Connecticut's Vacation!

Chis sighed and rubbed his eyes, he had stayed up all night trying to finish some paperwork. Alas there was still another mini empire state building pile of paperwork unfinished. Chris groaned, he needed some caffeine, hell he'd even drink coffee if it was offered to him. He yawned and headed to the kitchen for some iced tea. And when he opened the cupboard….there weren't any left. He frowned, picked up the box, turned it upside down, and shook it. Then he tossed it over his shoulder into the trashcan.

"Damn iced tea, this is all New York's fault…" he said, even though there was no way it could've been New York. He plopped back down into his swivel chair and rubbed his eyes before getting back to work.

At the secret states meeting + America – Connecticut = secret plans…

"All right first order of the day Kids is your brother C.T!" announced the happy 'father' of the teenage states. New York groaned.

"He still hasn't finished the paperwork I sent him two days ago…" he whined. "My senator's going to kill me!" America's hero smile faltered.

"That's not exactly what I meant by that but you've just proved my point," America said, his hero smile back in place. All of the states looked confused. What else would they be talking about?

"Uh…what else are we supposed to talk about?" asked Vermont. New Hampshire smirked.

"I know! We're supposed to tell everyone the dirty secrets he has!" he said chuckling. New Jersey piped up.

"Like the time Chris wen-" America cut the small state off.

"No, I mean don't get me wrong that would be epic," stated America. "But have you seen what all of that paper work has been doing to C.T.? He looks like a zombie dudes!" Callie burst out laughing.

"You mean like you do when you get a new video game?" she inquired. America pouted.

"So not funny C.A.," he said. Callie chuckled. Maine raised her hand. "Yes?"

"Maybe big brother Chris needs a vacation papa…" she said nervously. America beamed.

"Awesome idea Dudette!" he exclaimed. "Where should he go though…" All of the states glanced around and then announced that he should go to their place simultaneously.

"How about this, each of us gets a day with him and at the end of his trip he'll decide where he wants to stay for his vacation?" suggested Washington. Oregon and numerous other states nodded in agreement.

2 Hours later at Christopher's house…

"Only two-hundred-eighty-seven more pages to go…" stated Chris his left eye twitching. Just then there was a rapping on his door. It was so loud that it caused his stacks of finished and unfinished papers to fall down and get mixed together. Chris stomped over to the door and opened it with a scowl. It was his 'father' America. Chris scowl deepened and he tried to close the door but America blocked the attempt with his foot and let himself in.

"C.T. dude, I've come to take you on vacation!" announced the loud American. Connecticut sighed.

"I can do no such thing! I have important paperwork to finish!" he yelled gesturing to the heap of papers that were now on the floor. America ignored him and dragged Chris into the car. Christopher sighed in defeat.

An Hour later….

Chris glanced out the window to see a quaint little town. He attempted to smile, but it came out as more of a creepy grin.

"Where are we right now?" he asked his 'father.' America sweat dropped.

"Chis we're in Putnam, Connecticut…you're not even out of your own state…"

"Oh…well it's nice here, I may just set up a study here," Chris replied. He was tiring of seeing nothing but the Hartford buildings. Here it smelled clean and fresh and it had elbow room. (I bet you can't tell where I'm from. XD) America just laughed and continued to drive towards the state of Rhode Island.

"C.T. dude we're here!" yelled America, waking Christopher from his much needed sleep. Said state just grumbled something and went back to sleep. America frowned; he wasn't here to see Chris sleep. He was here to see Chris as a non-zombie type being. He walked over to the peaceful state and poked him.

"Five more minutes…" was the only thing Alfred got out of him. Just then Rhode Island came bounding over to the two.

"Hi!" she exclaimed. America smiled at her.

"I need you to do me a favor, wake him up," he said pointing at Chris. Rhode Island giggled, and snuck up behind the sleepy state. She took a big breath and….

"WAKE UP!" she bellowed into Connecticut's ear. Said state's eyes shot open.

"God Damn it! I think I just died a little inside! Was that really necessary Roisin!" he asked holding a hand over his heart, whilst glaring at the smaller state.

"I did exactly what dad asked me too!" Roisin defended, crossing her arms over her chest. She may be a little short but she could definitely pack a punch. Her golden blonde hair was gathered into a loose sloppy ponytail, and her aqua eyes flashed with humor. Chris sighed and stood up, brushing the dirt off of his jacket.

"Uh where is father anyway?" Chris asked looking around. America was nowhere in sight.

"I don't know, but he knows where I live if he needs us!" exclaimed Rhode Island snatching her brother's wrist whilst proceeding to drag him with her to her home.

"And," said Chris out of breath, "what makes you think I want to spend my time here?" Roisin shrugged her shoulders and went into her kitchen to make coffee.

"How do you like your coffee, Chrissy?" she sang. Chris winced at the nickname and sighed, it was going to be a long day. Wait how does one usually drink coffee?

"Um…however people usually have it?" he replied uncertainly. He was going to drink the coffee, for the sake of caffeine. He heard Roisin chuckle.

