SUPER DUPER AUTHOR'S ALERT! My fics have been complained about by a newbie author to the site and she has decided to slap the rules in front of me about them. As such I have my fics moved to other sites... Dokuga and YourFanFiction. I will be under the name prclark, for those who are fans of mine LOVE to you all and I hope to see you all on those other sites.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the music in this fic. Selena Gomez and The Scene owns all music.

AN: A request by the real pclark, in other words my mom. lol.

Last Time: Kagome continued to look at them with an emotionless face. Her eyes just as blank as a peice of new parchment but not as lifeless, there was still a spark of her anger swirling with her own self-justice lying within the depths of her dark eyes searing into him. There was no way that Inuyasha couldn't figure out that she knew and had known for a while what had been happening. She was not a fool after all.

Kagome didn't stop for a break this time. She was tired of letting him sweat out there and besides her wolf brothers were getting antsy. They were all gathered at a table that was several from Inuyasha's and they were glaring daggers at him. When Inuyasha had first arrived, Kagome was sure that Koga was going to pounce on him and beat the crap out of him but it had to be Ginta and Hakakku that calmed him down long enough for her to let him know they were over.

She would ask them when it was all over. But first she had to finish her break-up and then begin her requests, that is if anyone would still be there after her brothers got a hold of him.

Quickly they adjusted for the next number and began the music. It was just best that they finished it right then and there. Koga's temper and patience would only last so long when it came to her.

"Alright this is the last one for Inuyasha and well, it is very telling. Ok, so this is Sick of You." Sango said to the crowd, Kagome just didn't want to do it.

(AN: Sick of You is owned by Selena Gomez and The Scene.)

You know fairytales don't come true
Not when it comes to you
Open up for the first time
And you can bet that it's the last time
And I'm cool with laying low
It's Saturday night and I'm staying home

I'm feeling good for the first time (first time)
It's been a while since the last time
I'll wave goodbye when you say hello

I'm sick of the sleepless, never ending nights
I just don't care who was wrong or right
I'm sick of the rumors and the alibis
You tear me up, I'll cut you down to size

I'm s-s-s-s-so sick of you, so sick of you
Sick of all of your little lies
I'm s-s-s-s-so sick of you, so sick of you
Sick of all the girls by your side
What you don't know,
Is how great it feels, to let you go

I quit your game,
It's so see through
You know I'm way to good for you
Moving on to the next time
Drop the baggage and I'll be fine
When it's time to reminisce,
Your gonna realize you miss this

Your on my mind for the last time
And at the most you were a past time
I'll wave goodbye when you say hello

Oooh, whooa

I'm sick of the sleepless, never ending nights
I just don't care who was wrong or right
I'm sick of the rumors and the alibis
You tear me up, I'll cut you down to size

I'm s-s-s-s-so sick of you, so sick of you
Sick of all of your little lies
I'm s-s-s-s-so sick of you, so sick of you
Sick of feeling bad by your side
What you don't know,
Is how great it feels, to let you go

I'm happy you're alone
Take down all your pictures and I'll throw,
Those memories out the door, I'm
Sick of you, so sick of you, sick of all of your little lies

I'm sick of the sleepless, never ending nights (nights)
I just don't care who was wrong or right
I'm sick of the rumours and the alibis (alibis)
You tear me up, I'll cut you down to size

S-s-s-s-so sick of you, so sick of you,
Sick of all of your little lies
S-s-s-s-so sick of you, so sick of you
So I'm getting on with my life

S-s-s-s-so sick of you, I'm so sick of you,
I'm so sick of you

S-s-s-s-so sick of you, I'm so sick of you,
I'm so sick of you

What you don't know,
Is how great it feels,
to let you go

When Kagome completed the number she had done a quick spin and then slammed down onto the stage. Applause errupted from the crowd and there were several jeers directed at Inuyasha and Kikyo. Kagome sat up and stood, barely glanced out at the crowd and left the stage. She left Sango to do the announcing.

"We will be back after a fifteen minute break. Until then Miroku will act as D-Jay and take requests." Sango announced to them.

Kagome flipped her hair and went out to the floor. She was going to take a walk outside for some fresh air when she caught sight of Koga, Ginta, and Hakakku dragging Inuyasha out the doors. He was knocked unconcious, gagged, and bound. She did wonder what they were going to do with him but he was no longer her concern, so she turned to another exit and took that one. Officially walking out of his life; turning her back on all of the memories they had made and leaving herself ready to be snatched up by the true one for her heart.


Quietly Sesshomaru hung up his telephone. He leaned back in his desk chair and looked up at the ceiling. He had just recieved a phone call from his father, telling him about Inuyasha's infidelity to Kagome. He had listened intently to everything Kagome had done to Inuyasha at prom; breaking up with him in front of everyone, humility for him and Kikyo through her music, as well as Inuyasha being drug away by her wolf brothers. He approved very much of her method, even though it was too tame for him.

His time had come to scoop her up and make her his and he was going to start immediately. Quickly he left his home and went to find his singular priestess. He was sure that by time summer break ended she would be his and would never give Inuyasha a second though. He had waited long enough for her and now he was going to make her his.

AN: Ah-HAH! It is finished. Ok, now, it sounds so much better when you listen to the songs that go with this fic. Also there is a sequel that is posted. Read before it is gone... The Summer's Not Hot.