Baka and Test: Love, misery and hope Part 10

"We should give up" Yuji said in fear, "We don't stand a chance against them."

Akihisa griped his fists. "That's not the Yuji I know" he said angrily, "He does not give up that easily. He rather uses me as bait than lose to Class A students."

Yuji stared at him, amazed at Akihisa's motivation speech. "You have point there" he remarked.

"Ain't I awesome?" Akihisa said proudly.

Yuji smirked. "Yes you are" he said. Yuji shoves him towards Shoko and Aiko.

"Try to distract them until they could use the EXTREME" Yuji said.

"You're going to get me killed!" Akihisa cried.

"You said it yourself Yoshii" he said, "'I rather use you than to lose to Class A students.'"

Curse my big mouth he muttered.

Akihisa tried his best to distract the girls. They attack Akihisa by means of slashing, stabbing, slicing, or anything that involves physical pain on the avatar, but he narrowly dodges the strike and barely counterattacks Shoko and Aiko. Astonished by his offensive frenzy, Shoko only gave Akihisa an unimpressive glare while Aiko seems to be slightly startled by his assault.

"Aiko use the EXTREME now" Shoko said calmly as usual, "This is getting out of hand and I want to win this so I can treat Yuji to lunch by next week."

Aiko winked. "Sure thing" she said, handing the EXTREME to her.

As the stone glowed into a perpetual bright red, their avatars began to be stronger, more agile and more dangerous.

Akihisa begins to sweat drop. "Any time now" he chattered nervously, "Can we use our EXTREME now?"

"Nope" Yuji responded simply.

I am so dead...

Suddenly, Aiko and Shoko's avatar seemed to have a glitch; they attack each other until their life points were lowered by 85%. Using this opportunity to counterattack, Akihisa and Yuji hit them with all of their might. Their opponents' avatar disappears, leaving Shoko and Aiko disappointed.

"Oh dear, this is not good" Aiko said in a worried tone.

"Our EXTREME has a glitch?" Shoko stated, confused.

"That's right" Yuji said, "I knew the EXTREME was a glitch..."

"How?" Akihisa asked.

"To put it simple" he replied, "Ironman said those EXTREMEs could be dangerous and there's a 50/50 chance that ours could have a glitch or not. So, I used Yoshii to distract the two of you until my hypothesis is correct that yours has glitches."

"You used me as bait just for fun, aren't you?" he whimpered.

Yuji shrugged. "Hey, all's fair in war" he said, "Besides we Class F won already."

The arena started to disappears until Ironman approached to them, smiling grimly at the Class F. "Congratulations" he said coldly, "You have won the tournament."

The crowd applauded. Many were cheering at them while others were envious at their winnings. Streams of confetti fell on their heads and a victory song, courtesy from the Drama Club, was sung in triumph. By the time Class F arrived at the Grounds of the Summoners, they brought a large water jug filled with Gatorade and let it fell at Akihisa and Yuji's heads.

"You did it guys" Hideyoshi said, "We won against Class A for the first time."

"I got it on film" Muttsulini added.

When they were about to leave, Yuji saw Shoko who was still disappointed from the match. He used up all his willpower to comfort her.

"Hey, why the long face?" Yuji asked cautiously.

Shoko looked at him pitifully. "We didn't win" she replied plainly.

"Come on Shoko" he said encouragingly, "I'll treat you for lunch next week."

Shoko smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you Yuji" she said, "It's rare for you to suggest a thing for me."

"But we'll not talk about marriage certificates" Yuji said firmly.

"Fine" Shoko said bluntly.

At the dining area, the sophomores, including the teachers and faculty members, were eating either in a calm manner or pigging their meals voraciously. Some were drunk (not actually. They're actually sulking) while others chant a meaningless song.

The principal hushed them. "2nd years" she spoke at the entire sophomore class, "I am glad that every one of you participated in the games for the past few days. The winners of the tournament, Class F, will receive official free lunches for a month, starting next week. I hope everyone enjoyed the match we saw today."

Everyone cheered but some groaned that when the class lose to a match, they will receive remedial classes from Ironman, one by one.

At the last day of camp, everyone packed their things and went to the train station. As they rode the train, they were asked by the teachers to stay with their partners in one of the rooms of their class' car.

In Akihisa and Minami's room, they were a meter apart. They are still embarrassed at their confession but they talked casually a little bit.

"Congrats Aki" Minami said shyly, "I guess that we won..."

"Yeah" Akihisa said timidly, "If you say so..."

"Aki, if you don't mind" she requested, "Could you...Err...Umm..."

Minami twiddled her fingers shyly, her face was completely red and butterflies were fluttering in her stomach.

Akihisa, being clueless as usual, thought for s minute. "What is it?" he asked dumbly, "Want me to treat you for lunch next week?"

Minami's head was about to explode in embarrassment. "N-no!" she spluttered, "I'm going to treat you for lunch!"

Unexpectedly, Minami grabbed Akihisa and did an arm lock, pulling his arm painfully. Ta the same time, Yuji, Muttsulini, Hideyoshi, and Himeji appeared at their doorstep.

What's with the ruckus?

It can't be help. They're always like that.

Come on, come on. Just a little more...

I brought us some dinner!

As they arrive at Fumizuki Academy, Class F are having a spree of eating free food every day. Officially, Akihisa and Minami are dating, but to Akihisa's dismay, he would often get himself tortured by Minami when she gets embarrass whenever he does something romantic, even though he has no idea he's even doing it. For Yuji and Shoko, whenever they're having lunch, they would eat quietly. Occasionally, they talk a little but when Shoko talks about having children or that involves marriage certificates, Yuji would hush them. For Aiko and Muttsulini, nothing has changed between them. Aiko would flirt Muttsulini but when the time comes, she would confess her feelings for him, no matter what. As for Hideyoshi, Hideyoshi and Yuko made a grudging deal of not wearing dresses from now on or he could get killed like the last time. Lastly, Himeji observes Akihisa and Minami's dates, offering her homemade lunch to him, much for his appetite.

And so it ends of a good story. Thank you for reading Baka and test: Love, misery and hope!

*At last, it is finish. I would thank those who were giving me wonderful reviews and comments about the story, especially to Yoky2cool4u and Misty. Seraph for not only observing my work but giving me positive advice and good criticism. Comments are indeed welcome.*