"There are many ways that people have their coffee, Chrissy!" she giggled reentering the room with two cups of the disgusting liquid. "Don't tell me you've never had coffee!"

"Err…" Started Christopher as a mug was handed to him. "Lovely weather we're having isn't it?" Rhode Island face-palmed. Only Chris would start a conversation off like that.

"Yes," she said, "aren't you going to drink your coffee?" Chris smiled (the horrible one he attempted in the car earlier) and raised the mug to his lips. All of a sudden the door burst open to reveal Alfred, wielding three bags full of Mc. Donald's burgers. Why did Christopher have to invent them? Why? Alfred froze upon the sight of Chris with a coffee mug.

"I knew you'd come around dude!" yelled the nation glomping Chris. Roisin looked confused.

"What do you mean come around?" she asked. America laughed.

"C.T. here said he hated coffee! That's why he always drinks iced tea!" exclaimed Alfred, giving Chris a pat on the back; it was rather more like getting run over by a bulldozer though.

"Why doesn't he just drink regular tea?" Roisin asked. Chris rubbed the back of his neck and scowled.

"You know I'm right here, you could just ask me!" he huffed, glaring at the two in front of him. America laughed and Roisin smiled apologetically.

"Fine then, why don't you just drink regular tea?" she inquired, taking a sip of her coffee. Connecticut sighed.

"Because Arthur drinks tea," was his reply. Rhode Island wasn't satisfied with that answer.

"And?" she pried impatiently. Chris rolled his eyes.

"And, I haven't had a cup of tea since Marbella's little Boston Tea Party (1)," he replied sourly. America chuckled.

"Dude you should've seen Arthur's face! It was priceless!" he yelled between fits of laughter. Chris scoffed.

"Yes and that worked so well," he stated, "I believe that ended with me having to supply Marbella and her people with food (2.)" The room became eerily quiet.

"Yah sure! It was still funny!" chortled Alfred. "See you two kiddos tomorrow!" And with that the loud nation was gone. Chris sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Mr. loud mouth said something about this being my vacation?" said Chris, unsure. Roisin beamed.

"Yep, you have to spend the day with me!" she said excitedly, "Where do you want to go first, Chrissy?" That was a hard question.

"Wherever you want to go, I guess," he said, standing up. Roisin frowned at his attire.

"What's with the old man clothes?" she asked placing her hands on her hips. Chris frowned at her.

"These are not old man clothes!" he said indignantly. Roisin rolled her eyes.

"Sure they're not," she said. "But where we're headed you'd best put on casual clothes." She shoved a pair of jeans and a T-shirt into his hands.

"Where are we going?" he asked before he was pushed into the guest bathroom to change. He heard her snicker.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." Chris scowled at the door, and got changed. He remerged from the bathroom to find a beaming Roisin holding two colourful kites.

"Ready to go Chrissy?" she asked practically bouncing up and down. Chris once again attempted to smile and failed if I might add. He nodded and was dragged off.

- A half-hour later-

"Can I look now?" asked Chris. He had been instructed by Roisin to keep his eyes closed until she told him otherwise. Roisin giggled.

"Yep!" she answered letting go of his wrist. He opened his eyes, 'Brenton Point State Park' was written on the sign. Christopher opened his mouth to say something, but was dragged off into the middle of the park. There were about fifteen other people here that he could see, flying kites.

"Here Chrissy!" said Roisin, handing him a blue kite. He looked at it, what was he supposed to do with this?

"Err…," was all he said. Rhode Island rolled her eyes.

"Good God Chrissy, don't tell me you've never even flown a kite!" she yelled marching over to him.

-After Chrissy (heh…) learned how to fly a kite-

Chris was sitting on the ground trying to keep his kite from tangling up with Roisin's again. He wondered how his little friends were fairing while he was away, they hated being left alone (3.) He sighed and checked his pocket watch (4.) It was eight thirty, had it really taken him that long to learn how to fly a simple kite. He was much more suited for ultimate Frisbee (5.)

"Uh I think it's time for bed…" he said looking over to his little sister. She nodded and they made their way back to her house.

"The guest room is down the hall to the right," yawned Roisin, before departing for her room. Chris nodded and set off to his room, where he pulled out a wand. He muttered something and his friends appeared in front of him.

"Goodnight," he whispered to them before falling into a peaceful well deserved sleep.

1: The Boston Tea Party: The events in which colonists from Massachusetts that were upset by the tea tax boarded a merchant ship carrying said tea dressed as Native Americans and threw the tea into Boston harbor.

2: Connecticut was the first state to aid Massachusetts after Britain closed her harbors; they gave them the necessary items for survival. To think it took US giving M.A. food for the others to even ponder the idea of helping!

3: Christopher's 'friends': you'll find out what or who they are in the next chapter… *evil laughter*

4: Yes Chris has a pocket watch! Any objections? No? I didn't think so…I also have a pocket watch even though I'm a girl, because they're EPIC!

5: Connecticut's better at ultimate Frisbee because the Frisbee was invented IN C.T.

See yah in my next chappie!