And after a hot minute, the story of The Wedding Planner continues! The rest of the story is taken from the RP The Business Of Getting Married on Tumblr, that we completed way back in 2015. Heartfelt thanks goes to my amazing RP partner Chauncey, without whom, I would never have RPed the story through and would never have incorporated the twists and turns Samcedes will take in the fic. Dedicated to Chauncey, in thanks for nearly 4 great years of RPing and just to say, I miss those times more than I can say. Enjoy!

Jeni xx

Song is Memory by Sugarcult.

This may never start
We could fall apart
And I'd be your memory
Lost your sense of fear
Feelings insincere
Can I be your memory?

So get back, back, back to where we lasted
Just like I imagine
I could never feel this way
So get back, back, back to the disaster
My heart's beating faster
Holding on to feel the same

This may never start
I'll tear us apart
Cannot be your enemy
Losing half a year
Waiting for you here
I'd be your anything

So get back, back, back to where we lasted
Just like I imagine
I could never feel this way
So get back, back, back to the disaster
My heart's beating faster
Holding on to feel the same

This may never start
Tearing out my heart
I'd be your memory
Lost your sense of fear
(I'd be your memory)
Feelings disappear
Can I be your memory?

So get back, back, back to where we lasted
Just like I imagine
I could never feel this way
So get back, back, back to the disaster
My heart's beating faster
Holding on to feel the same

This could never start
We could fall apart
And I'd be your memory
Lost your sense of fear
Feelings insincere
Can I be your memory?

'You agreed!' Sam growled, clenching his fists as he struggled to keep his temper, two days after he'd spent the best day and night of his life, buried deep inside her and holding her in his arms. 'Dammit Minnie!' he huffed in absolute frustration,wondering just what it was going to take for Mercedes to just let him in. Just let him a little of the way in, and by God he'd do anything and everything in his goddamn power to make her happy. Two steps and a whole damn fifty miles back..

'I know what I said!' Mercedes replied defensively, tears pricking the backs of her eyelids, 'But I reserve the right to change my mind! And don't call me Minnie, I'm not a damn mouse!'

'You are fucking unbelievable,' he said through gritted teeth, the fury coursing through his veins ephemeral in its intensity. ' You said you'd think about moving in, that you'd consider dating..'

'I did consider it! And guess what Sam? In the cold light of day,away from you, away from the sex between us clouding the issue and making it so I can't damn well think, I decided that it's just not right for me!' she said, coldly, hating the hurt that was twisting viciously in her chest. 'I don't owe you anything-'

'Owe me? OWE ME?!' Sam exploded, unable to believe his ears. 'I'm not saying you damn well owe me, I'm asking what's changed, huh Mercedes? What the fuck has changed?'

Shane..Her heart replied plaintively,as she recalled the conversation she'd had with her ex the previous night. 'Sam..I'm not prepared to talk about it anymore..I have to go..' she whispered painfully, her finger hitting the button to cut off the call.

'Don't hang up on me-' Sam began angrily,before hearing the fatalistic click echoing down the line, that told him she had indeed hung up on him. 'Fuck..' he ground out, dropping his hands into his head defeatedly.

What the hell was that?' The sharp reprimand had Mercedes, turning around to face an unamused Quinn, her arms folded across her chest and blue eyes trained implacably on her best friend.

'Don't start, please, Quinn,' she sighed dismissively, as her fingers brushed away the tears that were clinging to her eyelashes.

'Don't start? Oh no, Mercedes, I'm definitely going to start, middle and end this..What are you doing? To Sam? To yourself..?He's the damn best thing to happen to you-he loves you, truly adores you..Wants to give you everything and you want to throw it all away?' Quinn's voice rose with every word she uttered. 'Do you like hurting yourself, is that it? Sam gets you, Mercedes..I just..don't..fuck it..oh shit damn..fucking fuckity shitballs motherfucker-' Quinn spluttered in complete exasperation, before stalking over to the counter and pulling out her purse that she had store below. Rifling through it, she pulled out a twenty dollar note and posted it into the unicorn swear box she had set up on the desk. 'Do you think it's karma that I set up that damn swear box to stop everyone else's potty mouth and the one that ends up paying most into it is me?! Fuck me, Mercedes, I swear you and Sam are going to bankrupt me!'

