Authors Note: This is a project to get a basic design for characters to appear in MetalMunk15's new story "Feral Heart". First up will be my OC I sent in, Ratchet.

Disclaimer: Alvin and the chipmunks belongs to Ross B. and Fox Studios, and the story of "Feral Heart" belongs to MetalMunk15.

Spies vs Criminals: Ratchet.

In appearance, Ratchet is a giant robot of about fifteen feet tall, though his legs are considerably shorter than his arms, forcing this mechanized paradox move about in a similar way to that of a simian (ape-like creature). His head is nearly featureless, aside from a glowing optic for an eye, which can see in sonar, infrared, x-ray, ultraviolet, and normal light signatures, along with making a scan of anything he sees and pin pointing their weakest spots. His hands only have four digits, three fingers and a thumb on each hand, the fingers and thumbs tipped in blade claws, and each hand is able to be fired out and be used as a grappling hook for this massive machine to climb tall surfaces quickly. These grappling hook hands can also be used to grab things from a far away and retract it back to this machine, and also to capture enemies if the need calls for it.

Something to take note of is that he can speak, though his voice is a copy of actor James Earl Jones (famous as the voice of Darth Vader from Star Wars). This machine is of military origin, and as such he is armed with wrist mounted Gatling guns and two shoulder mounted sniper rifles, and to help him ambush opposing forces, his right hand can be converted into a titanium drill to dig a trench to hide in, though not needed as he can render himself completely invisible in a stealth mode cloaking. With a two pronged forked output jack extended from his left wrist, he can hack into any mechanical device ranging from an iPod to the POTUS mainframe by means of ramming into the device in question, and steal any information he desires. The biggest weapon this brute of metal and bolts has at his disposal is four rocket launchers mounted on his back, two on each of his shoulder blades, the rockets fired containing phosphorus, an element that ignites into extremely hot burning fire upon contact with oxygen. For close quarters combat, Ratchet was given a deep understanding of basically every known fighting technique on Earth, and even though he has no need to have this, it can help him to predict how his opponents will fight him, and turn that against them (though, in all logistics, he could just as easily deliver a back handed blow with the power of a freight train behind it). If that wasn't enough, this mechanized brute is heavily armored, and can take a hit from a tank round with nothing more than some dents as evidence (though that doesn't go to say that he isn't indestructible...just really hard to break in general), along with reflexes quick enough that he can catch an enemy rocket and fling it back at them. Although he didn't get the chance to be tested for it, Ratchet was built so he could withstand a blast from a nuclear bomb, and as such has a built in Geiger counter to measure any and all radiation in a certain area.

This machine also has the ability of flight in the form of a jet engine mounted in his back, but is funnily enough afraid of flying. The appearance of fear, or any emotion for that matter, in a machine suggests that at one point Ratchet was a living human being, but as of this moment it is unknown. A final feature this massive mechanical paradox has is in the form of a laser sight for targeting purposes. Originally built for the demolition of military bases, Ratchet was stolen by The Feral Heart and rewired to serve him as his personal guard dog and minion for all his heists.

So, how was this guy? Let me know in the comment box below…I know, the box is scary, but it's alright, it won't bite XD.

EDIT: just made some touch-ups on the bio there, I was tired last night and made some mistakes. and just so you know, this post is to archive all the OC's featured in the "Feral Heart" story, not just what I myself designed like my other description posts I've done. Obviously, the next update will contain the other featured OC sent in and (as of chapter 1) featured in the story itself. One last thing, the question is still the same, and if I have done this correctly, then the reviews i have gotten so far will still be there for me, and others, to read over.

Anyway, as always, here's the question of the day:

"If you had a robot, what would you make it do for you?"