Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or Bleach. This story is rated M for mmm ;).

A/N: Thanks for all the favorites, comments, and follows. A big thanks to 12hinata123, DragonSlayer96, and Stoneplus for consistently leaving comments and reviews I really appreciated it. It's time to get back to the story. Oh Sesshomaru. My, my, my what will you do?

What will you do Lord Sesshomaru?

Sesshomaru stayed in the woods outside of InuYasha's barrier all day trying to figure out what to do about Lady Abyss. Killing Lady Abyss was all he could think of. He knew it wasn't possible to kill her not risk Yoruichi finding out what happened.

Sesshomaru was so worried he even considered seeking help from InuYasha or InuKimi. He didn't want his mother getting involved. She would lecture him for sure, but that was not what he was worried about. He wasn't sure how his mother would react with Yoruichi.

If InuYasha lectured him it would be too much for Sesshomaru. He already felt to indebted to InuYasha and his family saving Yoruichi. Sesshomaru still had his pride. If InuYasha knew what happened it would make matters worse. InuYasha didn't even have the power to find Ryuk. Sesshomaru was the one to find and kill Ryuk not InuYasha or his family. He figured InuYasha's power did not reach Lady Abyss' circle, besides Sesshomaru didn't need InuYasha's help. This was something he'd have to figure out on his own.

The sun was setting on another day. Sesshomaru felt drained. He headed back to the penthouse. When he arrived Jaken and Rinette were watching television.

Jaken opened his mouth to speak but closed it as soon he saw Sesshomaru's face. Lord Sesshomaru looks ill. I've never seen him look like that.

"Uncle Sesshomaru are you ok?"

"I am fine, Rinette." Sesshomaru turned and walked away. "I don't want to be disturbed."

"I bet he misses Yoruichi, Uncle Jaken. He hasn't been the same since she's been gone."

"That woman will be back soon enough."

Sesshomaru took a bath. He'd taken one earlier in the cold waters of the stream near InuYasha's property, but that wasn't enough. His skin crawled every time he thought about Lady Abyss touching him. He was so drained sleep almost overtook him in the tub.

He woke up as soon as the water reached his nose. "What's wrong with me? I've been feeling drained all day like my energy has been sucked out of me. Could it be that I am worried about Yoruichi's return tomorrow?" Worry and stress kept him awake during the day but he was so tired he had to go to bed.

He dreamt of Yoruichi. It was spring. Yoruichi had on an extravagant kimono and carried a matching umbrella. Her smile was radiant. He knew her smile was for him. She was walking to him through a meadow with a 1000 wild flowers.

Sesshomaru took a step. Someone grabbed his arm. He turned and saw his mother.

InuKimi asked, "What will you do?"

Sesshomaru froze. He wasn't sure how to answer. "Mother." His eyes locked with hers. The answer suddenly came to him. "She's my asawa. I am going to protect her and take care of her."

"Sesshomaru you'll have to do more than that." InuKimi pointed to Yoruichi.

Sesshomaru looked and notice the distance between he and Yoruichi was increasing. He also saw a twister approaching destroying everything in it's path. The twister was gaining on Yoruichi from behind.


"Sesshomaru, dreaming about me again, huh." Yoruichi kissed Sesshomaru until his eye opened.

"Yoruichi" he rubbed his hands over her face and hair. "You're really here." He kissed her fully. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. I came back as soon as I could."

"Are you feeling ok?"

"I am fine, Sesshomaru."

"Good" He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. He nuzzled her neck. "You smell wonderful."

"Thanks." Yoruichi felt something different in the way he was holding her. The tender but firm grip he normally held her with wasn't there. He was holding close and tight like he was worried she'd fall. She chalked it up to him just missing her, and soon fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning Sesshomaru woke up refreshed. Yoruichi was still in his arms. He didn't want to let her go. She couldn't find out what happened between he and Lady Abyss. Sesshomaru decided to push his pride aside for Yoruichi; he was going to seek help from his mother. The thought didn't sit right with him, but his mother was the one that showed up in his dream. InuKimi was the one with answers.

