AN; Hey… this is still only my second fanfic, so, it probably sucks anyway. My first one is a SebbyxCiel one shot… it's called Behind the Falls… I haven't had a computer; I finally got an old, hand-me-down, must-share, lap top my older sister gave me. It has spelling and grammar, so hopefully it goes well…

I want to thank you all for even clicking this. I do this in my spare time, and I just moved to Redondo Beach, California, so I'll have enough of it. I dot plan on quitting, but I'm gonna to need your support if you enjoy this…!

This is placed in Harajuku, Japan… the anime capital of the world! I've never been there, so it's what I see online, and Ciel and Mey are immigrants from America… most of the people will probably talk more like Americans then other things.

This is in an AU and everyone will be more or less OOC. And any OC's are most likely just extras… I hope this is enjoyable…!


I do not own any of this story or from Black Butler/Kuro-Shitsuji. I only own certain settings, such as the maid café they will be working in. I own some of the extras that are random assortments. I own the places I describe that are UNREAL and NOT parts of Kuro-Shitsuji.



-Chapter 1

"Hi! Welcome to Undertakers Maid Café! I'm Ciel, and I'll be assisting you today. So how can I help you?" I ask him with a faux cheerful voice, and plaster a fake, supposed to be warm, smile on my lips.

"Ummmmm… I've never been to a place like this, may I just have a seat… Prefurably near a window?" The nervous and unidentified man asked me.

"Of course!" I said with an enthusiasm about me, smile never fadeing.

Im not sure if its my eye patch over my right eye that made him slightly uncomforatable, or the fact that there was a male neko in a ruffled, royal blue and white, maids dress, and royal blue thigh-high boots with a silver fringe, in frount of him. Maybe a combonation of the two…? I have no way of knowing.

On the way to the table I ask him, "By the way, do you mind if I ask your name? I like to get to know all of my costumers personaly." Same old routine. Gotta give new buyers a little more of a shine, and a little prep to my step. I grin at him happily and close my eye.

"Uhm… of corse its not a worry. D- Dustin Rodgers." He spoke carefully, almost as if he were suspicious of me… I was a little offened, so with out him seeing I pouted a little. I cant belive im just now noticing his tinge of an accent… Australian?

He has dusty blond hair and a bit of a tan. He is much taller then me and has maybe 5-8 inches on me? I have to crane my neck and look upward just to look him in the eyes. He has a muscular build, 'he must be an athlete… or some types of outdoorsmen…' I thought. His hands are a bit large.

'Does he play a musical instrument… if he does most likely the bass guitar….'

I smile, I like that name. "Well, nice to meet you Dustin." I extend my hand to shake his. He took my hand and firmly shook it, he has a strong grip. His had practicaly eats my petite, small, girl-like one in the morning for breakfast. I wonder if he thought I was a boy… or a girl… my cat ears and tail may make me look even more so. It is often people call me ms., especialy in this wretched frilly dress costume. Many girls walk around cosplayed as cats, especialy on Sundays around here.

You usualy don't see many nekos around with jobs, or if you do, they don't have ones very different from this one. Neko rights ae still a work-in-progress. But its better then in America. They say all people are equal, but the gays are still fighting to be allowed to legally marry each other! Most Americans are so un-understandable, hense why I moved to Harujuku. Also because it's the anime capital of the world, and im pretty much obsessed over said content.

As we arrived at the table I hand him a menu and gesture to the table.

"This will be your table, can I get you anyth-" I was cut off by a blond haired boy with the same outfit, but the royal blue replaced with a deep, magenta-purple color.

"C~iellllll~!"Alois calls to me whilist running in those unbelivibly high, imposible-to-run-in,stiletto, thigh-high, boots, and tightly squeezed my waist.

"Hell… Hello, Alois… Your… Urk! Your killing my stomach!" I stuttured out to him. "Please… GET OFF!" I practicaly beg him. He licked my ear lobe like some weird cat, then let go of me. After that, if im not mistaken, I hope I am, he skips away!

What the hell…?

He'll hear about this at lunch…

I turn to Dustin and apologize to him. "Sorry about that. Alois is a very odd employee here… I don't understand him myself,and if you ask me, is much to energetic."

"Weren't you saying something before he popped up?" dustin questions. Hes a bit tedious to me… no worry.

"mmm? Ah, yes. Is there anything I can get you?" and then as if I asked for it, Mey-Rin started paceing quickly to the table behind me and tripped over nithing causeing her to drop her silver platter that, of corse, had the strawberry chocolate milkshake with vanilla swirling up the cup. The array of strawberries went flying, but I managed to catch mey and the now half empty glass.

