rolling her eyes deeply. It was a warning of her oncoming temper.

"You're withdrawing from Hollywood arts?" He asked.

"That's why I'm here." She spoke, sarcastically picking at her dark cotton tights.

"I just need you to give me my transcripts." She leaned back in her seat crossing her arms to her chest.

"Why? I thought you liked it here. You worked hard to get to where you're at, going somewhere else isn't going to help you reach your dreams as well as Hollywood Arts is."

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm not planning on enrolling anywhere else." She spoke

"Wait? You're dropping out! Not transferring? Jade you're smarter, better than that." He didn't believe this, what happened? "Your parents-

"What about them? They signed the papers, there opinion is irrelevant. Look I want to get to Sikowitz's class on time, so can we speed this up." She snapped eyeing the bottles of lotion stacked throughout.

"Jade this is serious. If there's something you want to talk about, feel free to do so. I won't judge you, but you really need to think this one through. Without a proper education much less a diploma how do you expect to compete in the work force?"

"It's not like anyone takes an art major seriously anyways. It's a bunch of bull. I'm packing up and heading out to New York. I'll give it some time. If it's meant to be it'll happen, if not then I'll do something else. That's the funny thing about this world. You get choices; it's your choice on how you use them." She answered seriously.

"I really don't think you've grasped the severity of the situation. Your junior year will be over in just over a month and then you're a senior. Colleges will be stacking up to nab you, opportunities will start flying. I know things seem hard now, but they're just obstacles they don't have to hinder you." He stressed hoping to get through to her. Troubled or not, she was too talented to let it all sink now.

"Pretty words Lane." She sighed, she was tired of explaining herself, because sooner or later something was going to slip.

"Listen Lane, as the guidance council I know it kinda looks like it's your fault that I failed so miserably, but it's not. You couldn't have predicted this any more than I could have three years ago. All I'm asking is that you give me the proper documentation and let me go to my last few classes of the day." She stood.

"Jade, reconsider-

"Sikowitz's class starts in two minutes are you going to give me my papers or not." She snapped.

"Come back after his class, I'll have them all in order by then." He sighed, this was so wrong.

"Thanks." She saw herself out.

"Hello pretty people, how do you do?" Where did this man get his diploma again?

"How do we do what?" Cat asked, still sad from the earlier news, but at least the tears stopped.

"It's just something you say cat." Robbie patted her back.

"Jadey!" Cat squealed pushing Robbie out of the seat next to her making room for Jade, just as she walked through the door.

"Jade you're late!" Sikowitz twirled on stage.

"Yeah, great." She snapped

"Mind telling us why." He asked

"I actually do mind thanks for asking." She wasn't thankful at all.

"Righty-o" He pointed.

"Now let's get down to business. Drum roll please." The class obeyed feet stomping in sync.

"You guys will be doing a partner project, for the remainder of the semester." He clapped his hands once in confirmation.

"What kind of project?" Robbie asked.

"All in good time." He spun around picking up a magician's hat.

"First pick your partners." He placed the hat in front of Vega's nose. "Pick!" He exclaimed

"Alright, alright." She laughed reaching in for a slip.

"Don't look!" Sikowitz screamed causing her to nearly fall back, clutching her hands to her chest.

"Sikowitz!" She exclaimed.

"Yes?" He asked, receiving nothing but a glare.

"Jade pick." He stuck the hat near her face.

"No." She glared pushing it aside.

"Why not?" He asked shaking the hat fondly

"Because I'm not doing it." She said matter of factly.

"Oh and why not?" He always loved a challenge, a clever mind even more.

"Because," She mumbled.

"Ooh Jade's got a secret." He taunted. "Tell us."

"I'm leaving alright, so I won't be here for the rest of the semester." She rolled her eyes, at the silence, really it wasn't that big of a deal.

"What?" Sikowitz asked, looking a bit more sober.

"I dropped out okay!" She exclaimed.

Sikowitz blinked once, twice before bursting out into loud and robust laughter, slapping his knees in the process. "Aww Jade, funny funny funny." He crackled. "You almost had me."

"Whatever." She grabbed her bag, and left, slamming the door on her way out. She was done being laughed at, she wasn't going to be laughed at, nor pitied, and much less humiliated. Not Jade West.

Beck didn't need Tori's look to tell him. Without warning he shot up and ran after her. He needed to tell her, let her know. He let her walk away from him to many damn times already.

"Jade wait!" He called, just as the janitor's door slammed close.

He reached it just time, before her hands were able to lock it. With only a bit of force, he was able to push his way in.

