Disclaimer: Rated R for language, adult situations, etc. Please don't read this if under 18 or illegal. I don't own Fushigi Yuugi or its characters, Yuu Watase and some other people who are all way cooler than I am do. I'm not making any money off of this, but I wish I were. Free to distribute / archive if you e-mail me telling me you are and you keep this story and disclaimer intact.

Note: Incomplete, sort of. Uncertain if I can continue without this getting really bad, as in NC-17. Review and critique, and give your thoughts on a possible additional chapter if you wish to Adam Fox, [email protected] (see apfox.com for more fics). This is my second fanfic, please don't be too harsh. I am a big fan of Yui and Suboshi, and don't care for Tamahome after about 1/3 of the way through the series and intensely dislike Miaka from the word go. Some Japanese is used, though I try to keep it down. The Japanese is used only when it is clearly the best way I can have the characters express themselves, or I just feel like it (like chapter titles). The closest translation is provided. For those who don't know, the ABC's refer to the equivalent of "bases" in the United States, except that it is more vague and could mean a variety of things. Suboshi's grammar and speech are not perfect. This is intentional (I swear).

This all occurs before anyone dies, most likely after Tamahome returns from Kutou, and completely changes the plot of the whole story. Yui and Suboshi get quite friendly in this fanfic, but this is more like a romance novel, and therefore is not too explicit (although I can't be sure, never having actually read a romance novel). Enough! Now begins

Fushigi Yuugi - Tsukareta (Tired)

by Fox

Part V - Jiken ga (Trouble!)

Nakago paced up and down the halls. Something isn't right. What is this portentious feeling of impending doom? Our plans aren't in action yet, and Suzaku no miko is just getting started. Why do I feel so uneasy? Maybe I should ask the miko. Ah!

Nakago halted in his tracks as he realized the priestess was out wandering Kutou. He went to ensure that she was kept safe. That must be it.

"You summoned me, Shogun?" The speaker knelt and bowed his head respectfully.

"Yes. I've some unsettling premonitions. The priestess us absolutely vital to our plans, and I fear for her safety. Suboshi is with her, but I want you to make absolutely sure that they are together and safe. Do not fail me."

"As you wish, Shogun." The envoy rose, bowed, and turned to seek out the miko and her seishi.

Yui giggled. "Are you okay? You look kind of faint. How are we supposed to do this if you pass out?"

Suboshi looked into her eyes. "I've never done this before! Give me a break!"

"Man, I just started to remove my top and you about had a terminal nosebleed."

"It's not my fault! I've never seena girl topless!"

"It's a good thing we got this room for a week. It's going to take a week just to get you desensitized. Or maybe I should just throw myself on you and take advantage of you while you're passed out." Yui grinned maliciously and tugged on the shoulder of her kimono, exposing more of her neck.

"Yui-sama!" Suboshi began scooting away.

"Hey, you're pulling the covers!"

"I'm the one without a shirt on!"

"Wanna be even?" Yui undid the ties and shrugged her kimono straight off and onto the bed.

Suboshi, not wanting to pass out, hid his eyes. "Yui-sama! what are you doing?"

"It's okay, you can look Suboshi."

"But..." Suboshi peeked between his fingers. "Yui-sama, you're so mean!"

"What did you expect? I can't tie these kimonos very well, so I wore a low-cut T-shirt and some shorts under it."

"Ah, is that what you call those, those..." Suboshi could feel the blood rushing to his nose.

"What's the matter, Shun-chan?"

Suboshi examined her clothing in detail, and found that there was very little of it. "That barely covers you. It's worse than that indecent brown outfit from your world. That shirt is cut so low. And it's obviously a little small for your uhh, size. Your stomach is exposed. And those pants are smaller than some of my pairs of underwear."

"That's what girls from my world wear when it gets hot. Although these shorts are a bit small. Does the shirt bother you?"

"A little. Although I kind of like it." Suboshi immediately blushed.

"That's what I thought, you little hentai. You're not folling anyone."

"Yui-sama, I'm not like that!"

"That's okay Shun-chan, you can have your way with me." Yui lay back and closed her eyes.

"Aah! Yui-sama!"

Yui burst into giggles, unable to supress them any longer. "Oh boy, are you shy."

"Yui-sama, don't be so evil!"

"Fine, I'll stop tormenting you." For a little bit, at least.

Suboshi breathed a sigh of relief. "Yui-sama, what are you doing?"