'Quinn..he wants things I can't give him..It's better like this..Let him..move on..' she uttered sadly, as she walked past Quinn to go to the store room where she could indulge the tears that she longed to cry.

Quinn snorted, shaking her head. 'He's not going to move on. He loves you, Mercedes..I want what's best for you, all of us do- me, Santana,Kurt..but you've got to decide that you deserve it and go after it..And you do Mercedes. You deserve every inch of the love Sam has for you..Don't make a mistake that you may regret for the rest of your life,' she warned her, worry clouding her eyes as she watched the girl she considered another sister, walk away from her.

It was dark, the street empty and a slight chill in the air, as Mercedes locked the shop door and pocketed the keys. Her heart was killing her, the lump in her throat that had seemed to have permanently lodged itself in her throat, aching. It had been two days since she had argued with Sam. Two days- and no calls, no texts, no visits..nothing. She should have been glad she supposed. She had achieved what she had set out to do..but it hurt..oh my goodness, did it hurt.. A figure stood in the shadows. then stepped forward into the pooling light cast by the nearby streetlight.

'Mercedes,' Sam greeted her unsmiling, car keys in hand.

'Sam..what are you doing her? I thought I said-'she started, then stopped openmouthed as he cut across her ruthlessly.

'Yeah I heard what you said,Minnie. And you know what? I decided that no, I'm not just gonna let you push me can get in, and let me give you a ride home, or I pick you up and put you in the damn car myself. fact..I kinda like the idea of the or so..' He strode towards her, pausing only to lift and scoop her onto his shoulder, ignoring her shrieks.

'Samuel Evans! Put me down this instant!' she screeched, and was rewarded by a smart pop on the ass. ' What the hell!'

He stopped in front of his car and let her down, before opening the door and gesturing inside.

'Get in,' he told her grimly. One look at his set face and she climbed in, fastening her seat belt, her mouth suddenly dry.

He walked around to the driver's side, opened the door and slid behind the wheel. Switching the ignition on, he pulled away from the kerb smoothly. They drove in silence for a few minutes before Mercedes realized they were headed the wrong way.

'Where are we going? I don't want to do this with you..' she asked huffily, fingers clenched together in her lap.

He pulled the car over and switched the engine off. 'Somewhere we can talk. Right here..? This will do just fine..'

They were settling into a pattern..he chased, she retreated and then he cornered, and that was exactly what he was doing now but tonight he was aiming to break the impasse for once and for all. Sitting next to her, he smiled briefly, before going straight on the attack, aiming for the metaphorical jugular. 'Really..and here I thought you were ecstatic to see me..Look Minnie..we need to talk..for real..I'm not going anywhere, its a long walk home and even if you could walk home from here, I've no intention of letting you you might as well talk to me…I want something more with you, that's no secret..I just need to understand where I'm going wrong…because we connect..I feel it. You feel for me too..I know you do..You know I love you and you've told me you love me so why won't you give me a chance?' he asked,spreading his palms in supplication.

She watched as he sat down beside her, her heart already beating at a faster pace. She sighed as she looked him straight in the eyes, finally turning to face him completely, knowing there was no real way of getting around this. 'Ok, fine. Let's talk, Sam Evans… but first… you need to listen to me. Like, really listen to what I'm about to say. No twisting my words, or pushing for more than what I'm trying to put out here right now,' she began, trying to get her voice steady, even as the look of his handsome features was almost enough to throw her off. Focus, Mercedes. You need to be business like about this. If you let your heart do the talking, Sam might have you marching towards the altar before your feet even hit the floor, she coached herself. 'I… I have a hard time staying away from you for long. In fact, I think it's impossible at this time. I… love… you… and I… love what we do together. The physical and the talking. I like having you around. You're a good person and I… it's hard not to think about you- for me- BUT that does not mean I'm trying to jump into a relationship of any kind. It also doesn't mean I date or think any different about marriage, kids, and relationships overall. It just means… I want you. I like you… and I'd like us to continue this… thing… we have,' she let out as she looked at him. 'You said you wanted some of my time… Well… I want to give it to you… Friends spend time together… friends… with benefits… spend time together and can…be a bit closer…physically. That's what I want… That's what I'm offering,' she finished, silently praying he couldn't hear her heart pounding hard against her chest.

