"What?" Wally asked not believing what he was hearing. The blond lowered his head.

"It's true," he squeaked, "I don't know how I got here."

Wally didn't say anything. He placed his hand on Odd's shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'll get you home," he said. Soft teary eyes looked up at Wally. A smile on his face.

"Don't worry about it. They probably don't even notice I'm not there," he said. Inwardly he referred to the fact that he was rarely home so sometimes they did forget when he was supposed to come home but Wally took it as a case of neglect. And as a forensic scientist to the Central City police, he would not let a kid suffer any form of abuse (including neglect).

"That's terrible."

"That's life! You gonna finish that?" Odd asked trying to take Wally's bacon. Wally playfully took it away from him making Odd playfully pout.

"No. I need this meaty goodness," Wally smirked. Odd smiled back.

"Then mind if I order thirds?"

"Be my guest!"

"Heh ha! You're the best!"


Vic left his sister's house in an interest in France, where his nephew had went to school recently. Kadic academy. A brainwashing facility no doubt. One where his nephew found something. So they had to get him back. He narrowed his eyes at the entrance. One could only guess what horrors awaited inside.

After breakfast Wally took Odd shopping for clothes. He knew he'd have him for a while and he was no way near Wally's size.

Surprisingly enough he honed in on purple. Shirts, pants, shoes, only his socks were white.

"No other color?" Wally asked rather miffed.

"Purple's my favorite color. Besides, I used to get a lot of hand me down clothes. Most of which were purple so it kind of grew on me. Not that I'm complaining, I look awesome in it," he said with a cheeky grin. Wally rolled his eyes. Purple. Like the cat suit. It looked like it grew on him, more ways than one. He shuddered thinking about how cold and lifeless the boy in front of him had been just the night prior. A prowling cat.

"Hey Odd," said Wally calmly.

"Hm?" said Odd as he walked into the changing room with yet another purple shirt.

"What's your favorite animal?"

"Well… I like dogs!" he said happily. Wally blinked with surprise. That was not the answer he was looking for. Quite shocking actually, "But you know… I always did like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. So I kind of like cats too."

Wally shook his head. At least he was getting somewhere. Of course that train of thought derailed once he saw Odd step out in the purple shirt. Wally groaned.

"You are not getting that," he said, "It looks like a girl's shirt."

Odd looked offended.

"It does not!" he squeaked indignantly.

"It is. There is a flower print on your shoulder," Wally argued.

"To show my sensitive side."

"That is going to get you beat up."

"I can defend myself! I am fast. I am nimble. And I'm accurate."

"Accurate?" he asked. It was then that Odd tensed. It was brief but something the Flash could notice.

"Yeah. I'm not too shabby with a crossbow," he said sounding like he was fabricating a lie. Wally would ask later. When they were out of the shopping center.

"Alright. You'll have to show me sometime."

"Yeah. Okay," he said a little softer. The enigma named Odd just grew more to his namesake.

Question "explored" the grounds looking for clues. What was here? What could be the key to unlocking and understanding Odd's piece to the conspiracy? The monsters. Were they of Luthor's design? Or of aliens? He couldn't say. This clue was unlike any he had come by before. He just had to figure it out. It wasn't one that people saw daily. But it was one that couldn't be left alone. What could it mean? He paused for a second. His nephew. If he found his nephew he would find out exactly what happened.

His nephew. A key to the conspiracy.

Odd was glad that he had clothes to wear. He was glad that the person's house that he had woken up in hadn't been that of some psycho killer or serial rapist. Overall, Wally seemed to be a pretty nice guy. Nicer than other people he has had the displeasure of meeting (Sissy, Xana, His sisters, Xana, Old Man Rodgers, Xana, Specters… did he mention Xana?) in his life.

But seriously, he was a bit nervous. He wasn't lying when he said that he didn't know how he got there. But he had a dream that he was now thinking may not have been a dream. Though, he knew the computer was off. There was no way… was there? Stranger things had happened because of Lyoko.

In his dream he was at home, at first at least. He was lying in his bed, his face sticky with what felt like a dried up trail of tears. His body slowly lifting itself upward into a sitting position. Cool and bleak darkness seemed to grab hold of his heart. A small tug pulled in his chest. He jumped off his bed and onto his feet. His teeth clenched as he walked toward the door. Glancing past the mirror on his way there, he saw his Lyoko form. The purple cat suit that he was known to wear only to his friends. His eyes hazy and unaware. It almost looked like his pupils were replaced by Xana's accursed mark. A wicked smile on his face he disappears like William did on Lyoko when he was possessed.

He was looking, searching for something. When he was hit in the head. There was a fight. He didn't use his arrows. He used his svelteness and his flexibility. He then woke up later in Wally's apartment. In his pajamas. Nothing like waking up with no idea in the world what was going on.

"So what now?" asked Odd as they began to leave the shopping center.

"Well, now we go back to my place for lunch," Wally said, "Unless you want me to take you to another place here in Central."

"Doesn't matter. I'm hungry!" Odd said with a huge grin. Who was he to turn down a man offering free food? Italy? It could wait. Not like he'd be noticed as a missing boy. Five girls with his mom in the house were more than distracting enough. At least he hoped so.

He really wondered if it was possible to notice he was gone. He had a presence like the Cheshire cat. Only to be noticed when he wanted to be noticed. At Kadic he flaunted about the grounds. At home, he hid from his bloodhound like sisters. They always found him.

"Ever get the feeling that something's missing?" asked a girl. She sat in a group of five. All the people there, girls. They were outside of a large house drinking lemonade when she had spoken up. The other girls looked at her like she had grown another head or something. She shrugged her shoulders.

"You mean other than Odd being missing?" corrected the youngest girl who was around sixteen. The girls looked back at the youngest.

"Right," said the girl feeling a bit stupid. Their idiotic brother had run away from home.

This will become more of a Wally and Odd story in later chapters. But set up is harder than I thought.