A/N: The last chapter… :'( so saaaaad! Thanks to EVERYONE who read and reviewed m y story! You guys rock!




Me: That was freaking loud but I don't care!

Ian's POV

I woke up to the sound of boisterous footsteps in my room. Was it an elephant? A rhino? No, just a huge, dimwitted Holt.

I sighed and decided that I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. The suitcases piled next to the door reminded me that this was my last day here. My last day with Amy…

Oh crap I almost forgot! Today I was finally going to have my first date with Amy.

We were leaving at 2:00, and right then it was 7:30, so it would probably be at 12:00. I threw the covers off of me and pulled on some nice clothes. Then I brushed my teeth and hair, and the started preparing.

Phoenix's POV

I was so sure that I would be elated that today was the last day. Finally, I could go back to a normal life! But oddly, I kinda thought I would miss everyone…

Sure, they were all pretty psycho, but they made life pretty interesting.

When I came down for breakfast, I noticed that everyone else looked pretty glum, too. I guess I'm not the only one who really likes these guys…

I sat down next to Nellie and silently started eating, wondering what we were going to do on the very last day.

Hamilton and Sinead were exchanging phone numbers, as were Natalie and Dan. Ian was the only one who wasn't down yet, for some reason, so Amy wasn't exchanging numbers with anyone.

"So, I guess this is it homies," Jonah put in. We all nodded glumly.

"Well, at least we bonded," Sinead added. We all nodded again.

Breakfast went on like this for a long time, until Dan finally stood up and announced something. "Hey, for the last day, I decided what we should do. I say we have a super awesome mega water balloon fight!"

We all looked at each other, pondering the idea.

"Well, I don't have any make up to mess up since somebody threw it out, so I'm in," Natalie decided.

"Me too."

"Same here."

"Sounds good."

Everyone was unanimous, and Dan fist pumped into the air. "I'll get the water balloons!"

Amy's POV

I ran upstairs to pick up some darker clothes for the water balloon fight, when Ian popped up behind me.

"Hello, love."

"Don't call me love, Ian."

"Well, love, I was wondering if you would go out back with me." I followed, unsure of what was going on.

Ian led me to a weeping willow tree, and its long leaved created an enclosed space. He sweeped the leaved back, revealing a nice set up dinner.

"Ian…" I couldn't believe my eyes. He grinned, pleased with my response, and gestured me to sit. I carefully sat down, and Ian did the same, letting the leaves fall back in place.

"There. Now we are in complete privacy." I smiled back at him, taking in the beauty of this place.

"Ian, how long did this take you to set up?"

"A little more than an hour, but time doesn't matter, as long as you are happy, love."

"When are you going to stop calling me love?"

"I believe that we both know that that is never going to happen."

We talked and later enjoyed a nice lunch of shrimp and mango salsa. I sat next to him, my back to the trunk of the tree and my head resting on his shoulder. He placed a protective arm around my shoulders, keeping me close to him. I took my head off and looked into his amber eyes.

"What are we going to do once you leave, Ian?"

"We'll keep in touch, love. And I'm sure to visit you often, now that Dan and Natalie are… well… you know."

I smiled at him. "And maybe sometime I should go visit you, Ian, up in London."

"Maybe you should, love."

"Don't call me love."

He then took his arm off of me and faced me directly, a serious look on his face. "Amy, I've been meaning to say this to you for a long time. I… I never meant to hurt you in Korea. Never. I was a jerk then. I've been meaning to give you a true apology, and I hope that you will accept it.

I shook my head, nearly laughing. "Ian, you didn't even need to tell me. I know by the way that you treat me that you are truly sorry. I forgave you a long time back, and I forgive you again now.

"He smiled, looking relieved. We slowly leaned in for a kiss…

"BAM!" A water balloon exploded between us, soaking us to the skin.

Dan's POV

I aimed a water balloon at Hamilton, but he dodged, making it go straight to the willow tree. Darn…

Natalie was beside me, loading her dart gun with tiny water balloons and shooting, all the while looking amazing. Sigh…

I water balloon nailed me in the chest, bringing me back to reality. I swung my head around looking for the thrower, and saw that it was Jonah. I threw multiple balloons at him, but he easily dodged them, singing "Hit me baby one more time".

Natalie joined me, and we finally hit Jonah, and then continued to shoot until he was on the ground, begging for mercy.

Phoenix then randomly appeared and threw two water balloons at Natalie and me. He pulled Jonah to his feet, and then we went all out at each other. Later Sinead and Hamilton joined our water war, and we didn't stop until we thought that we would drown on the spot.

We all went upstairs to change clothes, when Fiske's voice rang out…

Author's POV

"Attention Cahills! The planes to pick you all up are here! Please pack up your bags and say your goodbyes!" Fiske's voice died down.

The Cahills all piled downstairs 5 minutes later, shaking hands, hugging, some people even kissing. Then the Cahills cleared out, and thus ended another Cahill Family Reunion.

A/N: DONE! THE END! IT'S OVER! If you liked this story please read the other storied that I'll come up with later! Thx!