Simple: Me plus free time plus awesome reading about the civil war equals this. Note: this does not take place in the universe my other stories take place in. Now yes there will be OC's, only because I don't feel like going onto the KND wiki to look up a character I can use, I just don't feel like it.

You could say it was a week like any other…but then you'd most likely have poo for brains. Sure, yeah, fighting an elderly man with an addiction to dodge ball, a crazy old cat lady, and dozens of other crazy themed adults wouldn't really be considered normal…unless you were part of the Kids Next Door. But this is not another tale of heroism amongst our ranks, or a thrilling conclusion to the mystery of whether Numbuh 5 ever revealed what the fourth flavor tasted like. No, this is the story of how the KND almost fell apart and how everything we stood for nearly crumbled under our feet.

KND Moon Base

"They're arguing again" Numbuh 0.333 said to a helmeted girl with a tiger striped sweater and pot like helmet.

"Ugh" the girl sighed as she set down her pencil "That's like what, the tenth time today?"

"Fourteenth, ma'am" a boy with blonde and purple spiked hair said walking by.

"For the love of Zero, someone get them up here right now, we are straightening this out, right now!" the girl ordered.

Two uniform dressed twins with the number '44' on their helmets sighed simultaneously and exited the room to carry out their leaders order. A few minutes later, the twins returned with two bickering eleven year olds in tow.

"You idiot!" the redheaded girl yelled into the boys ear "If you continue to push the cadets, they'll all be to useless in the field!"

"Useless?" the boy exclaimed, scowling at the girl "I push my cadets so they can be at their best when they take on the adults…or the teens you failed to bring in when you were Head of Decommissioning!"

As the boy's final word left his mouth, the girl's eyes shot wide open in anger. "You dare accuse me of stupidity of all those boys you trained!"

"Hey, half the guys who were on your team at the time were recruited by you. So don't go pointing that finger at me, miss…secret rainbow-lover-girly-girl."

"Really? Miss secret rainbow lover girly girl? Is that the best your stupid boy brain can come up with?"

"Enough!" the girl with blond hair and the tiger stripe sweater yelled, causing the two squabbling eleven year olds to cease their actions and focus on their Supreme Leader. "Now, what is it this time?" she asked as more kids from within the Moon Base began to gather around. "What is this about? I've been getting complaints from the Prospectors, Numbuh 48-Flavors, everyone in the cafeteria, and even complaints from several Sectors on Earth, that you two have your arguing has been causing nothing but trouble. So what is it this time? Patton forget to address you formally? Or is it that Fanny didn't follow one of your ridiculous protocols again?"

Both kids looked at the ground, hoping to avoid the girls eyes. "Ugh…well…you see Numbuh 362 ma'am" the boy, Patton, also known as Numbuh 60 began "Me and Numbuh 86 here were having a friendly discussion when she-"

"Oh no, you are not pinning this all on me!" Fanny, Numbuh 86, yelled cutting off Patton "It was him Numbuh 362; he had to be an idiot like every other boy."

"Hey!" several male onlookers exclaimed.

"We take offense to that" one of the 44 twins said dryly.

"Ugh. I'm surrounded by boys" Fanny sighed, squeezing her temples "well, anyways Patton kept saying that it was my entire fault that several teens have been able to evade KND Decommissioning squads."

"It kind of is" Patton said dryly, earning a scowl from Fanny and many other operatives "What? What did I do to set you guys off?"

"You do realize we're a part of those squads right?" a girl with brown hair pilot gear and the number '58' on her helmet said shaking her head at Patton.

"Well it's the truth, try explaining how 206 got away, or how those two teens managed to just walk by you guys without you noticing?" Patton said pointing his finger at the girl with the '58' on her helmet.

"Shut up Patton" Fanny said slapping said boy across the face "fighting with everyone won't get you anywhere."

Patton rubbed his now red cheek and glared at the redheaded girl. Numbuh 362 let out an exhausted sigh before walking in-between the two operatives. "Alright, alright, calm down you two, now. That's an order."

"No!" Patton yelled angrily "No! No! I'm sorry Rachel, but no! I am sick and tired of people like Fanny getting everything they want just by yelling! Who's with me?" Patton turned to see dozens of on looking operatives clapping and cheering him on. "Numbuh 362 ma'am, if you side with Fanny on this I am leaving the KND, and starting my own fair KND!"

Numbuh 362 was taken aback by Patton's outburst. But before she could respond, Fanny too yelled out her opinion. "Well I'm sick of having some yeti like you run around like you know where Numbuh 1 put the Book of KND! Numbuh 362, Rachel, lass, if you side with this eskimo, I swear I'm breaking off from the KND and starting my own organization, an organization that has standards!" Fanny pumped her fist into the air, causing many operatives alike to cheer and applaud the redhead.

Numbuh 362 was torn. Two of her best friends had just declared that if she didn't side with either one of them, they would secede from the KND, and most likely, take their following with them. "I…I…Isn't there any way you guys can sort this out peacefully?"

"NO!" both Fanny and Patton exclaimed.

"I…I can't" Numbuh 362 reluctantly admitted "I can't choose between my best friends."

Both Fanny and Patton cast one another ice cold glares and both shouted, "I'm leaving the Kids Next Door!" With that, both eleven year olds and the operatives siding with them, exited the room, leaving only Numbuh 362 and a few baffled operatives to watch as the KND tore itself apart, piece by piece.

Not too far away from the baffled operatives. At Numbuh 35's unattended station, an ominous message begins to play. "Numbuh 101 calling the Moon Base, I bring you a message from the future, do not, I repeat do not let Numbuh's 60 and 86 leave the KND, don't go to Sector V, please don't trust Numbuh 4, and for the love of Zero don't-"