Reviews for Sesshomaru: This Ain't a Fairy Tale
The7thNctzen chapter 14 . 7/21/2018
DANN you Jaken. damn you .
The7thNctzen chapter 26 . 7/21/2018
scaryorange chapter 2 . 8/11/2016
unfamiliar world? It's the same exact world, just older
A-X- Death God chapter 25 . 12/27/2013
Theres only one thing I can say towards this situation "damn...blackmail... Ain't it a bitch?"
the outsider19 chapter 26 . 9/15/2013
Wtf! WTF! Shit that just made me want to shoot myself O_O (ps I'm just over exaggerating) I can't believe that this is how this story ended. I mean I definitely don't judge you for following your writer's instinct and doing what you deemed fit for this story but the ending really killed it for me. You made me love the idea of yoruichi and sesshomaru together then that horrible ending happened so I'm just gonna find a hole to cry in now.
Venipa chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
Calindor142 chapter 26 . 11/1/2012
I really enjoyed reading this story from start to end, and I would totally love to see a second story, so please, write a second story. :D
sesshy fan chapter 10 . 10/25/2012
good story but sess being a love-sick puppy, poor & lost to a woman greatly annoys me...
Winter chapter 26 . 10/21/2012
Please continue the series. Yoruichi and Sesshomaru are destined to be together
12hinata123 chapter 26 . 9/17/2012
Damn you Abyys. Sesshomaru don't give up on Yoruichi she's your asawa. I'm kinda sad the story ended like this, but very happy to have read the story. You have done an excellent job with Sesshomaru and Yoruichi as a couple, so until there's a sequel to this I will wait patiently, but anxiously.
Stoneplus chapter 26 . 9/15/2012
I am turning into stone, with my face like this (T_T) *sniff*sniff*
DragonSlayer96 chapter 26 . 9/15/2012
Whyyyyyy? A really unexpected turn. Can't say I'm not upset. You will continue this right? Please tell me you're going to continue this.
12hinata123 chapter 25 . 9/12/2012
Damn it Lady abyss, you no class low life. You took Sesshomaru's virginity, that was suppose to be yoruichi. Now sesshomaru is in a fucked up situation.
DragonSlayer96 chapter 25 . 9/12/2012
Oh I knew it, Lady Abyss is really no good. Wonder how Sesshomaru will act in front of Yoruichi. Please update soon
Stoneplus chapter 25 . 9/12/2012
Oh. Now I oficially hate Lady Abyss. Messing around with Sesshomaru while Yoruichi is gone is unacceptable! Can't wait to see what happen next.
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