A/N: Hey there! Well, today I was talking about one of my other fanfictions to some of the kids in my History class while we were on this field trip. Anyway, I mentioned how I'd written that fanfiction to have characters parodying certain students (It's called "Twelve Girls, Thirteen Boys and Savages" and can be found on my profile). Anyway, I was requested to write a story about this class. So here it is – eleven kids on a trip to Springwood and staying on Elm Street. Even better, they're there to research the story of the Springwood Slasher – who hasn't been heard from (even in dreams) since his daughter supposedly killed him for good back in the late last century. Or did she? Read on and discover!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the "Nightmare" franchise or the kids from my school. I have full permission to use their identities for the characters.
Eleven excited teenagers were crowded into a minivan, ready to embark on their two-week stay in Springwood. Only one week prior had their teacher given them the assignment to write a five-pages paper on the infamous murderer, Freddy Krueger, otherwise known Springwood Slasher and a previously chosen victim. The victims each seventeen-year-old had been given was due to their alphabetical names. The strange thing was, that all the victims that they were given were killed through their dreams. The story claimed that Freddy was given a power after his death that made him able to attack through a victim's dreams. The students had even been able to watch films closely based on evidence given by victims (although the accuracy was sometimes questionable) – for example, Alice Johnson had documentated some of the happenings, and Nancy Thompson had forgotten to take back a diary at her childhood home which talked about her dreams.
Senka, whose surname began with a B, was given the first victim alphabetically; Joey Crusel, to concentrate on for part of the report. She already knew that Joey had been drowned in his own water bed, but was meant to find out more about both him and Freddy.
There were two boys called James in the class, but one was referred to by his surname, Cackett, to tell them apart. He was meant to study John Doe, who had been the last child of Springwood to die.
Jonathan, or Johnny, had been given Rick Johnson to study. All he knew was that while Rick hadn't been able to stay alive, he'd put up a good fight with his skills.
Arden studied Rick's sister, Alice, who was, according to sources, the only notable victim who Freddy hadn't been able to kill at any time.
Louis was given Dan Jordan to study. He had, according to studies, fathered Alice's son, but there wasn't much written about him. All he found was that Dan had been driving, and had crashed, due to dreaming while driving.
The other James found that problem with Roland Kincaid, who had evidently survived for a bit, but had been found stabbed just before Joey.
Josie hadn't yet found out how Lisa had fared, or what had happened to her, or even her last name, but she knew Lisa had played a role in saving another victim.
Michelle was given Sheila Kopecky, who had appeared to die from asthma, but she also read that Alice had witnessed Sheila literally having the life sucked out of her.
Mitchell was studying Jesse Walsh, who had been possessed to kill. Evidence claimed that he was the one Lisa helped save.
Hannah was studying Kristen Parker, who, while not having survived as long as Alice, had had her own strange power in dreams. But that hadn't stopped her being thrown into a furnace and burned.
Finally, Isabella had been given Nancy, who had beaten Freddy at one point, but had been stabbed at some point.
But none of the students really cared about their project as much as they cared about the two-week trip. After all, it meant two weeks away from school. They weren't expected to catch up on their work, as the project would make up any marks they would miss.
Everyone was talking excitedly. "I wonder where we'll collect evidence?" Isabella said, addressing everyone. "I know it's a school project, but it's pretty fun, as projects go!"
"Yeah, whatever." mumbled the rest of the class.
"Are we going to stop on the way?" Arden asked their teacher. It was early morning, and some of the kids had skipped breakfast.
"Yeah, we do have a legitimate reason to stop at Macca's!" Josie pointed out, meaning McDonald's.
"Well, we don't have so much to do today..." their teacher said. The drive to Springwood would take three hours, but they had enough time to stop off once. "Yes." The class cheered, excited by the promise of stopping for food.
The minivan drove off. "Shall we have some music on?" Hannah suggested.
"You should sing, soloist." Isabella joked. "What's on the radio, anyway?"
The first station had a Taylor Swift song playing, and all the students listened happily.
The trip went on for much the same way. The stop-off at McDonald's benefited all the students, and they arrived in Springwood by two o'clock. The Youth Centre they stayed at was on Elm Street. There were six rooms, two students to a room, with the exception of Mitchell. Hannah and Isabella shared, as did Arden and Josie, and Michelle and Senka. Johnny shared with Louis, and the two James' also shared.
"I'll give you an hour to unpack, and then we will go to our first place of research." their teacher told them.
In her room, Isabella opened her schedule. "Says here that today, we're going to the house where the Kruegers used to live." she said, smiling in excitement.
"According to some research I did," Hannah said, "Nancy also lived there at one point, and later, so did Jesse."
"When did you find that out?" Isabella asked. "Aren't you supposed to be studying Kristen?"
"The victim takes up one page of our research." Hannah pointed out. "Most of it centers around the Springwood Slasher himself."
In another room, Arden was talking about something else entirely. "I wonder if there are any good shops here." she said.
Michelle was hoping there would be a foursquare which she could buy her lunches from. Cackett was trying to gather the pages where research questions were set out. And on the other hand, Mitchell, alone, wasn't talking. Somehow, he wasn't sure that Freddy was really dead. If he had come back in dreams, what was stopping him from coming back now? Mitchell had a feeling that Freddy Krueger wasn't really dead. And that he could come back any time.
Don't worry, I'm not giving up on my other story! But people wanted me to do this, so here it is. Don't worry, the kids will dream. And I have taken a couple of requests that will keep the story running to the end. Think of it as another movie.