Baka and Test: Love, misery and hope: Part 1

* Actually, this is the first time I write my fan fictions in the net. I hope this story will be great. And, as a precautionary if you don't know the story, I will put a short profile on each character. Comments are welcome. Disclaimer: I don't own Baka and test and its characters. They are rightfully owned by the owner and its publishing group. If the words are italicized it means they're thinking in their thoughts or a quick introduction of the characters. *

In Japan, there is a school called Fumizuki Academy, a prominent facility where students of all high school levels are divided into 6 sections according to their academic skills. Should they pass or fail their placement exams, they are to be assigned to classroom most suitable for them. The 6 sections are simply name in an alphabetical order: Classes A, B, C, D, E, and F.
The highest of them all is Class A. It houses mostly intelligent and bright students and their classroom is richly decorated with every students could dream of: a vending machine, massage chairs, and many more. But the lowest of the 6 sections is Class F. Considered to be the worst section due to its students being unintelligent and unaware of their subjects; its classroom is the opposite of Class A: poor, dusty and messy. Their equipment too is in poor condition: they don't have any chairs but can be seated in half- full pillows to sit on, and tables that can be easily be broken.
Unlike any other schools, its students play a virtual game of war. They are to have Avatars, miniature versions of themselves that are stronger than an ordinary human, to battle each class and win any desired requests and equipment under the supervision and permission of their teachers. Should they lose in battle, they must follow the amends of the winner. Also, when they lose, they have to take a recovery exam to regain their summoner's strength and health. This is a story of a student and his friend' s misadventures.