"Mey! Are you alright? How many times must I remind you! You cant walk so fast around here, your much to far sighted! Here, stand up. Dustin, im sorry, will you please excuse me for a moment?" I ask, turning tword him, he nodded his head allowing to me to exit, but just before making the exit, I turn to Mey's customer and apolpgize. "im sorry sir, if you would like, we can refund you, that or we can make you a fresh chocolate strawberry milkshake."

I looked at Mey, who was now standing and whipeing ice-cream and strawberry off her forest green outfit that matched mine, she was also nodding and getting ready to clean her customer. I went to the back room and grabbed a mop. It seemed it was everyday that I was cleaning after Mey… she needs to fix her glasses…

Looks like yet another to scold on break…

"im so, so, so sorry about those, Ill give you a copple free stamps on your card… now, would you like anything?" I grin, hopefully it would work… I cross my fingers 'please, please, PLEASE!'

"its fine, all the itteruptions, they were quite a show, watching you struggle with them! Hahaha, it was very entertaining…" he snickers a small laugh, tring to contain himself. I wide smile covers his face. "can I just get bluberry, pomaganate, and strawberry pancakes? And I side of raspberry surup. And I would just love a kiss." He said. For some reason, everyone ive had, but one odd customer has asked me for that… im getting a little tiered of it…

"of corse! The order will be out right away." I say, smileing, and ever so cheery. Then suddenly a man with pale skin, long platinum-silver hair, a raven back coat and boots on, long black nails and stiches across his face, bangs covering his eyes, walked into view from the back room. "Mey-Rin! Come to the back room AS SOON AS YOUR DONE WITH THAT CUSTOMER!" he rose his voice at the end. I was a little scared for her… but she does this all the time, she cant be in that much trouble. "Y-Yes sir!" her clumsy ass stutters. I wonder if she realizes if she didn't always wear those glasses, she would get more customers, amd would get in trouble less, because she would break less things… poor, clumsy, clueless, mey…

After going into the kitchen, I brought out the dog biscuit shapped cookies that the undertaker insisted on serving, placed them on the table for the guests conviniece, and went to kiss dustin. I bent over and gave him a small kiss to his lips. He smiled after he got his second wish, took a biscuit, and started to happily munch. How can these people eat these? I could only wonder. Only then did I start thinking again about what sex dustin might think I am… if he thinks im a guy, then he must be gay or bisexual, being he asked me for a kiss. And if hes straight, and thinks im a girl, well, I don't know what to tell you…

After I finished serving dustin, I brought him the bill and the pre-stamped card.

"Here you go, dustin. Ill give you two extra stamps because of those idiots intrusions. Once you get twenty stamps, you get to play a chess game with any one of our servers that catch your eye. Then if you win, you get a picture and a kiss." I say, and then wink at him. He smiled mischiviously, I think he plans on coming back soon… "oh, by the way, you normaly get one stamp per visit." I alert him.

"Ok, thank you, I plan on coming back soon!" he calls over his shoulder. He walks out of the café though the unnecicarily large, tinted-window doors with the black curtins hanging in a very, covering fasion. The curtins were hanging, but at about mid way down, are pulled over to the sides.

"Please do!" I call, waving my arm in the air to him. Ok, finally hes gone. He was a bit… American like, and I could tell he was watching me as I tended my other cutomers. As I finished cleaning my other tables, someone walked in, oddly enough, not through the main doors, but through the large, black wooded doors that led to our rock garden in back… as I finished whipeing down the last table, Alois called to me and said something I wish I could go a day without hearing.

"Ciel, Mr. Michealis is here, and requested you. Please come and escourt him..!"

I sigh under my breath without him noticing, and walk over to him. Hes my most regular cutomer, and he managed to find out what days and hours I work… what a stalker! I continued walking tword the man. As if he were a cosplayer himself, he always seems to wear something similar to what he was wearing now. Today he was in a pair of black slacks and a black button-down shirt. He wore a white tie and a black vest. He had a pocket watch for some odd reason and his raven locks were always perfect. He had his sleaves rolled up to his elbow and his pale skin showed. I was surprised he hadn't tanned at all, and his skin is almost as if he were albino. But the tone suits his features perfectly, from his angled face to his raven hair to his crimson eyes, his features are almost perfect. Ill be honest and say, im surprised he doesn't have a girlfriend… or boyfriend for that matter… he gives me the faintest smile everytime I walk towards him, but his smile makes his face that much prettier. Id be lieing to say I wouldn't go out with him if I had the chance.

"Hello Sebastian. How are you today?" I ask him with a smile.

"Im doing very well, and yourself, Ciel?" he grins. God, why did he have to be so hot?

