Hey everyone I am back and ready to slice through the next story to my trilogy which I am still thinking of a proper name for then the one I already have. Anyway As I have completed my other stories I can now focus fully on Rio. I may take a while to update as the Plot is still in the development stages, One part is done, but another part of the plot isn't so that might slow me down a little. For the first bit of this chapter I feel like making it seem a little dramatic just for the fun of it. Anyway enough of me let's get one with it.

Chapter 1: Learning parent

Another morning in the glorious city of Rio, the fabulous city surrounded by forests and jungles all around where the wild claim their home in the city, there are all kinds of creatures in there: Snakes, birds, marmosets, frogs and all other kinds of creature live in there, But one special type of Bird that you will never see anywhere else in the world is also in the jungle, The most rarest bird you will ever be lucky to see: The Blue macaws.

These Rare birds have been hunted down to near- extinction by smugglers, Africanized bees and loss of their habitat all over the rest of Brazil. Most of humanity believed there were extinct never to be seen again. However 6 of them survived these horrors through different paths in life and are now living their lives in the safety of this Jungle in seclusion from humanity hoping what happened to the rest of their kind, won't happen to them to protect themselves from what could happen if they are revealed to the entire world.

They are living for the future and what is in store for all of them, hoping to get on with their lives and experience new chapters in their lives together. Two of these Macaws in particular called Blu and Jewel have already begun a new life together after everything they have experienced together.

In their hollow Blu was slowly waking up to another eventful day in his life. Smiling to see the Sun shining on the Jungle outside. Ever since he was released alongside Jewel into the wild, he has changed from who he used to be, if you knew him in the past, you wouldn't recognise him now or barely would. From used to being a pet, now being a free bird and a father now as well.

He looked at his beautiful mate who will still asleep, observing how relaxed and comfortable she looked with every breath she made. Blu smiled and nuzzled her gently, feeling her smooth and beautiful feathers making him feel happy. He then looked from her to her upper chest where he saw his 3 newborn children, all three of them have now partially developed their feathers but not fully yet as they are only a week old. Blu smiled at how small they looked.

They barely took up half, a quarter of his wing. Wondering how he used to be that small. He then remembered it was time to get up and get ready for another day. Blu carefully un-wrapped his from Jewel and the kids and lifted himself up, stretching his legs thinking to himself "At least I won't have to get breakfast this morning". He thought that looking to his left to see a few Mangos' and a pile of Blackberries for the kids. I climbed out of the nest and went over to the entrance and decided to watch the view for a moment, while the others are still sleeping. Blu sat on a branch that is attached to the entrance of the hollow and looked on to see how tranquil it was in the jungle.

All of the passing birds flying in happiness, with their friends, mates, or even families, it is like a different world from the one Blu was in. He took in the sights with all of those thoughts in his head. Although he hasn't thought about it much he does miss Linda, Fernando and Tulio, he hasn't seen them for a few months now after he was released, he hoped he could see them again soon, just to catch up.

However he knew that he has other priorities to attend to right now then sneaking off to see friends. Speaking of which Blu turned to look behind him to see Jewel yawn as she begun to wake up, Blu quickly made his way back into the hollow just in time as Jewel opened her eyes to be greeted by Blu. She smiled before she spoke "Good morning Blu" Blu sat next to her as he spoke "Morning Jewel, you sleep well". Jewel smiled at him "With you to keep me company of course."

Blu smiled as she leaned her head on his chest as she spoke again "How long have you been up" Blu replied to her "I literally got up a minute a go just to get ready for another great day." Jewel smiled but then turned her attention to the chicks as Roxo was nibbling at one of her feathers. Blu and Jewel smiled at him as Jewel used her free wing to Stop Roxo gently and move his head to rest with his siblings.

Blu spoke "I have the feeling Roxo is going to be a bit of a rebellious Son as he does that most days in his sleep." Jewel then spoke again "But we don't even know if he is awake or not, not until their eyes have developed for which I hope is today or the next few days." Blu nodded to that "I completely agree with you on that, I want to see our kid's eyes."

Jewel smirked at him "You're not the only who wants to" Blu then looked into her eyes "I hope they have your beautiful eyes." Jewel giggled in response to his compliment, She then pulled Blu into another passionate kiss to reward him for the Compliment, When they separated she said "Thank you my Blu bird but I think the boys should have your eyes, it would look more appropriate then of all of them having my eyes." Blu thought about it again and decided she was right.

"I guess so, but it wishful thinking it though" Jewel smirked at him again "Am I all you ever think about". Blu then smirked at her as well "Most of the time, But I do think about the kids, Friends, Family or anything at random but mostly you because you" Blu said wrapping his wings around "You are my Precious Jewel" Jewel had a big smile on her as she nuzzled Blu's neck. Blu continued to hold her wings until he noticed Azul was shifting a little and raising his head up.

Blu finished his hug with Jewel and then sat in the nest while also sitting in front of Azul who was shifting around quite a bit. Blu was just watching him to see if he could get an idea of why he was doing that. He just sat there with the tip of his left wing rubbing under his beak like a person who is thinking really hard.

