For 1. I do not own any of these characters. Or ff7 or Square Enix. 2. I wish I did. 3rdly this is a first story so please forgive any stupidity… there will be stupidity. THIS IS A WARNING.

CH. 1: A Shock

I didn't want to run away. I also didn't want to face anyone and tell them how weak I am.

Here I am sitting on a boat fleeing Wutai once again but with a good reason. I wouldn't go back not unless I was dead. These were my thoughts as I finally saw Nibelheim drift into view.

-4 months earlier-

"Oh come on Vinnie!" I wined at the stubborn gunslinger.

At this time life was good. I hung out at Tifa's bar all the time and I couldn't ask for more.

Well actually I wanted to go home. I was 15 and I missed the sweet smell of the ocean.

"Yuffie, there's a phone call for you" Tifa called from behind the bar.

"Oh ok! Thanks Teef!" I yell back at her as I jump up to grab the phone. I had no idea that this

was the phone call that would take my new life and destroy it.

"Hello. Yuffie Kisaragi here."

"You sound well, SenAhn."

"That's not my name any more, Godo, and you sound well too. For someone

who won't answer his only daughters phone calls."

"My apologies for that. I have been busy. But I would like you to return.

I have a surprise for you. I believe you'll like it." He said hanging up before I could

argue. I didn't like the tone in his voice.

When I finally got to Wutai I was met by Staniv, one of the Guardians of the Pagoda

and one of my best friends.

"Staniv!" I yell as I barrel into his arms and hug him.

"Princess. Y-You're a bit old for such actions don't you think?"

"No Way!" I reply and release him and watch him sigh.

"oh well come with me…." he says and we go to the Pagoda.

-A few minutes later-

"WHAT!" I yell at my father in mostley anger and disbelief.

"My dear, like I said it's time for you to marry and become a proper young lady." He replies calmly.

"And I would be more than delighted to accept your offer Lord Godo." Chekov says walking up next to my father; eyeing me like a pervert.

"Ha. It's not happening buddy." I yell at the old man but soon i found myself lying on the floor

with my hand at my right cheek where Chekov had slapped me.

Before I could think out what my plan was I had leapt to my feet and taken my trusty Conformer

and almost ran him through but once again I fell to the ground. This time he had delivered a rib breaking blow to my left side.

"I refuse these agreements. You can not proceed if I don't agree." I protest through clenched teeth.

"You have no say in this my dear. This time I will adhere to customs." Godo replied making my jaw dropp.

'Has he gone crazy? Is he under some kind of spell. No I'm dreaming.' I thought. But oh if only I had been.

so i'ma leave you with a cliffy. but dont kill me! i swear if this gets enough reviews i'll put ch.2 up. any way i haven't figured if

this is gonna be a yuffietine or not but i guess i'll find out as you do! oh and i do not have a name for this so 10 cupcakes to the person

who comes up with an awesome name for the story!