Kiseki no Seidai Daycare Special Chapter

AN: I was working on the second chapter of this, but then, it's Kagami's birthday today, so here's a special chapter for all you lovelies out there! So much love, seriously! Happy Birthday, Kagami-kun! HAPI BASUDAI, TAIGA TIGER~ Tee hee.

This will be set after a few chapters that I had planned, where Himuro Tatsuya has already been introduced.

Warning: More fluff overload. Once again, I am not responsible for potential nosebleeds or blown eardrums or sore throats due to the adorableness of the chibi!MiraGen. ;) Especially when their love is directed to Kagami-sensei. Hurhur. Oh, and OOC characters. Definitely. This was written in a rush after all.


Tatsuya blinked. One moment he was walking through the door to the classroom, the next he was sitting on the ground, several extra bodies wrapped around his waist.




Tatsuya sat back on his haunches, amused.

"Sorry, but I'm not Taiga."

They all looked up, a look of shock spreading across their faces. They quickly backed up, except for Murasakibara, who only smiled and held on tighter.


Tatsuya smiled down upon the purple-haired child, ruffling the loose locks that tumbled over the child's forehead.

"Are you here today to sub?"

Kuroko stood nearby, one hand clutching at crayons that he was diligently using to color a picture just a few moments ago. The other hand clutched at Akashi's as he peered shyly around the other boy. Kuroko still hadn't gotten over his shyness in light of strangers. Tatsuya smiled kindly at him. Kuroko blinked and hid behind Akashi, his face turning a rosy pink shade.


Tatsuya hit the center of his palm with his fist.

"Actually, I'm here today to celebrate Taiga's birthday."

He had been preparing himself mentally to hear loud shouts of glee, if not anything, but he was met with complete silence. He glanced down. Six pairs of widened eyes met his curious gaze. For a few moments, no one spoke. Then suddenly, they all started shouting at once, even the quiet kid, Midorima.

"EHHHHHHH?! Today's Kagami-sensei's/Kagamicchi-sensei's/Kagamicchin-sensei's birthday?!"

They all started babbling about presents and preparations and surprises. Tatsuya watched them, a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest.

Taiga, you've taught your students well…

He let them panic around a bit, hiding his smile behind his hands. Really, they were too cute. He coughed slightly, catching their attention. He held up a finger.

"Well, I have a plan. Shall we surprise Taiga-sensei?"

Kagami sneezed. This was not good. Was someone talking about him? He'd already been tricked by Tatsuya today who called him out to run countless errands. His phone beeped again. He groaned. He could learn to hate that sound. Today, Tatsuya kept sending multiple texts to him, sending him running back and forth across town. He had told Tatsuya that he had to go work today, but Tatsuya told him that he would take care of it.

To: Taiga

Thanks for running those errands for me. You're welcome to go to work for the rest of the day; the director said it was okay.

From: Tatsuya

Kagami glared at his phone suspiciously. All he got was a thanks for his running around town? He growled in frustration. Even seeing his beloved student's faces wouldn't be able to cheer him up. Then again, Kuroko and Murasakibara would look up at him silently until they were sure he was feeling better than before, their presence constant by his side. Kise and Akashi would keep vying for his attention, distracting him from his thoughts when he was already exhausted trying to keep up with two. Even Aomine and Midorima would show their concern in their small, affectionate ways. He held out for a total of ten minutes before sighing in defeat. Maybe seeing his student's faces would cheer him up.

"Shhhhhhh! Shhhhhhhhhhh! I see Kagamicchi-sensei coming!"

Kise reported to the "general," a sharp salute snapped to his forehead. Although what Tatsuya saw in reality was a cute little toddler almost toddling over with his attempts to keep his heels straight. He bit back a chuckle.

"Alright, Kise-kun. Good job!"

He smiled down at Kise, who beamed back at him.

"Alright everyone. Positions!"

Kagami entered the darkened room, more than a little slightly confused. Where was everyone? Did they go outside for a trip? He should know right? He was the one who wrote the schedule after all. And he knew the schedule by heart and there was definitely not a trip scheduled for today. So then, where was everyone?


Loud party poppers banged while the confetti and streamers covered him from head to toe.

"Happy birthday!"

He was tackled by six little bodies and got the wind knocked out of him. As he lay there trying to regain his wind, Tatsuya's smiling face came into his vision. He growled at him although it came out in more of a wheeze.

"Damn you bastard."

Tatsuya actually had the nerve to grin at him.

"Kagami-sensei! Kagamicchi-sensei! Kagamicchin-sensei!"

As his six students shoved presents onto him and plastered him with hugs and smiles, he couldn't help but think, birthdays are best spent with people you want to be with huh.

Kagami smiled.


BLECH LOOK AT ALL THIS WORD VOMIT. OTL Definitely going to get re-edited.