He felt Yoruichi began to stir. She was waking up. Facing her in the brightness of day worried Sesshomaru. The shadows of night hid his angst. He took a deep breath and pulled all his angst inward.

"Good morning, Sesshomaru."

"Good morning", his voice cracked.

"I've got a surprise for you. Urahara and Kūkaku have invited us to lunch. It's Urahara's treat."

"Lunch sounds nice." Sesshomaru wanted to just hold Yoruichi for the rest of the day but couldn't say "no". He knew she wanted to go and if it was what Yoruichi wanted then she got it.

"Good, they are good friends. When we were little Rin told us stories about you and Jaken. I've known Kūkaku and Urahara all my life and I want them to get to know you the real you, not just the Rin fairy tale version."


"So did anything exciting happen while I was gone?"

"Exciting, horrible yes, no not exciting. Did I tell you I missed you?"

"Yes" she laced her fingers between his, "Sesshomaru is something wrong?"

"Wrong, why would you ask?"

"You just seem different, something just feels off. You know if there is something wrong we can talk about it."

Sesshomaru thought about telling Yoruichi the truth. Lady Abyss' words "She'll be hurt and embarrass all because you couldn't control yourself. She'll leave you and never comeback. Even by some miracle she forgave you, she'll fear you." pushed the truth aside. "I just have a lot on my mind."

"Sesshomaru you don't have to carry it all on your own. Let me help you."

You can't help me with this. "I don't want you to worry about it. I just need to find my mother and this will be all over." He kissed her on the forehead. "All I want to do is hold you."

Yoruichi and Sesshomaru were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Lord Sesshomaru are you awake?" asked Jaken through the door.

"What is it Jaken?"

Jaken opened the door and rushed in, "Milord I, " Jaken jumped back, "what are you doing with Lord Sesshomaru?"

"Good morning to you too, Jaken"

"I thought you were in the Soul Society."

"Jaken why are you disturbing us?" Sesshomaru wanted to spend time alone with Yoruichi. Jaken was annoying him with his presence.

"Milord, I came because Rinette said she saw a rat. I didn't see anything. She's probably just imagining it, but if you could check too it may convince her it's in her mind."

"Fine" Sesshomaru left to see about the rat.

Jaken slanted his eyes at Yoruichi.

"You're still watching me, huh Jaken." Yoruichi set up in the middle of the bed. "Jaken while you're watching me tell me about Sesshomaru's mother."

"Why should I tell you about the Lady Mother?"

"Fine, I'll just let you explain to Sesshomaru why you insist on watching me."

"Oh you want to know about the Lady Mother. I thought you said something else. It's not much to tell. She's beautiful and powerful like Lord Sesshomaru. They even have similar personalities. She's probably dead it's been a long time."

"Sesshomaru said he needed to find her." Yoruichi saw the color leave Jaken's face. "What's wrong Jaken?"

"Nothing, like a I said she's probably dead." Jaken ran out of the room.

"That wasn't the reaction I was expecting. Sesshomaru looking for his mother means something bad. I hope I am wrong." Yoruichi decided to shower while Sesshomaru was on his great rat hunt. When she left the bathroom she found Sesshomaru with his head in the fireplace. "Sesshomaru did you find the rat?

"No but I smelt it. I haven't been able to find it. The penthouse has a rodent problem. Jaken will have Nabiki contact the exterminator again."


"It's nothing of you to worry about."

"There is never anything for me to worry about", mumbled Yoruichi.


"Sesshomaru, I was thinking we could visit downtown until it's time for lunch. There is a quaint tea house near the square where we can grab breakfast."



Yoruichi had to admit it was nice being a normal couple walking throughout the city hand-in-hand, not worried about zombie attacks or crazy hollows. She'd hoped they would've seen more of the town but they spent most of their time in Kaurka Town Museum. Sesshomaru was fascinated by the exhibits and seeing how the world had changed.

After leaving the museum they went to Le Rapas to meet Urahara and Kūkaku for lunch. Le Rapas was full of people, but not crowded. The hostess led them through the maze of tables. The lights were slightly deemed. Sesshomaru saw mostly couples. The couples seemed to be gazing at each other more than eating.