He then looked at his closed eyelids, they were moving, like they were trying to open, and Blu then looked more closely at him as his eyelids moved more frequently. Blu then looked on excitedly while Jewel looked at him confused "Blu why are you looking so excited". Blu just simply answered her "I think Azul is trying to open his eyes" Jewel then looked at Azul excitedly as well but spoke again "If he is, it might take him a bit to as he hasn't used his eye's before".

Blu then nodded in agreement as he continued to watch Azul try to open is eyes. Waiting very patiently was one of Blu's specialties as Living with Linda did make him develop patience. Jewel got her patience from all the time she alone. Azul eyelids begun opening very slowly, closing and opening again as he would get used to it. Blu smiled as Azul has fully opened his eyes now. Blu smiled greatly that he would get to see his Son's eyes.

The little chick blinked his eyes quite a few times until he could properly see. Now being able to see, looked around very slowly, he looked like he was confused as he tilted his head a few times, He looked around again until he looked at Blu who was sitting close to him, Azul then got scared by the massive bird compared to him and moved his wings over his eye's like he was about to be hit and leaned against Jewel's wing despite the fact he hasn't seen her yet.

Blu looked on horrified by the action that Azul did and moved forward to him extending his wings to pick him up "Oh don't worry, there isn't anything to be afraid of" He gently wrapped one wing around Azul's back and slowly picked him up. Blu then held him close to his neck as Azul slowly revealed his face to Blu but was still scared of the adult, mainly due to not knowing who he is at the moment. Blu then looked into Azul's eye's as he still looked at his Dad scared while Jewel looked at Blu impressed that he was doing everything right on his first time and how quickly he responded to Azul.

Blu then spoke to Azul again "You don't need to scare little one". Me and your mother are here to care for you". Blu then used his free wing and begun stroking the back of Azul's head at first Azul was confused but he then relaxed and accepted it. Blu then took Azul and brought him into a hug for which Blu held Azul on his Upper chest with both of his wings holding him, Azul then settled down and smiled with his eyes closed. Jewel looked happily at them to see Father and Son bonding with each other.

When Blu finished the hug he looked at Azul who was making a little smile at him, Blu smiled back, now knowing that Azul didn't fear him anymore placed him next to Jewel and his siblings as Blu lied down as well, close to them just observing. However instead of being with his siblings, Azul used his wings while not knowing how to walk yet crawled his way over to Blu. Blu was surprise by this until Azul reached him and lied down again and nuzzled his head onto Blu's right Wing. Blu observed this and smiled while Jewel smiled at him "I am enjoying this Jewel" Jewel simply replied to him "It is called bonding Blu" Blu spoke back to her "This is proving to be easier than I thought."

Jewel stopped smiling at him and spoke again "We don't just do this; we have other things to do, and wait until a few months from now when they are grown up a bit and then say that again". Blu thought about it but knew she was right "I see your point" Jewel smiled triumphantly "See why you should never argue with me because I know best." Blu argued back though "But technically and no offence I am smarter" Jewel replied "That may be true but I know what is right and wrong with raising our children better then you". Blu was going to argue but knew she was right "Okay I can't argue with that".

Jewel once again smiled at him while Blu looked to see Selvey and Roxo beginning to open their eyes as well. Doing the same thing Azul did, they blinked a few times as well before gaining their vision too. Selvey looked to See Blu and Jewel but she didn't show sign of being afraid but she did look a little nervous instead she slowly started sniffing her mother's wing.

Jewel just observed as Roxo joined in as well, both of the sniffing their mothers wing, after that they relaxed as they got used to her scent, despite the fact they didn't need to. The then repeated the same with Blu but this time they also noticed Azul snuggled into their father's wing. Once they finished with their father, Selvey made her way back over to her mother and snuggled into her wing for which Jewel gave her a nuzzle.

Roxo looked at both of his parents but decided as he was already next to Blu just lied back down next to him. Blu spoke "Well I call that a success" Jewel nodded "They have only been able to use their eyes and they already like us, which is a good sign." Blu smiled but he then noticed his stomach grumbled which caught the attention of Azul and Roxo who looked at him.

Blu spoke to them "What, I can't help it when that happens." Jewel simply giggled at him "You do know they won't understand you until after a while." Blu simply laughed with her "Yeah I is quite fun, it means they won't back chat" Jewel glared at him "Blu" Blu immediately laughed nervously "Right, Right sorry." Jewel the smiled evilly at him "You better stop thinking of them like that or you're going to get punished"

Blu blushed in response to that as he knew what she meant by that, Jewel just shuck her head and smiled "I see you won't ever stop blushing at that" Blu replied to her "Yep, I probably won't stop unless I am lucky" Jewel then spoke again "I guess it just means, you like it so much" Blu blushed again, and this time Jewel giggled at his response.

Jewel then made a comment "And teasing you never gets old, do you know why" Blu then shuck his head "Because it always serves a reminder of how much we love eachother" Blu smiled at her for saying that "I guess that is true" Blu then turned to the mango and Blackberries "I think it is time we had some breakfast." Jewel nodded as Blu begun to get out of the nest, however before he did Azul noticed this and held onto his wing not wanting him to go, But he slipped and Blu got out of the nest, Blu looked back to seeing Azul, sniffing and looked like he was about to cry. Blu quickly lied down on the side of the nest and put a wing around him "Oh don't worry I will be back in a moment, just grabbing us some breakfast".