"Get out!" She yelled.

"Stop talking, hush because I'm talking." He held up his hand

"Oh I'm guessing you expect me to listen?" She crossed her arms, this whole situation was way too familiar.

"I get it Jade. You're mad, you're frustrated-

"You don't know shit!" She snapped.

"Maybe not, but I do know one thing, and that's that I don't want you to leave." He reached out to her, disappointed when she stepped back.

"Why? We don't get along, being in one another's company is uncomfortable, we don't talk we yell. If it weren't for the fact that I'm too stubborn to switch tables and that Cat would cry, I'd be avoiding you like the plague." She fired back.

"There isn't a need for that. I never wanted to lose you." His eyes shown with sincerity but she wasn't buying it.

"You broke up with me." She reminded him.

"You walked out!" He yelled.

"You didn't follow!" She retaliated.

"You could've stayed!" His throat was tightening; this is not how he pictured this conversation going.

"I wasn't welcomed, wasn't that your whole point." She snarled

"You shouldn't have given me an ultimatum!" He countered.

"You should've grown a pair." She took a step forward.

"Isn't that what I did?" He asked

She wasn't amused. "Look are you done, because if you came here to yell at me you can go ahead and-

"No! Jade no." He shook his head. He didn't want to fight her. "It's just you frustrate me, and it-it, Jade I want you." He sighed.

"Whoa, okay conversation over." She attempted to sidestep him, he wasn't having it.

"No I didn't mean it like that." He clarified.

"You're frustrated and you want me. Your message is pretty clear." She said it sarcastically.

"I want you back and I'm tired of acting like I don't. I adore you, temper and all." He confessed.

"You need to stop while you're ahead." She wasn't sure she could handle this right now.

"You're harsh, bold, cruel, but you're so alive and I love it. There's no one like you, and there never will be. I know I don't own you, but I feel like I'm yours, because you've already done everything to engrave it into me." He spoke softly

"Yeah sorry." She interrupted.

"I'm not complaining. I love that you claimed me, but it's like you said. I'm transparent, empty. I need you to fill me with something, anything. Because I can feel it happening- I'm already being shoved to the background, and it's not like I mind, but it just makes it harder for you to spot me." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"I don't want to be that idiot, the one that never spoke up. I'm not sure what I did that was so wrong, but I'm willing to go back to the beginning of Crist and right every wrong If you asked. I'm Beck Oliver, but even I had to have crawled at one point." He continued

"Beck." Her eyes were brimmed with unshed tears, but her voice was telling him to stop.

"You asked what it was that I wanted, and I'm going to tell you." He looked her in the eyes.

"I want you. I want to go back to holding your hand, to telling you I love you and meaning it. To fueling your anger, to arguing your opinions, and watching you sleep within my sheets, because regardless of what I say or do, I love you." He spoke confidently watching as the tears almost fell across her cheeks but not quite yet.

"I know I make you jealous, make you doubt my loyalty, but Jade you make me doubt my sanity. Everyone else attracts me in through curiosity, but Jade you're certainty. I never once doubted your affection." He reached out to hold her hand, she let him.

"You're everything I want, but I'm not, and you leaving its just unfathomable." He sighed. "How am I supposed to have a storyline if it isn't opposite yours?" He asked

"Tori could give you a storyline, the likes of which Hollywood arts has never seen before." She answered him.

"There's a reason for that, we're creative people here. We don't do boring." He cut that train of thought there, but she didn't look convinced.

"Jade do you honestly believe it could ever even come close to shadowing ours?" He asked her. "It'd be pretty, with classical music playing in the background, and prom queen, and king crowns on pedestals. I'd be perfect and I'd hate every second you weren't there to ruin it." He smiled at her, the mental image laughable.

"I'm tired of missing you, at laughing at your outbursts in secret. I need you in my life, and you leaving isn't an option!" He couldn't take her strong attempts to hold back her silent tears anymore. She wasn't crying yet but he could tell by the way her shoulders trembled that she was close to it. He quickly pulled her against him, wrapping her in the security of his arms. "So tell me what I need to do to make you happy, to make you stay, to make you believe you can stay and still get all that you want." He whispered against her familiar frame.

He let her stifle her cries against his shirt, gave her a moment to clear her mind. He wasn't too sure why the tears were flowing, but he didn't rush her.

"When did you figure all this out?" She whispered, after a few moments drying her face on her sleeve taking a step out of his embrace. He felt cold without her, but he didn't push her.

"When I watched you leave the PMA's" He cringed at the thought of watching her leave with that guy.

