Chapter 1

Amy's POV| We walked down the halls, holding hands as people stopped to stare. "Evan?" I started but he cut me off.

"Don't worry about what they think. What matters is what we have." he told me. We turned a corner and there she was. Alison Matthews. I stopped abruptly. And so did Evan. Alison and her gang sashayed over to us. I bet we looked like from a distance a high school movie scene that Nellie watches sometimes.

"Look what we have here. Amy Cahill and her Beautiful Dork." She said. Her idiot posse looked us up and down like we were a pile of trash or something.

"Come on Evan." I went around the group of wannabes and as I walked by, they jumped and shrieked and jerked away like they smelled something horrible.

We walked out the door and towards the cafe. I sat down at a booth and took out my homework. "The usual?" Evan asked. I phone started vibrating in my pocket. I sighed and looked at the Caller ID. My eyes widened. Ian? I haven't seen him in 3 years. My hand shook as I answered the phone.

"He-Hello?" My stupid stutter.

"Hello? Amy?" His suave British accent.

I could feel myself blushing. Evan came back with our coffees. "Hey, you're a little red in the face." He said as he saw my tomato colored face.

I thought of an excuse. "Um, can I be excused?" The perfect excuse. I didn't wait for a response. I went out the front door.

This time no more stutter."Hey Ian! How's it going?" Okay cool it down.

"Nothing much. I'm in town and I wonder if you know we can ..." His voice trailed off.

"I'm sorry. I didn't hear that last part." I said. Doesn't he know I have a boyfriend?

"I said, if you are free I'm wondering if we can tour Attleboro. What do you say?"My heart skipped a beat. Relax; I told myself, He just wants a tour. Nothing more. Hey, that rhymed.

"Amy?" I totally forgot about him.

"Yeah? Oh. Sure. Tomorrow. Meet me at the mansion at 12:30."

"Okay." I heard a crash in the background then a snicker.

"Shut up, Natalie! Goodbye Amy."

"Later." Then he hung up.

Dan walked up to the front door and raised an eyebrow. "I won't ask, but, did you just book a date with Jonah? Or even worse, Justin Bieber?"


"Just checking. Because if you actually did that, I'd have to remind you that you're too good for that."

I rolled my eyes and we walked back into the cafe where Evan sat with a questioning look on his face.