Reviews for The Wedding Planner
JolietheLarissa chapter 10 . 7/29
Please, I need to know the rest of the storyThe best story I've ever read, please
JolietheLarissa chapter 12 . 7/20
Pleaase, post the rest of the story
JolietheLarissa chapter 1 . 7/20
Pleaase, post the rest of the story
Mercypowaaa chapter 13 . 12/7/2019
OMG you’re back! Just couldn’t believe my eyes! Thank you! And please please I beg of you can you continue Shining light too? Lol i was hooked lined and sinker lol
What a great job you did!
Zini chapter 13 . 11/25/2019
Gosh this is so good! I hope it’ll be completed!
myhiggins25 chapter 13 . 11/25/2019
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! I cant believe it this is one of my favorite stories! I hoep you'll give us some more soon!
Emma chapter 13 . 11/15/2019
So happy your back have just finished reading all the way through, bloody love this story!
Can’t wait for more, thank you for coming back!
krazykay23 chapter 13 . 11/16/2019
I squealed when I saw this was updated! I had to re-read it to freshen up but it was well worth it. What’s gotten me to caught off guard is Shane and Mercedes remembering their conversation. What the heck is he going on about?! I always thought Mercedes was being resistant because of what happened to her mom but now, I’m not so sure. Very curious for the next update and thank you!
bcandylandgirl chapter 13 . 11/14/2019
This is my first time reading this fic. I read it from start to finish. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for continuing after all these years. Much appreciated.
arwenforlife chapter 13 . 11/13/2019
Thank you for coming back to this great story. Mercedes may fear for Sam, but I think she has more back-bone than that. Shane is barking up the wrong tree where Sam is concerned. I hope he gets a thorough beat-down.
Emma chapter 13 . 11/12/2019
So happy your back!
Just re-reading again
flanmaja chapter 13 . 11/10/2019
Jeni, ich habe dich vermisst! Wie geht es dir?

I am not in the Samcedes fandom anymore and I usually don't read fanfiction anymore but then I saw the mail about this story getting updated. So I read it and I still love it! Now I will go back and read from chapter one. This was always one of my favorite Samcedes fics because your writing is AMAZING and I will always be one of your biggest fans!

dorknhime chapter 13 . 11/9/2019
Thank you for coming back for this one too! Even after all these years, this one is still one of my favourites to read!
whoknowstv chapter 13 . 11/9/2019
This is a nice surprise. An awesome pre-holiday treat. Thank you!

I read this story years ago and I was disappointed that it stopped. I tried to find it on Tumblr, but my computer challenged ways made that not possible.

Anyway, I haven't re-read from the beginning, so I am going to do a REALLY short review. Even though I have no memory of Shane being a part of this story, but based upon what I had read about him from this chapter, Shane is a bastard's ass.

Until we meet again ... Goodnight Bunnies!
belladuke97 chapter 12 . 9/18/2017
Hey, there! I just wanted to let you know that I loved reading your story. It was well-written, very funny and very steamy. I loved the characters. Drunk Quinn was a hoot! You are talented, and I hope you continue this someday in a novel or screenplay.
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