Authors Note: Surprise, another creature design thingy. Only this one is purely supernatural and for a story that MetalMunk15 is thinking on posting. Aside from that, you're gonna have to wait for this new story that she's planning on.

Disclaimer: Alvin and the Chipmunks, and The Chipettes belong to Ross B. and Fox Studios, and this new upcoming story belongs to MetalMunk15.

Hellfire Designs: Demons.

The following is a description for creatures that may be associated with the realm of fire and brimstone usually referred to as Hell. Nothing stated in this post should be taken seriously, for the simple reason that there is no definitive way of the following creatures actually existing…well physically that is.

Ragnerok: one of the most common creatures from the bowels of Hell, this beast is often described as a golem; a creature made entirely of stone pieces, and held together by brilliant flames of hellfire. Visually, the basic build of this monster is like an overgrown gorilla, with eyes of a glowing blood red color, and their presence is usually foreshadowed by an odor of pure sulfur (which smells a lot like rotten eggs). The abilities of this particular demon species include being able to withstand all forms of gunfire, and they can use their hellfire to burn any known substance on earth. Along with this is an ability to make themselves both bigger and stronger by adding more stones to their bodies, and although they are covered in a huge amount of fire, the flames can be an inch away and still don't cause any damage, yet are hot enough to make rain falling onto it turn to steam before hitting it.

Volcanous: as the name suggests, this type of Demon is a monster who's body is made of nothing more than molten rock. They have no true shape or form, but mostly take on a humanoid form, albeit dripping with lava, and covered by a thin and cracked skin of slightly cooled stone in certain places. It is thought that these monsters are an advanced form of the Ragnerok's, but as of yet there is no link between the two demon types aside from where they come from. Surprisingly, these creatures are known for leaving a calling card of sorts, in the form of an orb of pure obsidian. Whether this is a warning or a threat is unknown, but these orbs have been found to radiate with an oddly divine energy. The abilities of this species include being able to make a smoke screen of volcanic ash, burn/melt most substances, including bullets fired at it.

Hellfire Wraith: this creature is similar to the Volcanous, only instead of being made of lava, it is made completely out of fire. Being a living flame, they have no need for legs, and thus take on a look of a spectre, flying through the air with flaming tails of hellfire, and having use of two arms tipped with blazing claws. These creatures are extremely unpredictable, making it hard to fight one, let anole kill one, but one thing they are known for, is a catnip-like effect of gasoline, which oddly enough can hurt it.

Serpantine: as the name suggests, these monstrosities have the appearance of a black skinned snake with burning red eyes, and the use of a pair of claw tipped arms. Even though these are the most often reported creatures of the damned encountered, it is very seldom that a human will see one and live to tell the tale. When this creature hisses, it is a sound that can make anyone go cold with fear and freeze in terror, sounding like a million different screams from the creature's victims.

Fallen Angel: these, as the title implies, are Angels that were cast from heaven by God himself. Because of that, they are now resigned to live in the bowels of Hell for eternity. During their stay, they "mutate" into a demonic version of their once Holy visage, their wings having changed from those of a bird to being more like those of a demonic bat, and the legs have been morphed into the shape of a goat's with dextrous feet to grip onto most surfaces with. Where flowing robes once laid on their bodies, is now a blackened, burnt and tattered shell of what it used to be, still somehow in a basic shape albeit on the verge falling apart. Most of the angels cast from the heavens wielded swords with brilliant golden blades, but those have since changed too, the blades now jagged, looking as though it was once a piece of obsidian that they had broken off and used as a weapon.

Well, here they are, let me know how I did by clicking the review thingy below. And like when I was designing the Beastlings for "Ultimate Machine" if you readers out there have any ideas for Demon species, then post them in a review, with your name if you are posting without an account. Thanks for reading this, and just a heads up, look forward to the next chapter of "Ultimate Team continuation" sometime soon too, if I don't get it up tonight, then I'll definitely get it up tomorrow.