N/A: This was written for the Black Circle DJ feat on LiveJournal. Betaed by acidbathory.

To those waiting for an update on "Heart Full of Black": I'm SO sorry it's been so long. Chapter 13 will be up in a day or two. This fic is the culprit. I had a major writers block and a deadline to make.


Remus struggled to get past the little paper umbrellas and other rubbish completely covering the glass in front of him so he could get access to the actual drink.

"You're supposed to use the straw, Remus. Haven't you ever seen one of those?" chuckled the little brunette sitting on the barstool next to Remus.

"Very funny, Dorcas," he commented drily. To be honest, he hadn't noticed that there was a straw hiding amongst the vast amount of garnish. "What is this drink anyway?"

"It's a Mai Tai. Try it - it's very delicious."

Remus contemplated it suspiciously. "Don't they have beer? Muggles make excellent beer," he muttered. "Or is that too ordinary for this place?"

"Ah, don't be such a wet blanket, Remus. How can you not be in a good mood after a day like today?"

The five young Order members in the club had just taken part in a very successful operation that had led to the arrest of no less than three Death Eaters. It had taken weeks of planning and hard work and had now paid off very well.

"Of course I'm happy about today! It's just this place... couldn't we have gone to a pub, or something else more down to earth, to celebrate?"

Remus was uncomfortable. It was stuffy and too hot in there, and you had to almost shout or speak directly into people's ears to make yourself heard over the noise.

"No, that's too boring. Such a great accomplishment requires somewhere more special."

"Why? I don't see Dumbledore or Moody or McGonagall anywhere in here."

"Yeah - but they're ancient, Remus. You're twenty three! You should be ecstatic and all over the dance floor."

"I can't dance..."

"That's putting it mildly," sniggered the read-head on Remus' left.

"Belt up, Evans."

To Remus' great relief, Dorcas was soon after asked to dance and she eagerly accepted, leaving Remus and Lily behind at the bar.

"Don't try to tell me that this place is your style, either..." Remus said.

"You know it isn't. But loosen up, Remus. Look at Dorcas - she loves it! And Frank and Alice seem to like it quite a bit as well."

Remus shot a glance at the couple in question. They were completely wrapped up in each other on the dance floor.

"Yeah, well, they'd like a waste disposal site quite a lot if they could just be there together."

"Aren't we in a cheerful mood!" Lily chuckled.

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by one more time?"

Both Remus' and Lily's heads jerked in the direction of the voice that had just spoken. A young man with glasses, ruffled dark hair, and a cocky grin was standing in front of them, eying Lily hungrily.

Lily treated him to a quick disapproving once-over. "You can walk by all you want. It's not going to get you anywhere."

"Ah. Difficult to get. Well, I don't mind a challenge!" the man grinned.

He walked a bit further along the bar and ordered two beers. Then he made his way back to Lily and Remus.

"If you think I'm drinking that, you've got another thing coming," Lily said, glaring at him.

"Patience, Darling. This one's for my friend, but I'll be back in a minute and then you can chose whatever drink you want," he said, winking lewdly at her.

The read-head rolled her eyes as her new admirer headed for the other side of the room.

"What a git!"

Remus laughed and let his gaze follow the man crossing the floor. And then his eyes fell on something - or rather someone - that nearly knocking the wind out of him. It felt as if he was struck by a lightning bolt or a very powerful Stunning spell. He could feel his jaw drop to his chest, and surely his eyes must have nearly popped out of their sockets.

Remus could swear that he had never before seen such a handsome man. No, handsome didn't really cut it. Beautiful was a more fitting word. Stunning. Devine, even. He had shoulder-long, jet black hair that fell in elegant waves, framing his face perfectly. And what a face! It was perfectly proportioned with delicate features and high cheekbones. It looked as if a sculptor had made it out of marble, chiselling and polishing every little detail to perfection. The eyes were... well, it was difficult to determine the colour because of the distance. Blue. Or perhaps grey. Either way they were absolutely striking.

Remus ran his eyes up and down the man's body. From what he could see it was just as gorgeous as his face. Slender but not scrawny, toned but not buff. Just perfect. He was wearing snug black jeans, that hugged his form in all the right places, and a smooth black dress shirt. Both jeans and shirt must have been tailored specifically for him, Remus thought. The two top buttons of the shirt were casually undone, and the rest were just begging to follow...

"...don't you agree, Remus?... Remus? Remus? Hello? Remus?"

Someone snapped their fingers in front of his face. He hadn't realised that Lily had evidently been talking to him for a while.

"Remus, I'm talking to you!"

"Hmm?" he replied vaguely, not able to take his eyes off of their target.

"What is wrong with you?" She followed his gaze with her eyes. "Oh. OH."

"Oh - what?"

"Oh - I see what caught your attention," she laughed.

"He's... he's..."

"Yes, he's not bad looking."

"Not bad looking?" exclaimed Remus, staring incredulously at her, having finally managed to tear his attention away from the man. "He's GORGEOUS!"

"Okay, okay - he's gorgeous," she chuckled. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

"What do you mean?"

"Go talk to him!"

