Jason: two months old.

At only two months old, Jason Grayson was restless and just like his fathers, he was hyper beyond belief.

Like Kon, the boy was an early riser and like Richard he was also very loud in the morning.

At five in the morning, the cries and whines filter through the apartment and into the new parents' bedroom.

Dick groans and shuts his eyes tighter as he's forced away from the warmth of his dreams.

"Go back to sleep. I'll handle it." His husband's whisper sounds in his ear before the bed shifts and the soft patter of feet is heard.

The cries die off soon enough and Dick sighs in relief.

Of course he was happy that Jason had come into his and Kon's lives but…was it rude of him to want to sleep for once?

For the past three weeks he's been rising before dawn in order to keep his baby boy happy and swell but…one could only take so much.

"Papa's sleeping." Kon's voice echoes through the room and Dick cracks open an eye to find the half Kryptonian and the baby standing at the door.

The small infant giggles when Kon puckers his lips slightly in an air kiss and reaches up and grasp a handful of his father's hair.

Kon only chuckles and allows the boy to pull at the black locks.

"He's going to make you go bald." Dick mumbles softly before yawning.

"You should be asleep. Those bags under your eyes aren't getting any smaller." Kon responds as he makes his way over to the other man.

Jason wiggles out of his Father's chest and lays beside his papa. The boy's blue eyes shine with delight when Richard presses his lips to the child's head.

At two months old, the baby looked at least four times his age and was developing Kryptonian qualities already.

He was already growing teeth and could understand not only his own name but others as well.

He knew the difference between Papa and Dad. He could somewhat communicate with his parents and even showed signs of gaining powers. Even at this young age, both men could tell that their son was bound to be a great hero one day.

"Head back to sleep. Jase and I will go out and get breakfast." Conner says as he lifts the baby into his arms.

"Nothing too greasy. And make sure to give him his medicine. I don't want him to have to go back to Cadmus any time soon." Dick mumbles and pulls the blankets tighter around his body.

"Okay. We'll go overt o the diner at the end of the block." Conner says and bends to place his lips over his husband's.

"Bundle him up. Winter in Gotham is brutal." Dick says and watches as his boys leave the room.

Only a few miles away, Wayne manor is silent and dark.

Clark sighs as he wakes up and stretches, his hand unconsciously wandering over to0 the other side of the bed. Only to find it not only empty but also cold.

"Bruce?" Clark sits up in hopes of spotting Bruce by the window or in the bathroom.

No such luck.

He only finds a note taped to his alarm clock along with a Batarang.

The elegant writing only says 'Emergency down town. Be back by sunrise.'

Clark grimaces as the note and stands from the bed.

Making his way over to the cave silently, Clark finds Bruce seated at the Bat computer, his cowl still up and back stiff.

"I thought you said you were giving all this up." Clark's voice echoes harshly in the empty space and the bats up above hiss in annoyance.

"You should still be asleep." Bruce mumbles, his shoulders growing even stiffer.

"You should be in bed with me. Bruce you promised." Clark sighs and rubs a hand over his eyes.

"I know. But I saw the signal. I couldn't help myself. I know Dick is busy with the baby and Kon is too preoccupied with dealing with Metropolis to notice. I was the only one that could help. "

"You're too old for this Bruce. Batman may seem indestructible but…Bruce wayne…he's got too many people at home waiting for him to be recklessly putting his life on the line." Clark mumbles as he walks over to the bat.

After pulling the cowl down, Clark finds his spouse's eyes filled with stress and exhaustion.

"I know…I just can't give it up."

"You have to. For me…for you…for Dick and Jason. For all the others that care about you." Clark wraps his around Bruce's shoulders and feels the other man relax. "Come back to bed."

"In a bit. One last file and I'll head back."

"One more file my butt. Come on." Clark mumbles and pulls the other up from the chair easily.

Bruce lets out a smile as he allows Clark to drag him back to bed.

He may not be happy… but Clark sure was good looking when he was angry.

Huge thanks to the amazing Mystrothedefender for allowing me to add on to their amazing story as well as for giving me the idea for the first chapter.

Don't forget to drop a review and if you guys haven't read the original story go check it out, it's great.

As always, thanks a bunch.