"Funny." She laughed a bitter cold laugh and he didn't know if the tears threatening to spill again were from her laughter or something he didn't quite understand yet.

"What's so funny?" He frowned, confused at the sudden turn of events. Did he not get through to her like he thought he did?

"Nothing, everything, my god!" She was suddenly in hysteria, pacing across the room, hands unable to stay still.

"It's just so, ugh what's the word ironic? Painfully cynical. You know Beck we try so hard to be good actors but in reality our whole goddamn lives are so much like a movie scene, so scripted, so blockbuster worthy that we should just go ahead and focus on it instead." She laughed again, her eyes slightly red like the tip of her nose.

"Jade I-

"Shut up!" She yelled.

"I don't understand, help me out here." He pleaded with her, attempting to hold her still, but she wasn't having it.

"Help you? Help you! You want me to help you?!" She mocked, gesturing toward him. "I can't even fuckin help myself Beck."

"Jade calm down." This time he did manage to embrace her, suddenly fearful for her state of mind. Did Jade West finally snap?

"I can't help you." She finally whispered, breathing in deeply

"Jade I lov-

"Please don't." She shook her head, embracing him tighter than she ever had before. She didn't need to hear it anymore.

"Don't say something you'll rethink later, or make me over think again. I want you in my life Beck." She whispered against his chest. She wasn't sure she'd ever done anything harder in her life. " but not like before, but like before before." She elaborated. "What I need now more than anything is your friendship. You said you needed me in your life, take it or leave it." She spoke

"I don't think I ca-

"We were friends before we screwed it up. You kept it in check then you can keep it in check now." She glared up at him, trying desperately not to do anything stupid.

"We didn't have history then." He mumbled feeling his heart break with every word she spoke.

"In a second you're gonna wish we didn't." She dropped her arms.

"Jade?" He whispered, pulling her in closer.

"I can't be with you Beck, eight months is a long time, things can change. Things have changed." She stepped back, but his arms were still wrapped firmly around her waist.

"They haven't, not really, but yea I guess you're not as mean to Tori as you used to be." He attempted a smile, blinking rapidly to hide the moister in his eyes.

"That's more your doing then mine" She sighed thinking back on that night.

"Whatever it is Jade I'm sure we can work it out?" He looked down at the girl in his arms, his girl.

"We really can't. Even if it was still strictly about me and you I'd probably still say no." She shook her head, dark curls bouncing.

"You don't love me anymore?" He asked, not sure why he asked the question he was most scared of.

"I don't know what I feel right now, and frankly I just can't handle any more stress in my life right now." She answered him truthfully, but it was a lie. She loved him.

"I still don't understand." He shook his head.

"Ryder and I-

"This is about Ryder?" He suddenly recoiled holding her at arm's length.

"Look I get it, I didn't know what I was missing. You started hanging out with Ryder to prove a point. Make me jealous and ok it worked, you don't have to pretend anymore." He said

She looked at him with sad eyes. "Contrary to popular belief I didn't get with Ryder to make you jealous. I know what that's like, its awful, and I wouldn't pull that out unless I was really angry. Which I wasn't, which I'm not. I haven't been mad at you for a long time now Beck. Ryder's my friend ok."

"If he's just your friend then what is it Jade?" He asked her.

"I really am moving back to New York. I wasn't kidding." It came out in a jumble of words.

"What? He whispered, sporting a confused look, and if that wasn't the sound of his world plummeting he didn't know what was.

"With him." She was quick to point out.

"What? Why? Why would you even think to do something so stupid? What does he have on you Jade?" He swallowed struggling to maintain his cool. Surely she wasn't serious.

"My parents kicked me out, he offered me a place. Broadway's always been my calling anyways." She rambled knowing she was getting closer and closer to the truth with every passing second.

"Wait your parents kicked you out? What'd you do? I don't even, Jade I need you to start making sense soon." He held her hand but she could see his armor cracking.

"I can't stay here Beck, people are goanna talk. I won't be able to handle it. I'm goanna need my closest friends for this one, and they're all back north." She explained.

"You have friends here! We're your friends. What do we have to do to prove that to you? Damn it Jade stop cutting us out of your life because we're not leaving." He almost snapped at her.

"No but I am, and I get that I have some friends here, but not like back home. It's about the quality not the quantity and the few I have back north are for life. They're my support, my rocks and I'm gonna need them. I don't need to be here anymore. People are gonna talk and no one's gonna tell them to shut the hell up or tell me to fuckin hold my head up like they will." She retaliated.

"Since when do you care what people think Jade?" He asked her.