One day, a young, Class F-2 student name Akihisa Yoshii arrives at Fumizuki Academy, thinking that he is late. "Sis shouldn't wake me up in an unusual manner," he said sheepishly, "and I woke up very late because she kept pestering me to do my homework last night."
Akihisa Yoshii is known as "the most idiotic student" of the entire Class F because of his stupidity. The staffs decide to make him a probationary student: his avatar can touch objects to help his teachers but his avatar can get himself injured when the avatar gets hurt in a summoning battle or his surroundings. Akihisa may be an idiot; he has a gentle heart and very honest to his friends and those around him.
When Akihisa went inside of his classroom, he sees his best friend Yuji Sakamoto sitting in his desk with his other friends Kota Tsuchiya and Hideyoshi Kinoshita chatting with him until they saw Akihisa arrived.
Yuji Sakamoto is Class F's representative and best friends with Akihisa. Unusually, he is the smartest student in the class, but he became a student of Class F because he was cocky and didn't study the Class Placement Exam. During Summoning Wars, he is cunning strategist and tactician, never loses his cool when in battle. A guy with a laid back attitude with a sadistic personality to boot, he is very compassionate to his friends, but is scared by his own girlfriend that is later to be introduced.
Kota Tsuchiya, better known as Muttsulini to his friends, is a quiet, a bit anti social, but the most perverted student of Fumizuki Academy, although women and female students don't mind of his perverted antics. Although he is terrible in most subjects, he's good at Health and Physical Education. When he sees something erotic, his nose bleeds uncontrollably. Also, Kota is known to be a spy whenever Yuji commands him or for his own purposes on taking pictures of women. Akihisa is his number one customer when he sells erotic pictures in the black market.
Hideyoshi Kinoshita is a calm, ordinary student of Class F. Despite of his appearance of a girl, he is a boy. He is skill in drama but this caused him to be distracted, making him placed in the worst class. Ironically, he is the one of the students in Class F to have a normal mind but sometimes he can be pressured into doing something silly.
"Hey, Yoshii" Yuji called, "We have news to tell you."
"What is it?" Akihisa asked, "Is it another Summoning War?"
He sighed, a sign that he's bored. "No" Yuji replied disappointedly, "I thought it would because I've planned to start a Summoning War with Class A. What a waste of time."
"Then what is it then" Akihisa continued to ask.
"A camping trip to Mt. Hachiro" Hideyoshi replied, "All of the classes of 2nd year are required to participate. I'm not quite sure why they even do this."
Maybe we could check the girl's bathroom, he wondered.
Muttsulini began to nosebleed rather furiously when he heard Akihisa's words when he fixes and calibrates his digital camera.
"There's no need to think rationally Muttsulini" Yuji reminded.
"Oh we're going to Nagasaki?" a feminine voice said excitedly. It was Mizuki Himeji who happens to arrive with Minami Shimada at the same time.
Mizuki Himeji is one of the only girls in Class F. Being fair, sensible and beautiful; she is often depicted as a shy and a helpless princess most of the time, especially her busts would be very appealing to most male students. She is suppose to be in Class A because of her high grades but got a fever during the Class Placement Exam, thus placing her in Class F. Secretly, she is in love with Akihisa and, despite her beauty and intelligence, she's a horrible cook, often feeding Akihisa, Yuji, Muttsulini and Hideyoshi her terrifying food.
Minami Shimada is also one of the only girls in Class F. Being tsunadere-like Japanese; she was born in Germany with her sister and her parents. She is suppose to be in Class B but was placed in Class F because of her difficulties speaking and learning Kanji. Although she would sometimes bully Akihisa for mocking her chest (she's really sensitive about that topic) and things that annoys her, she is in love with him, even kissing him once but couldn't tell her feelings for him.
"Isn't it very far away?" Minami thought.
"Very far. Why, don't you know where it is MY SPINE!" Akihisa screamed painfully. Minami pins down to the floor, stretching his back very painfully. There is a sound of his back being cracked.
"All I ask is 'isn't it very far away?' not that I know" she snapped, "Why, do you know where?"
"No..." Akihisa replied meekly as Minami let's him go.
"As expected from the idiot" she said.
Hideyoshi brings a map of Japan at the blackboard, pointing the location with a meter stick. "It's located in near Nagasaki and it's just a few kilometres southeast away from the city" he explained, "It'll take at least a few hours to reach there by bullet train."
"That explains it" Yuji said.
Then, a grumpy-looking, middle-aged teacher opens the door with such force that it surprises the occupants inside. "You are correct, Mr. Kinoshita" boomed the teacher's voice, "We are indeed going to Mt. Hachiro to train your bodies both physically and mentally , to study the life of nature, and to improve your grades to a higher level."
"That's it?" Akihisa said dumbly.
"Unless you want to have remedial class for a month until everyone in the 2nd year arrives."
Soichi Nishimura, better known as Ironman, is tough-as-nails disciplinary master and teacher of Class F. Said to possess god-like physical attributes, he is strict and often times drag people, who lose to a Summoning Battle in any location to remedial class, saying his favourite motto: "Those who are KIA must receive remedial class!"
"The reason that you are all going to Mt. Hachiro is not only to meet your expectations" Ironman continued to boom his voice in front of the class, "But to try out a new kind of battle that involves an all-out war against each other. You could say it's like class against class. "
"But that sounds unfair" Yuji said, "We will be at total disadvantage if we battle classes, especially Class A."
"Don't worry Mr. Sakamoto" he said reassuringly, "We've made a tournament for the battle anyway. We also modified each class' Avatars into soldier attire, depending which class you are."
"What if we win?" Akihisa asked.
"Then you and your class will have month of free and delicious lunches that rivals Class A's in the cafeteria" Ironman replied.
Everyone drooled and cheered over the idea of having lunch that are not only free but having the best foods that are even much better than Class A's very own delicacies.
He grins evilly at the class, causing them to stop cheering and drooling. "But those who lose the after the tournament" Ironman said wickedly, "Will have a month worth of remedial class!"
The entire class cries at the sound of the idea.
"Didn't I mention that you'll be partnered with your classmates and act like in the military?" he reminded, "I'll be the one who will be the one assigning their partners right now. There will be no complaints, no trading of partners and no excuses."
Ironman then unrolls a short parchment like those in medieval time and recites the names of Class F and their partners until he says the names of Akihisa and his friends.
"Yuji Sakamoto and Kota Tsuchiya;"
"Hideyoshi Kinoshita and Mizuki Himeji; and"
"Akihisa Yuji and Minami Shimada. That'll be all."
"What?" Minami cried in surprise. She was blushing a shade of deep red. I'm partnered with Aki?
Minami is partnered with Yoshii?
, Himeji wondered, also shock by the announcement of partners.
Yuji pats Akihisa's shoulder. "You're one lucky fellow, Yoshii" he said.
"You're not helping Yuji" he complained.
"Best of luck" Hideyoshi said, giving him thumbs up.
"You too!" he protested.
"Break a leg" Muttsulini said.
Some friends you are, Akihisa thought
"All right then" Ironman said, "I want you all to give these reply slips to your parents or your guardians. Once signed, give it to me by tomorrow and we will leave at once . Prepare your things and we will depart at the train station then. If you don't, you'll have remedial classes with the teachers who are staying here until we come back."

The entire 2nd year are going to Mt. Hachiro in Nagasaki for a camping trip and battle a tournament against each other in a all out war between each class. Will they win the tournament and taste the free and mouth-watering food of their cafeteria or face the evermore Ironman and his remedial class for a month if they lost? Find out at the next Baka and Test: Love, misery and hope!

*Well, what do you think?