"Just fine. Well, let me escourt you to your usual table. And-" he cut me off, by kissing me no less. He slid his tongue into my mouth and felt around, before quickly breaking the kiss.

"Sorry, but you had forgotten to give me my kiss." He looks at me acting like he had done nothing wrong, like an innocent child questioning his mother what he had done wrong, when he had screamed asshole to a driver in frount of him. I gritted my teeth and continued speaking.

"would you like your usual order?"

"yes, of corse. And my table in the back corner." He said like it was so obvious. I led him away and grabbed a cup of dog bicuits for his table.

"the mocha latte with extra wiped cream, and chocolate flakes, and a side order of blueburry muffins, correct?" I question him.

"yes, absolutely correct as always. But, could I also get a small order of pocky? And get yourself something to drink as well, I would like you to eat with me today." He said. I nod my head and turn around to walk tword the kitchen, but as I begin to walk, he grabs my wrist and pulls me back. Then he gave another request, a strange one at that, as if he weren't strange already.

"Also, I would like 5 minutes alone with you in the back room, if youll alow it."

"im sorry, but I must turn that request down." I said, pulling my hand out of his grasp and walking to the kitchen to put in his regular and poky, and ordering my Virgin Shirly Temple. As his order finished I fixed my hair and washed my hands. Once it was done, I grabbed it and start walking to the darkest corner where his table sat. I placed the tray down on the table and sat down. I place my elbows on the table and lace my fingers together, and rest my chin on my entangled fingers.

"I never really asked… what do you do…? For work I mean." I ask him.

"Im a relistate agent… I buy and rent out houses, apartments, and vacant lots… it's a uh… interesting job I suppose. All the different people…" he seems a bit nevous. And then, he does it. His tell. He started playing with his right ear lobe. Strangely enough, with his left hand… hes hiding something, I just know it. Im going to find it.

"oh really? Sounds a bit boring. I could never do that though. I just can't be forced to work at a desk at unearthly hours in the day. Im just not that type of person. So what do you do in your free time?"

"well… I play tennis, and I hike a little bit. And I little rock climbing… when I get the chance that is. How about you? Do you have any special hobbys?"

"oh, me? I night surf… and swim. At night. The dark and the moon and stars make it that much more interesting to me. And I love it. And you seem very sportsy. I sleep a lot though…" 'hmmmn… no wonder hes so… fit. But that doesn't explain the lack of tan in the middle of a japineese summer…'

"a neko. Swims, and surfs? Are you serious?" he questions, giving me a quizzical look.

"Yes. Is that so wrong? I enjoy it. Im not only cat 'ya know. Im also a person. And plus, most cats like water, they just don't like being forced into water." I snap at him. I hate when people relate all my qualities to that of a cat.

"ok, ok, geez, sorry."

"better be." I hissed.

"well. Let me ask you a question, would you tell me your age?"

"yeah, im 26, why? And how old are you?"

"oh, im just wondering. And im 30."

"ok…" I took some poky, it happened to be strawberry, my faveorite. I closed my eyes and hummed in pure bliss. He notices me and raises a quizzical brow at me.

"I love strawberry poky…" I said defensively before finishing the stick and taking a sip of my drink.

"I can see that." He said, taking a drink of his latte, pointing to me and my tail that was swishing slowly back and forth happily. He grabbed a stick of poky and attempted to feed it to me. I ate it like the dumb ass, collage grad, neko I was. After our lunch together was over he pulled out about 3 cards. All but one filled with stamps. The last needing 1 last stamp. Todays stamp.

"ok, well. Here are your 3 chess coupons, you can redeem them when you chose too. Thank you again for being such a loyal customer for Undertakers Maid Café." I leaned over and gave him a kiss. Required to give when we hand out a chess coupon.

-To Be Continued… :)

AN; Hello! And how are you? Im fine, thank you for asking. :)

How was this? Should I continue? I had spelling and grammer check this time… did it help? Did I do well? Were there still any large mistakes? Like, overly huge? Was Sebastian's character described well? How about Mey, Alois, and the Undertaker? Please, let me know what you like and don't like, just review me, it means a lot to me. It really helps me grow as a writer and makes the story better for you guys, the readers, and others, the other readers! 3 please let me know how amazingly/absolutely horrid I did? Ill love you forever if you feed me with reviews!


Will you be kind and feed the hungry dinosaur kitty's? There cuuuu~tte~! :3

Ok. Well. Im gonna start chapter 2 JUST IN CASE you guys love this enough…



Does that little blue, white, and yellow buotton down in the crouch catch your attention? I hope it does! Because every click feeds a kitten! :D


IM gonna stop rambling, and let you leave me.