Well, I completely lost track of time!

"Ahhh, Agent Dana Scully, nice of you to come to me, come to join me have you?" Monica asked.

Scully looked up at her harshly, "I would never join something that aims to hurt innocent people!" She cried out, "I thought that would have been obvious since I joined the FBI!"

"I haven't hurt anyone have I?" Monica replied calmly.

"No you haven't hurt anyone but you just got someone killed." Scully said angrily.

"I have not killed anyone... yet... I'm thinking I might kill you though, but I will give you the choice, you join me and my army or you can die,"

"Never! Never would I join you, but what about John? You hurt him, and he came looking for you and he fell off the cliffs and probably broke his neck, or hit his head, either way he's dead- and all because of you!" Scully snapped.

"You are lying." She replied evenly, the real Monica not wishing it to be true.

"Does it look like I am lying? Why would I risk my life in looking for you if he was alive? That would be a suicide mission!"

"Why are you here?" Monica asked, standing up and walking down to Scully, who was being held down to stay on her knees, "And don't lie." She threatened.

"I came here to tell you what you have done, that you have gotten John killed!" Scully said, and Monica slapped her, much to Scully's amazement.

"That is what you get for lying, why are you really here? Why did you come looking for me!" Monica yelled, the entire room silent, watching the two women.

Scully looked back up at Monica fiercely, "I told you why! I came to tell you that you killed John. He is dead because of you and I hopped I could make you realise the truth!"

Monica took in Scully's appearance properly, looking at her tear stained cheeks and red eyes, "What truth is that?" She asked suspiciously.

"Did you know that John loved you?" Scully asked carefully.

Monica laughed at that, a harsh yet hardly amused laugh and then she suddenly turned serious and hit Scully again, harder this time and making her bottom lip split, "I would have thought you had learnt your lesson about lying, John didn't love me, he never did it was always all about Luke, he despised me for not finding his little boy in time." Monica's words were bitter and her features seemed to harden.

"And I bet that cuts you up inside because you love him, don't you?" Scully asked boldly, tasting the blood on her lip.

Monica started into Scully's eyes; her black, lifeless, emotionless eyes staring deep into Scully's and neither broke the contact. But Monica felt a stirring of emotion from somewhere deeply hidden inside her being, recognition of what Scully was saying, that it might be true.

"Say that again." Monica dared, stepping closer as Scully tightened her jaw, not saying a word and then Monica smirked. "So what are you goner do now then? Hm? You came here to tell me this but you don't expect me to just let you go do you? Where is that partner of yours?" Monica asked in an almost teasing tone, but it was definently more tormenting than anything.

She took a step back.

"I don't know. We split up to look for John after he ran off on us to find you, I just happened to catch up to John and I saw him fall over the edge. I tried to help him, but I couldn't. He told me to save you if I could-" Scully started only to stop when Monica came right up to her and dragged her to her feet, the soldiers stepping back slightly.

"You're trying to trick me, and I suggest you stop before I really decide to hurt you," Monica threatened, her midnight eyes piercing Scully's.

Scully's eyes watered up again to keep up the pretence, although her stare really was quite intimidating. "I'm not trying to trick you! John. Is. DEAD! And all because your being a heartless, soulless bitch!" Scully yelled despite the bodily hold she had on her, she still managed to make it sound convincing.

Monica's face hardened even more and she hit Scully as hard as could, and then pushed her to the floor as her inflamed heart went into turmoil.

Could it be true? John is dead because he was trying to get to me? Am I really to blame for John's death? It can't be true... but Scully wouldn't lie to me that many times only to suffer... so it must be true... John is dead... John is dead… John is dead, John is dead and all because of me... What have I done?... oh... my... god...

Her body seized with shock, her eyes stared into space. Blood seeped from an invisible wound in her heart, tears swelled in Monica's eyes thick with scarlet.

She turned away from Scully and the woman sat up but was prevented from standing at the men beside her stepped up to her and held her down.

The tears slipped from her eyes, leaving bloody trails down her face, she felt the coldness soak into her heart as the blood soaked her top and then she was flooded with emotions, conflicting emotions of love and hate as the ancient deceiving devils soul tried to keep control of her. But Monica's heart won over her fractured soul, and she was swarmed with a sense of loss over something she never thought she had- John's love. Having lost the struggle, the Dark Angels soul fled Monica's body, releasing her soul back to Monica's control.