"The second you started to you hypocrite!" She glared, wiping tears from her eyes as she referred to their 'Queries for Couples.' mishap.

"Start with telling me why your parents kicked you out in the first place. Wait when did they kick you out?" He asked.

"Three days ago." She sighed, looking at the ground, the day she found out.

"Where have you been staying?" Worry crossed his face. He still hadn't let go of her hand.

"With Ryder." She whispered

"Why not Cat, or hell even Tori would've offered you a place." He was slowly but surely developing a deep hatred for Jade's supposed friend.

"This was personal." She sighed.

"Jade what happened." He lowered his gaze to meet her.

She couldn't take it anymore, she snapped. "They kicked me out because I'm two months pregnant." She spoke quickly but clearly. Not wanting to repeat herself.

"What?" He whispered, that being the last thing he was expecting.

Quickly his mind scrambled for everything he knew on the subject. It took him no more than two seconds to do the math.

"But we, we haven't. You're lying! This isn't funny Jade. We've been broken up for eight months. We've barely spoken, much less...

"Don't make this harder." She pleaded, her heart thumping a million beats per second, denying the cold hard facts wouldn't get them anywhere.

"Who, when?" He slumped against the closet door, stumbling and falling into a sitting position. It wasn't registering in his mind. Jade was his, she was always his, but her baby wasn't?

"But I love you he mumbled." She remained rooted to her spot, as he looked up at her with desperate eyes. Pleading with her to tell him it wasn't true.

"Too bad love isn't really what makes a baby." She sighed looking as equally distraught.

"It, it's Ryder's? Isn't it!" He spat, hurt boiling into rage.

"It happened after the PMA's" She nodded.

"He was in town at a party I ended up at. I was upset, he was there. He felt safe, normal, like things finally made sense again." She mumbled.

"What do you mean normal!" He shouted. "Since when is sleeping with Ryder normal!" He said in a rage. Cat's early comment springing to mind. Was anything between them really only shared between them.

"It's not. We never had, up till that point you were the only guy I've ever been with." She looked away seeing the look of distraught on his face. Of course he would assume she was all his in that department, and she would've been, but hey shit happens.

"But him being there when I needed, him that was normal. His stupid lectures that was normal." She sighed. It hurt her to see him like this.

"But you slept with him. Best friend or not, you don't see me sleeping around with Tori, when I'm upset."

"Just more proof that we're not the same. Though I'm not so sure that's one hundredth percent true. I mean you have no trouble in attempting to make out with her and bad mouthing me. If she wasn't so perfect I'm not sure you'd be able to truthfully say that right now." Her gaze was downcast, she was physically and mentally exhausted.

"What are you talking about?" He backpedaled.

"Don't worry about it now. What's done is done. I accepted the hand I was dealt and I'm living up to it. I think it's time we both just get it through our thick skulls that we're simply never gonna work out again." She whispered, putting her façade back up, drying her tears, and running her fingers through her hair.

"You never loved me!" He shouted back "If you had you wouldn't have." He shook his head. "You wouldn't have ruined us!"

"I've never loved someone like I did you." She said sincerely.

"You're lying. Say it! Tell me it was all a big fat lie, a ploy to get on top. That none of it was real!" He demanded through a stream of tears.

"I think it was you who never really loved me, but I don't blame you. It's a hard task for anyone." She shrugged sadly. Hurt that he would rather her lie to him then take things as they were. He had her love, every last ounce of it, but as usual she had to be the bad guy.

"I have to go, my plane leaves tomorrow." She walked passed him, careful not to bump into him in his sitting position.

"You're a coward." He whispered, not entirely sure who it was directed at.

"And you're hurt, but unlike me, you'll get over it." She slammed the door on her way out.

Surprise Surprise. Thank you to all that reviewed. You guys literally make my day. I especially love long review, so thanks again. These chapters I feel have all been a little rushed so I'm glad you're enjoying them. Nonetheless constructive criticism is awesome, and very much appreciated. I just started my freshman year of college less than a month ago, so my writing time is now very limited. Your encouragement really is what helps me along.

Also guys I'm gonna be introducing a few new characters next chapter, but only like two possibly three. And no I'm not going to ask for any OOC's because I feel that's kinda lazy of the author and not very creative nor exciting, but I will ask you this. (Oh and no offense to anyone that does, just not my thang) Is there any like small characteristics, like hair color for instance or a small tweek, or catch phrase you're dying for one of the character to have? Let me know and I might incorporate it, because I like to keep you guys interested and give you what you want. I do listen to feedback and all, so yeah, until next time.