This restaurant must be used as a prerequisite for mating like the one in the drama Jaken watches. The characters go to dinner and then end up in bed, but this is lunch. Yoruichi brought me hear to meet her friends because she wants to proceed with the mating process. I remember Jaken going on and on about how Kiba had to impress Karui's friends if their relationship could go any further. Sesshomaru's eyes slanted and his jaw tightened. This is a test.

Yoruichi took Sesshomaru's hand. His frown melted away. This means Yoruichi wants to take our relationship further. He squeezed her hand.

"Sesshomaru this is my friend Kūkaku and you remember Urahara."

"Hey, Lord Sesshomaru you look different without the huge furry thing." Urahara felt a sharp pain. "Ouch, Kūkaku that hurt" He rubbed his arm. "I thought Yoruichi's hits were bad but they're nothing compared to your pinches."

"Pay him no attention. He says stupid things when he's hungry. Isn't that right, Yoruichi?"

"Kūkaku, you're absolutely correct."

Kukaku and Yoruichi laughed. The sound of Yoruichi's laughter warmed Sesshomaru's heart. He realized he was worried he'd never hear laugh again.

They laughed until the waiter interrupted. "I'm Hakuouki , I am your server today. Are you all ready to order?"

"Sesshomaru, I know the perfect meal for you steak tartare," Yoruichi gave Sesshomaru a wink, "trust me you'll love it."

"I trust you, Yoruichi."

"He'll have the steak tartare and I'll have carpaccio de saumon."

Kūkaku placed her and Urahara's orders. "He'll have the grilled venison and I'll have the tartiflette."

"Very good. I will return with your meals". The slender man walked to the back of the restaurant. He handed the orders to one of the chefs. "Take care of this I am going out for a smoke". The waiter exited the busy kitchen. He walked down the ally to make a call. "Lady Abyss, this is Polo. We followed Urahara to Café Repas. Sesshomaru is here with his girlfriend. What do you want me to do?"

"Don't do anything but watch. Let me know when they leave." Lady Abyss hung up. She connected her mind with Bingo. Bingo it's almost time go in 15 minutes.

Less than 20 minutes later Jaken heard Rinette scream. "If something happens to Rinette Lord Sesshomaru will kill me." Jaken burst through Rinette's bedroom door. His large yellow eyes grow twice their normal size. He saw rat as big as German Shepard. Rinette was standing her bed fighting of the rat with her umbrella.

"Help Uncle Jaken"

The rat turned from Rinette and his beady red eyes locked on Jaken. "You" hissed the rat, "you" the rat galloped toward Jaken.

"Take this you dirty rat". Jaken smack the rat hard with the Staff of Two Heads. The rat wobbled backwards. Jaken turned to Rinette. "Don't just stand there run."

Rinette jumped off the bed and ran behind Jaken. The dazed rat tried to come after Rinette but he ended up falling forward. Jaken backed out the room and slammed the door.

"What do we do Uncle Jaken?"

"We run let's go before"

The rat opened the door. "You die", he hissed. The rat walked on his hind legs.

"Run Rinette. I'll take of him."

"But Uncle Jaken."

"I said run you'll only be in the way if you stay."

"I'll get help Uncle Jaken," Rinette ran as fast as she could out of the apartment. "I need to get to a phone and call Nabiki." She ran down the hall and knocked on the neighbor's door. "Is anyone home? Mr and Mrs. Kaze. " She ran to the elevator. "Come on, come on" she said as she repeatedly pressed the button. When the doors opened she saw Maru. "Maru" she grabbed him by the hand, "we have to save Uncle Jaken"

"What's going squirt?"

"There's a rat trying to kill Uncle Jaken." She started pulling him as she ran. When they arrived there was no sign of the rat or Jaken. "Oh no we're too late he ate Uncle Jaken."

"No" Maru looked around the room. There was no blood and the only sign of struggle was a broken lamp. Maru picked up the Staff of Two Heads. He noticed teeth marks in the staff but there was no blood on the staff. "Jaken still alive I am sure of it.

Maru ran out on to the balcony. The rat hit Maru in the head with a table lamp the moment he stepped out on to the balcony. Maru staggered forward. The rat to advantage of Maru's dazed state drop kicking Maru in the stomach.

