Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing!

A/N: Right, this is a little five chapter thing that just kind of found itself written in between me being ill (yes, I am still ill!), extremely stressed out, and kinder having a complete downer – no joke, I almost gave up writing altogether this week – so, I hope you enjoy this and I can get some other good stuff posted soon =)

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Everyone Loves Derek Morgan -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

"I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone" – Javan.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Everyone Loves Derek Morgan -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

If there was one thing that Derek Morgan found himself getting jealous over it was having the ability to look at everyone settling down and he be left standing still in life, not getting closer to any essence of a happily ever after. Hell, he was even jealous of Penelope being happy with Kevin for the four years they were together before their nasty breakup. He guessed a part of him was like it because Kevin got more attention and Derek became overlooked. Rightly so! He had told himself, but it didn't take away the jealous edge he felt every time he thought about it.

He knew a part of him loved Penelope more than he let on, but she was never that interested in him and he refused to destroy something that kept him so sane when most days he had declared that the world was mentally insane. She was his breath of fresh air, his wake up call, the reason he was content with the job and, partly, the life he led. He would never endanger that; he would never cost himself the best thing he had in life when he would lose in more ways than one.

So he refused. He impaled himself with that stake and remained true to that claim that she was always and forever going to be his sidekick, his best friend, his baby girl.

Sure they all shared the same dreams, but everyone was reaching them at different stages. Hotch had had it all and lost half of it, only to move on. JJ had it all, the marriage, the kid. Spencer was finally moving onto making moves on ladies, but he was young, he had all the time in the world right now. Emily was settling into a relationship and well, as for Rossi, his blossoming relationship with Emily seemed to hit the nail on the head with why his marriages before failed – Emily kept him whipped! As for his baby girl, she was dating and she wasn't slowing her roll, she was happy with what she was up to and he was happy for her, like he was for everyone else.

The more he saw families around, the more he wanted the more he wished he knew what it would feel like. He wanted to wake up to one woman everyday and know that the school run was upon them and that he had to cook breakfast and clean up after his own set of rugrats. He wanted that feeling of lack of sleep from running around after his own kids, not from running around after Unsubs or the mountainous paperwork. Derek wanted the wholesome, completeness he felt as a child knowing he had his mom and family to look after him. He wanted to give back by giving his mother those grandbabies and he wanted to show her that the way he was brought up was taking a positive effect because his kids would grow up to be free and happy children. He would give them the greatest of greatness at every opportunity. He would indulge them in the good life of love and endurance and he would nurture them to be independent children who were ambitious and reached their ultimate.

God, he just wanted to show that he was made to be a good father.

Not only that, but he wanted to show a woman that he was a dedicated husband and that he would and could keep her satisfied every single day of her life. He wanted her to wake up with a smile on her face because she realised that the good life was hers to have too. Derek wanted one woman to love him, and him only and he wanted to take the plunge and marry her and live out the vows and grow old with one woman.

Derek only wanted to be completely happy and he wanted that happiness to only grow with life.

Right now, with his age only increasing, and his time running thin, he was soon to be no one's forever and he would be an unhappy, unfulfilled bachelor that would plaster a smile on his face and be happy for his friends and family as they all settled down – Even for Penelope he would cover his sadness and make her the happiest ever.

Having tested his faith multiple times in his life, Derek found himself talking to the big man upstairs more when he was at a crossroad in his life. Either God was listening, or his father was and he hoped that somewhere his father knew there was some grand design ready for his life to take a hold of.

Praying, Derek closed his eyes, and wondered when the woman of his dreams would become apparent to him, when she would step up to the mark and declare it all, seeing as he seemed to entirely blind to any such female. Derek wanted his forever to start and, God damnit, he wanted it to start sooner rather than later.

After all, he had already established he wasn't going to remain this young forever.

Giving up, Derek groaned as he sat up. "God, I just want to be loved," Derek said as he looked up at the starry sky.

Little did he know that some higher deity was putting that wish into action.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Everyone Loves Derek Morgan -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-