Blu then lifted Azul and Roxo and placed then next to their mother. Roxo immediately relaxed while Azul watched his dad walk over to the side of the hollow and grab two mangos and 3 blackberries. Blu then made his way back and handed Jewel the three blackberries and one mango while he kept a mango for himself. Blu then got back into the nest for which Azul wanted to go back over but Jewel grabbed him with her wing and brought him in front of her "You have breakfast and then you can go back to your dad, okay" Blu then smiled "And you had a go at me for talking to them".

Jewel narrowed her eyes at Blu "Blu, stop trying to gain one over me" Blu simply laughed "It is worth trying" Jewel then smirked at him and gave him a nuzzle on his neck again. Blu smiled and returned the nuzzle to her and then Jewel grabbed one of the blackberries and begun munching on it, making it the right form for the kids. Blu then looked in horror as he would have to see this again. Jewel then set Azul as he was sitting down and opened his beak, she opened hers above him and just let it happen as the blackberry liquid (Sort of liquid) Went into his beak and he started munching a little before he swallowed it. Jewel then repeated it a second time and the entire blackberry was eaten by Azul now. She then layed him with his head nuzzled onto his father's wing again. Azul immediately relaxed and snuggled his head into Blu's wing again.

Jewel then grabbed Selvey and sat her in front of her as well. Jewel then munched on a second blackberry and repeated what she did with Azul on Selvey and Blu just watched with a slight disgusted grin on him, When Jewel then moved onto to Roxo, Blu looked like he couldn't watch anymore and looked away in another direction. When Jewel finished giving Roxo his breakfast placed him next to Selvey which were both lying against her wing. She looked to Blu who was giving the same look to her "Blu I am just feeding the kids, there isn't a problem with that".

Blu then grinned at her "Yes but it does look a little weird from my point of view here, I am sorry but I just can't stand it well". Jewel then tilted her head and made a comment "From what Mom has told you are acting a bit like Dad from when they had us". Blu argued back "I know Jonas found it weird as well but not as much as me". Jewel spoke back to him "Actually you are bang on with it, just as much as Dad." Blu then looked at her with a teasing look "Whatever Jewel" Jewel narrowed her eyes at him "Don't speak to me like that Meu Amor". Blu then came up with a very funny idea, to get her to lighten up. Blu then sat up and moved himself right next to Jewel. He then took the kids and placed them on the other side of the nest who just watched as Blu extended his wings a little "Okay I won't speak to you like that, but I will do this". Blu then quickly placed his wing tips on Jewel's sides and went quickly rubbing them in a tickling way. Jewel yelped and immediately giggled endlessly from Blu tickling her.

Blu moved his wings up to just below Jewel's wing joints to her body so she wouldn't be able to stop him, she said while giggling at him "Stop...Blu...please" But Blu continued to tease her "What I can't hear you, All I can hear is that lovely giggling" Blu then smiled evilly and continued to tickle her. Jewel shifted her body continuously to try to get Blu to stop but it wasn't working.

She managed to turn over onto her back however for which Blu continued to tickle her from beneath her wing joints. Jewel wasn't able to extend her wings to stop Blu as the tickling rendered it impossible "Please...Stop...Blu...This...is...killing...me" Blu seeing he had his fun immediately stopped and removed his wings for which Jewel immediately wrapped her wings around Blu and passionately kissed him, for which Blu accepted greatly. The kids couldn't see however as they were facing the back of Blu's head. Once they separated Jewel spoke "I love you so much my Blu bird".

Blu responded to her "I love you too my Precious Jewel". Jewel then smiled seductively at him and said to him in a seductive voice "Please don't do that again my Blu bird" Blu then smiled back at her "Come on Jewel, you know you liked it". Jewel sighed "Okay I did a little but please don't do that again". Blu then replied to her "No promises my Precious Jewel". They both indulged in a passionate kiss again before they turned to the kids who were watching them. Blu spoke "Oh we forgot about the kids for a moment"

Jewel then smiled "Well I guess it was an us time for a moment there. Blu then grabbed the kids and placed them in the middle of him and Jewel and then Blu grabbed his Mango "Let's have our breakfast now shall we." Jewel smiled at him "You read my mind". The then placed the mango's in front of them and Jewel begun to eat while Blu looked to the kids "See this here, this is a very delicious meal here, when you grow older and stronger you can eat them". Jewel grinned at him as he begun to eat as well.

Okay that is chapter 1 done, I hope people like the dramatic start Lol. The first amount of chapters will focus on Blu and Jewel raising their children but then other plot parts of the story will become involved and every now and then more characters will become involved. Piece of Advice: If you haven't read the first story Rio: NewLife, which I know most of you have, you will need to read that to understand this story. Looking forward to all those amazing Reviews. Getting started on Chapter 2 tomorrow. Sorry Kraft58 No amazing book cover for this story like it is for New life at the moment.