"Get away from him" Rinette blindly flayed the staff of two heads at the rat.

"Go back inside Rinette. I'll take care of the rat."

"No Maru you're hurt. "

"It'll be okay." Maru pulled himself up. "Go back in now." Maru wiped the blood from his forehead. "This is between you and me rat."

The rat ran. He scurried up the wall.

"I am not going to let him get away. Stay here Rinette. Look for Jaken he maybe unconscious. " Maru ran to the building stairs. The rat was gone by the time Maru made it up to the rooftop. "Damn". He ran back down to the penthouse.

"Maru are you ok".

"I am ok Rinette. I am just a little dizzy. Did you find Jaken?"

"No, I didn't find Uncle Jaken, but I didn't find any blood either."

"What happened to Jaken?"

"Uncle Sesshomaru, Yoruichi, Jaken's been taken by a rat."

"Did you say rat a Rinette?"

"Yoruichi, a rat the size of a timber wolf attacked us."

"Unfortunately, " Maru handed Sesshomaru the staff, "the rat got the jump on me."

"Maru take Rinette and keep her safe," Yoruichi turned and started walking toward the balcony, "let's go Sesshomaru. We have to save Jaken."

"Yoruichi, you should stay here I'll get Jaken."

"Sesshomaru, I am not afraid of some rat, besides what kind of asawa would I be if left you alone to face unforeseen dangers."

She said asawa, she's is my asawa. "Yoruichi"

"C'mon Sesshomaru before the scent gets cold."


Sesshomaru and Yoruichi tracked Jaken to what appeared to be an old abandon hospital not too far from the apartment building. Sesshomaru and Yoruichi thought it was a great hiding place for a rat. The grass was knee high. Most of the building looked like it was barely standing. The rusty door screamed as Sesshomaru opened it. The broken windows allowed the sun to light up the building. He entered first. He saw couple of rats scurry through the holes in the walls.

"I can feel Jaken's aura this way." Yoruichi pointed upward and to the right.

"His scent is this way." Sesshomaru looked left.

"Hmm, I'll go right and you go left."

"But Yoruichi."

"Don't worry about me. I can handle myself." Yoruichi flashed stepped away.

An uneasy feeling fell over Sesshomaru as Yoruichi disappeared down the hall. Sesshomaru didn't have time to think about the feeling. He followed Jaken's scent. The sooner he found Jaken the faster they could leave.

"You came Sesshomaru."

"Who are you?"

"I am Jung," the large demon smacked his furry chest, " The Conquer", he spread out his four arms, "all you see will be mine once I kill you."


Meanwhile Yoruichi was heading toward Jaken's aura. She travelled up four flights of stairs. As she got closer she felt the evil aura of someone else. I must be headed in the right direction. That rat has a powerful aura or he has a powerful master. Yoruichi charged through the double doors. She saw the rat but not Jaken. "Where's Jaken?"

"You, you die, " hissed the rat. He lunged at Yoruichi.

Yoruichi kicked the rat so hard she blinded him. The blind rat charged at Yoruichi. He missed her and ended up hitting the wall behind her. The rat tried to get up, but ended up falling flat on his face and passed out.

Yoruichi continued into the next room. She saw Jaken tied hanging from the ceiling. He was position over a huge hole in the floor.

"Jaken are you ok?"

"Of course I am not ok. This hole leads to the furnace in the basement. I can see the flames from here. Get me down."

"I will in a minute first. I have to deal with your abductor. Come out now so we can this over with unless you're afraid."

"Aren't you cocky," Lady Abyss stepped out of a shadow, "where is Sesshomaru?"

"Lady Abyss, what are you doing here?" Jaken gaped in disbelief.

"I am taking care of a purple haired bitch who is in my way, Mr. Jaken. Don't worry this will be the last night you have to worry about her." Lady Abyss pulled the lever next to her.

The lock holding Jaken released and he fell. Jaken screamed and screamed. "I am going to die. Save me Lord Sesshomaru."

"Jaken stop screaming, I caught you."

Jaken opened his eyes and saw that he was hovering over the hole. He looked up at Yoruichi. She caught the harness holding me before I fell in to the hole. "Yoruichi, you saved me."