Remus looked horror-stricken. "Are you out of your mind? He's surely not gay - and even if he were, he's way out of my league!"

"You don't know that he isn't. And give yourself some credit, Remus. You're a nice catch, too. I'd have a go at you myself if you were straight."

"Well, like I said, you're out of your mind... Watch him - he's looking right through me."

"He just hasn't spotted you yet."

"Oh, he must have. His friend is pointing you out and talking. Probably about how he's going to seduce you."

Lily huffed.

Remus watched as his infatuation shook his head, flashing a breathtaking grin, and punched his friend's shoulder teasingly.

"Oh, fuck," he murmured under his breath and shifted to better hide his erection. When exactly had he gotten that? One minute there had been nothing and the next...

Lily leaned in. "What did you say?" she asked, practically shouting so she could make herself heard above the particularly noisy song that was playing just then.

"Nothing." Remus shook his head. "Oh - here comes Prince Charming again."

"Oh, for the love of -"

"So - have you decided on a drink yet?"

Lily appeared to have decided on the ignore-him-till-he-goes-away tactic.

"No? Maybe a Sex on the Beach? I can really recommend that."

Remus could see Lily's upper lip struggle not to curl into a vicious sneer.

"Awww, come on, Baby - come dance with me. You know you want to," the messy haired man said, leaning obnoxiously close to her.

Lily planted her palms in his chest and pushed him back roughly. "Back off! Can't you take a hint? I'm. Not. Interested!"

"Your mouth says 'no' but your body says -"

"I have a boyfriend. So bugger off!"

The man just grinned. He didn't look like he believed her one bit.

Exasperated, Lily suddenly grabbed Remus' face and started snogging him forcefully.

Remus suppressed his impulse to push her away and watched the man out of the corner of his eye. He stood there, gawking for a moment, then he slunk away, back to his friend by the wall.

"Thanks a lot, Lily! Now he definitely won't be interested in me. Why is it that girls always think they can use their gay friends to ward off unwanted advances?"

"Oh, Remus, I'm so sorry! I didn't think! I was desperate."

"Whatever. It's not as if I ever had a chance with him anyway."

"Don't say that. I'll go explain it to him," she said, fixing to get up.

"NO! Are you crazy?" Remus exclaimed holding her back. "Do I look like I want to humiliate myself utterly?"

"I really am sorry..."

"Don't be."

"Let me apologise by getting you another drink."

Remus agreed, and soon after a brownish drink was placed in front of him.

"It's a Canadian Paralyzer," Lily said before Remus could ask.

"What's the brown stuff?"

"I think it's coffee liqueur and cola."

"Well, at least it doesn't have stupid umbrellas in it..."

Remus started sipping his drink, that wasn't half bad, he had to admit, and resumed staring at the godlike man across the room. He was talking to his friend, seemingly trying to cheer him up after his defeat. Every once in a while he would flip his hair out of his eyes or toss his head in the most sexy way imaginable.

"Remus, close your mouth. And remember to blink once in a while," chuckled Lily.

Remus felt his cheeks grow hot with embarrassment and scolded himself for staring so openly. Even so, he kept catching himself doing it.

A little while later he watched the man pat his bespectacled friend on the shoulder and head in Remus' and Lily's direction. As he crossed the dance floor he elegantly dodged a couple of female advances.

When he passed Remus, he came to a halt. He leaned in close, his mouth almost touching Remus' ear, and Remus thought he was going to die from a heart attack.

"You're making your girlfriend jealous," he purred.

The hot breath washed over Remus' ear, making him shiver and his breath get caught in his throat. He wanted to say something - anything - but nothing came out. He just stared as the man winked at him and headed in the direction of the cloakroom.

When he emerged with his jacket slung over his shoulder, he paused and turned to face the bar. He made eye contact with Remus and nodded toward the door. Then he continued his stroll out of the club.

Remus sat there like frozen for a second. Then he turned to Lily.

"Did he just..."

"Oh yes," she nodded. "He did, indeed."

Remus' body sprang into action. He jumped off the barstool and made a beeline for the door, ignoring Lily calling out his name from behind.


Remus emerged from the club to find the black haired man leaning casually against the wall. He struck up a smile when he noticed Remus.

"You came. Great. I live just a few streets from here," he said and started walking briskly down the pavement.

Remus followed him in a half run.

"I never go home with strangers," he said.

"I see."

"Really, I don't. I'm not that kind of guy."


"My name is Remus, by the way."

"Hi Remus. I'm Sirius. Now we're not strangers anymore."

"Yes we are! I mean, I like to get to know people before..."

Sirius just kept walking, not saying anything.

"I always go on several dates first, before I even begin to consider..."

Remus kept on and on about how he normally did and didn't act, while he was trotting alongside a silent Sirius.

Soon Sirius stopped outside a red brick building. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys.

"I never go home with someone I've just met."

"So you keep saying. And yet here you are."

Remus opened and closed his mouth a couple of times like a fish out of water.

"Well," said Sirius," I'm going up now. You can come if you want. Or not."

Before Remus could make a conscious decision his feet had made it for him and were carrying him up the stairs at Sirius' heels.

A/N: Second and last chapter will be up soon.