"Damn it, the Yui-sama stuff is cute, but call me Yui-chan, ne Shun-chan? It's starting to get kind of weird."

"Okay, Yui-chan."

I like the sound of that. "Now settle down. As long as you don't move suddenly you won't be traumatized."

Suboshi's well-practiced confused face returned. "What?" I have a bad feeling about this. He watched as Yui pulled the covers up, and then tossed something blue over to the other side of the room.

"Hey that looks like that top you were... aah!"

"Oh settle down, or do I need to come over there and settle you down?"

Suboshi got very quiet. "I'll be good."

Yui sighed. "That's what I'm afraid of."

The Shogun's agent wandered around town, seeking out Suboshi's lifeforce to save time. Just as the Shogun said, they're in the southwest part of town.

He glanced around. They're definitely right around here. But why? He concentrated again. They've got to be inside that inn. Maybe for some food?

He entered and glanced around, not seeing either of them. He approached the innkeeper.

"Would you like a room for the night?"

"No, I'm looking for someone. A boy and a girl, both with light hair. The girl is wearing a fine blue kimono."

"Ah, yes. They have a room here. Would you care to take a seat and wait for them?"

"You seem to misunderstand. I have to see them, now."

"Sorry sonny, our guest's privacy is one of our highest priorities."

"You don't get it, do you? They're friends of mine. I need to see them right now or I'm going to get unhappy."

The innkeeper noticed the stranger was clenching his fists and beginning to emanate a soft blue light. Oh no, not the the shogun's men. "Ahh, since they're your friends I suppose that's fine. Up the stairs second door on your right."

"Thank you." The stranger stopped glowing, turned and quickly headed up the stairs. he located the correct door and began pounding, but got no response. I guess the shogun's going to pay for a door. He smashed the door in and stepped inside, to a scene which confused him greatly.

Suboshi jumped up and out of the bed, ready to defend Yui. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

The intruder glanced around the room and yelled back. "What the hell are you doing, Suboshi? You're supposed to be guarding the miko! Where is she?"

Yui was looking around, very confused at the moment. "Stop yelling! Hey, what is this? Which one of you is the real Suboshi?"

Suboshi was flushed with embarassment. "Aniki! What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"He's supposed to be doing me."

"Yui-chan, don't talk like that!"

"You're supposed to be guarding the miko and you're off with a prostitute?"

"Excuse me! I'm not a prostitute! I'm the miko!"

"You're sleeping with the miko?! Are you insane? Oh my god, Nakago is going to kill you, Shun-chan." He cast a look at Yui. "Nice to meet you, Seiryuu no miko."

"I'm not the miko anymore. At least I won't be if you take a ten-minute walk."

"Yui-chan stop saying things like that!"

"Hey Shun-chan, why do you two look so alike?"

"We're twins, obviously."

"So why do you call him aniki if you were born at the same time?"

"Shun-chan has always been a little, ahh..."

"I know what you mean." Yui got a strange look in her eyes and glanced from Suboshi to Amiboshi. "Mmm, twins..."

"Ewww, stop it, Yui-chan! That's disgusting! Stop looking at us like that! Yui-chan!"

"And what if I had a twin sister and there was just you, hmm?"

"Well, that would be different."

Yui leaned over and poked him. "Uh huh, hentai for sure."

"Pardon my interruption, but what the hell is going on here? Miko-sama, please behave yourself. You have to remain pure. And Shun-chan, I'm surprised at your behavior."

"It's not my fault! She made me!"

"You expect me to believe that?"

Yui shoved Suboshi back into a reclining position. "Settle down. Like you weren't looking forward to it." She turned to Amiboshi. "You don't get it, do you? I don't want to be the miko anymore. Suboshi's my ticket out of here."

"I see, and afterwards, what? You have no jobs, no money, and the shogun will hate you more than anything."

"Yeah, but I think you'll lose your seishi powers if there's no miko."

"Umm Yui-chan, didn't we have them before you got here?"

"Oh." Yui thought a moment. "Well, there's always plan B, run away to Konan. I do have a massive amount of money to get us there."

Amiboshi nodded his head. "Great, we just calmly explain it all to them, right? Wrong! More like they cut us pieces on sight! Have you forgotten these people are our mortal enemies? They're not going to wait for detailed explanations! They'll assume we've come to kill them!"

Should I continue this? Do you like this? Hate this? Should they just get it over with or is the cuteness fun to read? Anywhere I can take it from there? Your suggestions and reactions would be most helpful. --Fox, [email protected]