"The rumors were true, you can fly. I guess pushing you off a building won't do any good." Lady Abyss laughed.


Jaken's screams reached Sesshomaru. He had to finish with Jung. Sesshomaru decided to use Bakusaiga because he knew Jaken was in the opposite direction.

"Bakusaiga". A wave of energy blasted through the building, but Jung remained standing.

"Sesshomaru you fool. I won't let you kill me a second time," growled Jung.

"You've been resurrected that's it. Most demons aren't buried so you wouldn't smell like graveyard soil." Sesshomaru pulled out the Tessiaga.

Jung charged. Sesshomaru dodged the attack and cut Jung with the Tessiaga.

A shocked Jung stopped. "Sesshomaru that sword is too dull to cut my". Jung's body crumbled before he could finish his statement.

Sesshomaru headed in Yoruichi's direction.


Lady Abyss and Yoruichi felt Sesshomaru coming.

"Let's wait for Sesshomaru to get here before we finish this." Lady Abyss disappeared into a shadow.

Yoruichi placed Jaken on solid ground. She scanned for Lady Abyss as she untied Jaken. Lady Abyss popped out of a shadow on the other side of the room. Yoruichi moved so quickly Lady Abyss didn't see her until Yoruichi grabbed her by the collar.


"Don't hit me", pleaded Lady Abyss. She saw Sesshomaru arrive. "Lord Sesshomaru, tell her not to hurt me. I am pregnant. You know I am not lying. Tell her to let me go."

Sesshomaru felt sick and angry. She is pregnant I can smell it. I want to kill her, but the baby. No the baby isn't mine it's another trick.

"It's yours Sesshomaru," responded Lady Abyss, "you know it's not a lie."

"No!" Yoruichi lifted Lady Abyss by her shirt collar. "You're lying"

"I have the X-rated video from the other night to prove it. I'm not lying, ask him where he slept while you were away."

Yoruichi's eye's cut to Sesshomaru. "Sesshomaru say something."

Sesshomaru couldn't speak. He couldn't even say Yoruichi's name. The word seemed to be bottled up in his throat. Sesshomaru's silence was enough of an answer for Yoruichi. She let Lady Abyss go. Lady Abyss quickly moved into a shadow to get away from Yoruichi. She reappeared a few feet from Sesshomaru and Jaken.

"Sorry I couldn't keep the secret any longer, Lord Sesshomaru."

Yoruichi's tears started to burn her eyes. Sesshomaru's silence was chomping her heart. She had to leave. Yoruichi disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. She was moving so fast Sesshomaru couldn't follow her scent.

"Lord Sesshomaru, this changes everything."

"You fool" Sesshomaru snapped at Lady Abyss, "I should kill you."

"Killing me means killing the baby, your baby. You lost her because you were weak and gave into your carnal nature."

"You used a spell and an illusion to trick me into thinking you were Yoruichi. You even took her scent."

"And you almost killed me or should I say Yoruichi when you thought I was her. Let her go Sesshomaru she's not a demon. She'll never be able to be a mate with someone as dangerous you. You know I am right. If you really love her you'll let her go." Lady Abyss disappeared into the shadows.

Sesshomaru turned and started walking down the hall. Jaken ran behind him.

"My lord what are you going to do?" Jaken waited but there was no response. "I can't believe Lady Abyss would do something so terrible." Jaken got no response. He asked, "Are you going to go after Yoruichi?"

I can't, Sesshomaru stopped; besides her scent is gone. "It's over ", he said just above a whisper.

The End

OK we have reached the end of Sesshomaru: This Ain't a Fairy Tale. Thanks to everyone who read this story. This was supposed to be the first story in a series. I am curious about how you all feel about a second story. Do you feel like Miko (-_-#)? All upset about the turn of events in this story, and expected a happy ending even though it's not fairy tale (`Д´)ノ ┻┻. Do you feel like Velveteen o_0? You want to see what happens in next storyヽ(^。^)ノ.

In the meantime I am working on another Sesshomaru x Yoruichi story and will be launching it soon. Until we meet online again peace and happiness.