I apologize for the late update. The last few weeks I didn't update because I wanted to see what would happen on the show.

And what can I say about the finale? Well maybe I shouldn't say anything. I'll start going on a rant. Plus, if you haven't seen the finale, well I don't want to spoil anything. All I'm gonna say is that it is completely unfair that we have to wait a whole year till we see any more episodes! 2013 is so far away!

On the subject, I don't know how often I'm going to update till then. I mean, I am going to be making this story my own, too, but with the way the finale ended with the thing with Hal, I don't know how that will affect things.

Just a heads up there. So if I don't update after this for a while, you know why.

And thank you everybody who has been with me on this story since the first chapter.

I don't own Falling Skies.


Chapter 5

Maggie's POV

Maggie reluctantly left Hal's room in the hospital section of the Charleston base. She didn't want to leave. It was the last thing she wanted to do, but she knew better than to argue with Dr. Glass. As soon as they left Hal alone, she excused herself from the rest of the group, a million thoughts rolling around in her head at once.

The last week at Charleston was somewhat of a blur. As she tried to sort through it all, most of what made sense was Hal. Hal's face, with dark hair like his dad and his gorgeous brown eyes, kept popping up in her mind. In just a matter of days, Maggie had gone from having a major crush on the oldest Mason boy to completely head-over-heels, crazy, stupid, for him.

Though she would never admit that to anyone but herself and Hal.

But as soon as she had started talking about her past with Hal, though difficult, she couldn't stop. The words came so easily. She trusted Hal. Once the story was out to Hal, about her being a junkie, a jail-bird, and a mom…well it had been a huge weight off of her shoulders. Granted, Hal didn't take it so well at first, but she couldn't bring herself to stay mad at Hal. It was like staying mad at a puppy.

Then of course he rescued her from the cage prisons at Charleston, along with giving her a whole speech about how he was no longer High-School-Jock-Hal-Mason and she was no longer Junkie-Mommy-Maggie. All of that was in the past.

It had been ten times better than the response she had hoped for.

They had gotten over the only bumps in their road. Together.

Maggie flashed back to the night Ben came back, before Hal went to go see his brother.

"Hey," Maggie said as she approached Hal.

He was standing right outside the gates to Charleston's underground city, his gun at his side, his head turned towards the stars.

"Hey," Hal turned towards her, a huge grin on his face.

"What're you doing out here?" she asked, taking another step toward him. she leaned up against the wall, her hand brushing against his.

"Just thinking. I was about to go and find Ben. I haven't seen him in a while. Kinda wanted to talk to him." Hal replied.

Maggie nodded. "I can leave, if you wanna go-"

"No. Don't go. We haven't been able to see each other alone since…well I don't even know the last time. The tunnel?" Hal interrupted her, grabbing her wrist as she turned to leave.

Maggie smiled at him, and allowed Hal to pull her into his arms. It felt good. It felt right. Hal was warm and strong. Strong enough for both of them when need be.

"Dangerous mission tomorrow." Maggie whispered against Hal's chest.

"Yup." Hal replied.

"Are you worried? Or scared?" Maggie asked him, her voice growing soft.

Hal paused for a moment. "Scared? I'd be crazy not to be at least a little scared. I've just learned to control my fear. Worried? Not really. We've pulled off harder missions. We can do it. As long as you've got my back, we can pull it off."

Maggie stumbled as she found herself in the present again.

Somehow, she had made her way outside to the very wall that she and Hal had leaned against. The stars glimmered brightly in the sky, but it seemed a lot bigger and a lot more lonely out here without Hal. Maggie wrapped her arms around herself, not finding as much comfort in it as when Hal wrapped his arms around her.

Maggie remembered, as she stood there, knowing Hal was lying in the infirmary, the trek back through the underground tunnels after they blew up the alien weapon. Maggie had never left Hal's side. She just kept watching his face he whole time, praying that he would be okay. Whatever Karen did to him, Maggie would be there the whole time to make sure he was okay.


Maggie wrinkled her nose at the thought of Hal's harnessed ex. Maggie knew she should've just shot the bitch the second they found her alive in the forest. Would've saved her and Hal, and the entire 2nd Mass a whole lot of trouble.

Karen had crossed the line for the last time with the stunt she pulled at the alien weapon. When Karen had kissed Hal, Maggie had wanted to scream in anger and frustration and jealously. She also wished Tom had just shot Karen.

Maggie vowed to herself, that the next time she saw Karen, there would be no 'talk first, shoot later', Maggie would kill Karen on sight. Maggie had had enough of Karen. She knew how to get to each and every one of the Mason men. She knew things vital to aiding the enemy. Karen had to die.

Karen had to die for whatever she did to Hal.

And she would die. Maggie would make sure of that.

Because Hal was worth it. Maggie didn't care if Hal hated her after she finally killed Karen.

All Maggie cared about was making sure that Hal was safe. She would keep him safe. Because no matter what happened, Maggie would always, always have Hal's back.

Okay, so I know it wasn't super long, but I would like to hear your thoughts anyway. But leave those wonderful, much appreciated thoughts in a review please!

I don't know when I'll update next, but hopefully I will before the new season starts. Meaning I have a year to update! But we'll see. Maybe I'll take a pause on this story. Guess you and I both will have to see what happens. =)

Thanks for reading!

Till I update next…