The dark chilling wind picked up again as Loki freed her soul, but tore at it even more and left scars. Scully covered her head in her arms as the black wind whipped around the cave, ash circling Monica. Monica's voice was not a scream but a sound of pure horror and terror as the darkness poured out from her body.

Monica blacked out and fell, the soldiers and other people in the room dropped after her. Scully looked around at all the people in the room and crawled over to Monica, rolling her onto her back and checked her pulse.

Steady, a little fast, but normal. She thought.

"Mulder!" She called out, and heard his footsteps running towards her.

"Scully! Are you okay?" He asked as he approached her and hugged her before looking at all the people around him.

"I don't understand, why did they all drop like flies?"

"I think I understand, Monica was the leader of this group, and they all drew strength from her, like they all had a mental link, so that when she dropped, so did they." Scully said and they watched in amazement as the bodies rapidly disintegrated to a piles of ashes.

They both looked at Monica, and she lay still, Mulder knelt in front of her, and Scully moved behind her to check the wounds on her back, "Hey Mulder, check this out." She said, running her fingers over the cuts on Monica's back.

"What? What is it Scully?" He asked as he came around to look.

"I don't understand it Mulder, the wings, the stumps of the wings that were left when John cut off her wings, there gone, but there are cuts to her back just inside her shoulder blades... how is that possible?"

"It's not, but I guess that the wings were part of the Dark Angels addition to Monica, and when he left and freed her soul, she changed back to the physically normal Monica that we know, and hopefully when she wakes up she will be completely normal." Mulder said.

"But just a second ago they were there, and then I come back, and now they're gone..."

"Guess we missed the shape shifting then," Mulder joked, and Scully looked up at him, and he noticed the cut on her lip.

"Hey, what happened to your lip?"Mulder asked, and pulled out a tissue, gently dabbing the blood away.

"Oh, um...It's nothing,"

"Did one of them hit you?"

"Yeah," Scully said, shifting.

"Who?" Mulder was insistent.

"Monica," Scully said quietly, looking at the woman in question.

Mulders' eyes went wide, "What? Monica hit you? Why?"

"Because she believed I was lying to her about John being dead, which I was, but I got through to her in the end..." Scully said, acting like it was no big deal.

"How many times did she hit you?"

"Three times..." Scully said even quieter.

"Dana, are you okay?" He asked, gently cupping her cheek and she nodded, gently kissing him over Monica's body.

"Come on, let's get out of here, this place is creeping me out." Scully said, and Mulder picked up Monica, and they followed a tunnel and stopped when a torrent of white cascading water blocked their path.

"John?" Scully called out.

"Yeah, I'm over here!" He called out and appeared just in front of the water. He walked over to them and went to Monica.

"Oh God... What happened?" He asked, and he took Monica's body from Mulder, noticing the blood trails on her cheeks and cradling her in his arms he looked at the black pattern on her arms and legs. The pattern seemed to glow a light blue around the edges.

"Look, look at the water fall, the waters glowing!" Scully said in amazement and watched it glow brighter as John brought Monica closer.

"I think... I think you're meant to put her under the water." Mulder said.

"Are you crazy, with the force with which that water of flowing? No way, it would kill her!" He replied and as soon as he said it, the water calmed, and was more like a gentle stream. Every one stared at it in amazement and John stood under the water, and let the water flow over him and Monica, and he watched at the markings on her skin faded away and the glowing stopped.

When it was gone he walked through the chest deep water, carrying Monica over to the bank, and he set her down and pulled himself out of the water. Mulder and Scully slid along a ledge and avoided getting wet, joining John on the bank.

Monica still lay unmoving, and Scully checked her eyes, they were back to the normal soft brown that they used to be.

"John, she's unconscious, we need to get her to a hospital. Mulder, have you got the UHF radio?" Scully asked.

"Yeah, I'll try to find a spot with reception," He said, and went to find a spot with coverage.

John relaxed a bit, knowing that Monica was safe in arms (albeit unconscious,) and help was on its way.

Okay, I think I'm done... Unless anyone particularly wants another chapter. (Which I doubt given the current lack of enthusiasm.)