10 Ways to Annoy Yuffie

Mispronounce her last name.

Allow her to steal your materia only for her to find out it's fake.

When she brags about being The White Rose of Wutai. The Conqueror of the earth and the sky. The greatest ninja who ever lived. Look at her and say no you're not. Vincent is. He's quieter than you.

When she is on an airship and going through motion sickness, go up to her and say, "oh my gosh you are having morning sickness! When's the baby due?"

When she starts to ramble on and on tell her that she doesn't have to worry about being captured. When she asks why tell her that give the kidnappers three seconds and they'd return her.

When she is looking for Vincent tell her that he went to his coffin; when she goes to yell at him push her into the coffin and lock it. Come back in 10 hours.

Tell her that if she doesn't be quiet for 24 hours the world will blow up.

Hide all of her weapons, take her materia, put it all in Cid's room and listen to the yelling.

Dare her to poke a guard hound with Vincent's gun

AND THE ULTIMATE DARE! Dare Yuffie to follow Vincent around all day, annoy him, steal from him, and copy him all day without using any of her nicknames for him. And she can only use 2,000 words for the whole day.