Friends with benefits...his jaw nearly hit the floor in shock. She was serious. Deadly so, he could tell as he looking into her eyes, protests automatically coming to his lips.'You're offering Your labels…You agreed to dating just three damn days told me I wasn't a booty call...but what you actually want is just that. A fuckbuddy..Ok then...You've laid your plans out for me..but as truthsome as you've been, I gotta match that….I want your time sure, hell I want you in every which way possible..but I want more. Fair warning now, Minnie. I can do all that..spend time together and the physical. Friends with benefits..but I'm still coming for your heart..' He cupped her chin gently, leaning in as his lips brushed against hers.'I'll take whatever I can get from you, I'm not proud..but that doesn't mean I've given up on you..You and me, we've got a date with destiny, that includes all those things-marriage, kids and yes, a full grown you say here…whatever you're thinking in that gorgeous little head of yours, we're getting hitched. It's a matter of time..but until then? I'd love to be your friend..with benefits..' he whispered lowly, urgently before his mouth covered hers hotly, tongue pushing past her soft lips to seal their deal.

She nodded as he spoke, 'I'm offering you..what I can logically give at the moment. I told you before..just because I love you doesn't mean I suddenly believe in marriage and kids, so don't be confused on that Sam,' she said sternly before her eyes went wide at his declaration. 'M-my heart,' she stammered quickly before she regained her composure. 'I told I felt about you... You're getting a lot more than anyone else ever has,' she replied, meaning every word. He had so much more of her than Shane had ever had, and he didn't even realize it. Her skin crawled as her mind taunted her with Shane's final words to during that fateful phone call a few days earlier. Don't be thinking you can mess around on me Mercedes..doesn't matter who I marry, you're still mine and don't you forget it..Wouldn't want Pretty Boy there to get hurt...Her thoughts on guarding herself were interrupted as his lips met hers, ceasing all thought for a moment as she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him, falling into the kiss. She pulled away slightly as she looked into his eyes. But she couldn't stay away from Sam, it was impossible, something she had no control over, her heart and body craving the man she was hopelessly in love with every waking minute of every day. But she could protect him..if they weren't anything official, then he'd stay safe. 'I mean it, Sam. No craziness. Don't push. I… what we're doing… is taking a lot for me… and I… just… I don't want a lot of pressure,' she implored before she leaned forward tentatively and kissed him once again.

I'm not confused..' he told her firmly, all traces of his smile wiped from his face, green eyes deadly serious. 'I'm being honest. We are going to get married and we're gonna make the cutest babies ever. You have my word on that..' He smiled then, gently, thumb stroking across her bottom lip. 'Your heart,' he nodded, ignoring the brief flare of panic he thought he saw in her eyes.'And I love that..but I love you more. We could be epic, Mercedes. If you didn't feel for me, I wouldn't force the issue. But you do. Every time you look at me with those baby browns I see it. You love me. I know you do because you told me yourself and I know you wouldn't lie about something so important..not you. You make me want to want more..and I'm coming for it. Not just for me, but for you as well. So you've been warned Mercedes Jones. Don't later say you haven't….' His lips captured hers again, slowly, teasingly, coaxing her,making the action unhurried and intimate..and a plan was formulating. He was going to love her..all out..undeniably and relentlessly, pour every bit of love he had for her into every kiss,,every touch…'No pressure..' he agreed, lifting his lips slightly off hers. He was done waging war with words, now he'd go into battle, their bodies his weapon of choice.