Hey guys! The first thing I want to say is THIS IS NOT MY STORY! My friend, Blood thirsty animal, writes from Cynthia's point of view. I write from Merlin and Arthur's. We are co-authors. She doesn't think we'll get any reviews, but I know you will PROVE HER WRONG! You guys are SO amazing, and I know you can just push that little, blue button. Well, I won't keep you too long, or my AN will be longer than my story! LOL! :D READ ON!

Chapter One: The Fallen Kingdom

The feeling of the cold stone floor against Cynthia's cheek was not something to be desired. It had been almost three days since Morgana and Mordred had killed her mother and father, and she had not yet moved from the spot where they had fallen. Their bodies had been moved and cleaned but she had not. Servants and knights would move around her asking her to get up, some even ordered her too, yet all she did was blink in response. Sometimes if the men were lucky enough to get a response, they would see her eyes flash a familiar golden. Then the man would be moved back towards the door with a slight warning not to say anymore. Mordred and Morgana had left after the kill not bothering to kill anyone else. After all, they had bigger things to plan. Cynthia closed her eyes and pulled her legs closer to her, a slight growling in her stomach making her moan. She had not eaten for at least three days, and she was beginning to weaken. She knew it was stupid to stay on the floor -after all it wasn't comfortable- but it was just too hard to move. The door slowly opened, and a knight moved across the hall to the young adult princess. He was the most trusted knight of the kingdom with so much respect, more so then anyone twenty something was meant to have. Her eyes slowly caught the man's and tears shone in them. The man may have just been a knight, but he had been loyal to the king. With a sad sigh, the man took her hand, which she had slowly stretched out, and began the slow process of helping her move. After all, she was weak from starvation and had tried to fight the two sorcerers but with no luck. It wasn't that she was weak; it was more that she had been outnumbered and Mordred and Morgana were both powerful. She closed her eyes as images struck her mind, and she moaned with sadness, as the knight seemed to lead her somewhere.

~ In Camelot ~

Merlin groggily sat up and blinked. Was it morning already? He yawned and stretched his sore muscles. Arthur had given him loads of chores yesterday in preparation for Lady Cynthia's arrival.

'Poor Cynthia.' Merlin thought. 'His mother and her father killed… by Morgana no less.' He felt his jaw clench, and he tried to relax. He would not ruin his day by thinking of her.

Merlin got out of the bed and put on a plum-colored tunic, his usual brown breeches and boots, and a blood-red neckerchief. He ran down the stairs, grabbed a piece of bread, and yelled "Goodbye, Gauis!" on his way out. Today would be a good day. He was sure of it.

~ In a far-away kingdom ~

As the images after five minutes or however long it had been (it had felt like a life time) had dissipated, she opened her eyes slowly to find that she was in a bright courtyard with many knights on horseback. The place apart from the knights looked deserted. What was going on? "We were told that if the king and queen were ever killed that we were to tell the villagers to leave the castle and head somewhere else. All the knights were to take you, the princess, to Camelot where you will be safe," one of the knight's voices rang out to her. He was on the horse in front of her, and it troubled her that she had not bothered to learn any of the knight's names. After all, her mother had requested her not to and now her mother and father were dead and buried, and they wanted her to leave the only home she had ever known. After many hours of sitting on the steps of her home and reminiscing about the times that she had played in the square and rode her horse through the forest near the castle, she was finally ready to leave. After a sad goodbye, she mounted her white horse that she called Shadow and galloped away from her home. Silent tears left her eyes and made small tear tracks on her puffy cheeks. The sound of clattering hooves on the stone ground invaded her mind, anything to stop her thinking about what had happened. Almost fifty knights rode with her, and the rest had been dispersed to loyal kingdoms sending word of the fallen kingdom or joining the army. It was a few days ride to Camelot, but the days seemed to pass quickly and the food that she was given seemed to ease the pain a little. She would not recover lightly, even with her magic, she knew that much.

~ In Camelot ~

Merlin struggled into Arthur's chambers, trying to balance a teetering pile of laundry. His attempts were in vain, and some of the shirts toppled to the cold, stone floor.

"You really are hopeless, aren't you?" Arthur walked over, picked up the unfortunate tunics, and handed them to Merlin. "Here." He said kindly.

"Thanks." Merlin smiled as he took the clothes from Arthur and sat them on his desk.

Arthur had changed so much in the past few years! Gone was the arrogant, prattish prince, and in his place was a king who was compassionate and loved his people. He had changed because of one person… one warlock.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouted as his friend tripped over a bucket.

"Sorry." He muttered. "Oh, and I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Arthur rolled his eyes but held out his hand to Merlin and helped him up.

Merlin smiled gratefully. "Thanks."

"Well, I couldn't have my servant slacking off of his duties, sitting on the ground, relaxing even, could I?" Arthur said, playfully.

Merlin nudged Arthur. "If I was stuck on the floor, you wouldn't be alive!"

Arthur laughed. "I think it's the other way around."

Now it was Merlin's turn to roll his eyes. "Come on, sire. It's time for you to get dressed."

"I already am."

Merlin raised an eyebrow. (Had he been taking lessons from Gauis?) "I don't think that's the best combination, Arthur." He chuckled. "Unless you want Lady Cynthia to think you're an artless, beetle-headed barnacle!"

"My, my, Merlin, such impressive vocabulary skills." Arthur looked down at his purple tunic, brown pant, and red jacket. "Now, would you kindly tell me what is wrong with the outfit?"

"Well, for one thing, you're wearing two different boots!" Merlin smirked. "You really are useless, aren't you?" He said, impersonating Arthur. Arthur glared at Merlin and tried to keep a straight face. In a second, they both doubled over in laughter. It was then that a guard rapped on Arthur's door.

"Sire," The guard bowed. "Lady Cynthia has arrived."

"Thank-you." Arthur dismissed the guard and turned back to Merlin. "Well, you'd better hurry!"

Merlin grinned and set about dressing Arthur in a midnight-blue tunic, black breeches, matching boots, and a red Camelonian cloak. He stepped back to admire his work. "Perfect."

"If you say so. Come on!" Arthur led the way out of his chambers, through the many corridors, and out the grand castle doors to Lady Cynthia.

Loved it? Hated it? As I've said in previous author's notes, I only have an hour per day to reply to alerts, favorites, and reviews, type up my stories, post them, read fan0fiction, and watch Merlin. It only takes 10 seconds to review. So, PLEASE DO! It means A LOT! – even if it's just a smiley face. Thanks! You guys are so awesome! ~ Merlinfanatic77 (and Blood thirsty animal)