"Remind me why I hang out with you," Wally groaned as he continued on a car ride to god knows where.

"Because you love us," James sang tilting his head onto Wally's shoulder. Wally rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah. That's why," he sighed. Hartley glanced up from his book as Wally.

"Because you're our baby and if you didn't come willingly then we would kidnap you and hide you from Flash for months. Again," he stated simply. Wally shuddered thinking about the last (only) time he ever ignored his "family" on his criminal side. Three months he would never get back.

"Right," Wally said sliding a little further from Hartley. Hartley just gave a small warm smile. James laughed at the two red heads while Wally wondered how he ended up between the two of them.

"I told you to take a left!"

"I know what I'm doing!"

"You do not!"

The three in the back looked up at Cold and Mirror Master who were without a doubt getting them lost while Boomerang and Golden Glider were sleeping (which explained the ear plugs they brought into the vehicle).

"Well, looks like Uncle the Flash is going to have to be our GPS again," Wally stated.

"Uh huh."

"NN-OOO-OOOO! He'll take you 'way again," James whined. Hartley raised a brow at James.

"Or he'll join us like he did in our retreat to D.C."

James opened his mouth to retort but then stopped.


Wally raised his brow.

"What? When was this?"

"Remember when you were taken to Star City to meet the Arrow heads?"


"Well while you were up there, Flash used the excuse you were sick which led to Heat wave to remember some miracle medicine he got from some guy in D.C. Because we were all in D.C, Flash had to come and "stop us" which led to him playing tour guide around D.C while Heatwave looked for the medicine guy. Which turned out to be a drunk old man with a banana he thought was a gun but still…"

Wally blinked.

"Why do I even try?"

"Because you love us!"

Short. I haven't updated in forever (according to a reader…) So yeah… Review?