Devils Kiss – Chapter 1 Holiday Escape

Authors Notes: Hey all, I'm back again and here for another multi chapter fun filled, suspenseful and dramatic Mulder/Scully and Doggett/Reyes fan fic by yours truly. All mistakes are mine because I am terrible at editing my own work and I have too many copies so edits get made to one and then not the other, so on and so forth. Moving on - Happy Birthday Kenikigenikai!

Very sadly, I do not own anything more than the series on DVD, my imagination, and my ideas, but I very unfortunately I have no ownership of the characters... if I did there would have been a third movie and Monica and John would have been in it ;).

Summary: A serene, calm, beautiful desolate island and four FBI agents to enjoy it. What could go wrong on an uninhabited island off the coast of Hawaii? –Dramatic, dark, fluffy, funny, romantic. MSR and DRR, I really can't say anything more without giving it away.

"We have got to get out of this office for a while," Monica said.

"Mmmm, I agree, we need to get away from the X files for a while and get some sun!" Scully said.

"Yes, we should go to an island and just sit on the beach for hours on end…" Monica added.

"Well you know…. We don't have any cases right now, and I know we all have a lot of time that we can take off… why don't you and I organise it all, and we can surprise the guys?" Scully said getting excited.

"Surprise the guys with what?" Mulder asked as he and John entered the basement office.

"Naw, it was meant to be a surprise!" Scully said.

"Hey, if they wanna know they can help out," Monica suggested, and Scully smiled in agreement, then looked at the men in front of them.

"We're going on holiday!" The both said excitedly, and John and Mulder just looked at each other and then the two women in front of them.

"Have they lost it?" John whispered jokingly and smiled, and Monica just gave him a sarcastic look.

"Where to?" Mulder asked.

"We haven't got that far yet," Scully said.

"I know this island not far from Hawaii?" Mulder suggested.

"What's it like?" Scully asked.

"Is there a beach?" Monica asked.

"Yep, there's a beach, a waterfall, a cliff and a cove, it's a fairly small and largely unknown island but it's really a quiet and peaceful place… Or so I have heard." Mulder said.

"Okay well how about you figure out transport there and accommodation-" Monica was cut off by Mulder,

"Oh no, it's not that well known, there aren't any buildings, we'll be camping out." Mulder said.

Monica and John smiled whilst Scully's smile faded just a little bit, and this didn't go unnoticed by Mulder.

"Aww, come on Scully, it'll be fun, and you get your own private island and beach," Mulder coaxed and Scully gave a small smile.

"Okay, well back to what I was saying, Mulder, you organise transport, I can find some tents, Scully, you can work out what items food wise we will need, and John can work on packing our stuff." Monica poked her tongue out cheekily at him, and John pretended to be shocked before poking his tongue out at her, and then Monica pretend to be shocked.

"Oh and we need to put in for leave too." Scully added, pulling Monica and John from their childish moment.

"We'll do that," John said, and draped an arm around Monica's shoulders.

"Okay, we'll call you later with what you need to know." Scully said and then she and Mulder left the basement, and Monica and John went to their desks to write up their notices for leave.


Two days later...

The boat dropped the four off, and Monica and Scully looked around in awe of the little cove in which they currently stood.

"Whhooaaaa…" Was all Scully could say as she looked out at the beautiful crystal blue water in front of her.

"Wow… this is… unbelievable…" Monica commented as she climbed off the boat and walked around in small circles looking at their surroundings.

Mulder and John paused on the deck of the boat and smiled at the women for a moment and then picked up the various bags and boxes, tossing them ashore, and then climbed off the boat as well.

Mulder came up behind Scully and wrapped his arms around her waist, "I told you it was beautiful, just like you," He said and kissed her cheek before going and picking up his bag, their tent and one of the food bags.

Monica and Scully snapped out of their awed state and picked up their bags and Scully took a food bag and a box with utensils in it, leaving Monica to carry one food box and a box of assorted things, so all John had to carry was his bag and the tent.

The group walked through the forest jungle for a while and came across a clearing.

"I think here is as good as place as any to set up," John suggested, and everyone else nodded, and dropped everything they were carrying and started to set up the tents.

Monica and John took their tent a little way away from Mulders and Scully's and got the pole and pegs out, putting them to one side as they then pulled the tent out and unrolled it on to the ground. John pegged the corners down and Monica grabbed the pole and worked her way into the middle of the tent and put the centre pole in place, fixing its height and then exiting the small tent.

John was working on the last peg. He was bent over with his back to the tent as he hammered it into place. Monica stood and watched from behind.

"Well, that's an interesting way to peg a tent," Monica commented, smirking, and John straightened up.

"That's what you're supposed to do,"

"Where'd you learn that?"

"Scouts, they had boy scouts and Girl Guides. I was in the scouts for a few years and we used to go camping quiet a lot... but I think you like my way of peggin' tents," He teased and then picked up their bags, carrying them back to the tents, and Monica just smirked, putting her bag in the back corner.

Mulder and Scully had set up their tent as well, and put their bags inside their tent and they were setting up the food tent when Monica and John joined them. They held up the frame up while Mulder and Scully threw the canvas over the top and secured it in place with little Velcro straps around the poles.

Together the four had the tent up and pegged in no time and then they brought the remaining bags and boxes into the food tent and set up a work bench and set out the utensils and food into groups and sections and raised it off the ground so as to keep other animals away from the food.

By this time it was getting late in the afternoon.

"Hey guys, let's collect some fire wood and I can build us a fire for tonight," Monica suggested.

"Okay, well if we go in two teams and split up we can gather more wood," Mulder said and stood next to Scully, and Monica immediately went and stood beside John.

"Alright, well, we'll go left you go right?" John said and they split and went there opposite ways.

Monica and John made a few piles, one with small sticks and twigs for kindling, one with bigger sticks and then another of logs and branches. Monica was sorting the piles out when she heard something snap not far behind her. She looked up and John was still about twenty meters in front of her. She heard another snap and turned around suddenly, but she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Adrenalin surged through her as a feeling of dread washed over her, she looked around wildly for the source of the noise, hoping it to be some small animal, but she couldn't see anything and the sun was going down, making visibility lower.

Someone put a hand on her shoulder and Monica screamed and turned around, finding only John, and she relaxed instantly, "Jesus John you scared the hell outta me," Monica chastised.

"Sorry," He said smiling and then saw the look of panic on her face, "Hey, are you okay? I... probably shouldn't have done that, but I didn't mean to scare you,"

"Yeah, I just... I'm fine, I just..."

John gently held her shoulder, "You just what? Tell me Monica, what is it?"

"No, it's... it's nothing, never mind," Monica said and smiled to reassure him even though she certainly didn't feel like smiling, and it didn't reassure him. It made him worry more, but he decided to drop it.

If she wants to tell me, she will... He thought and then picked up the pile of logs and branches in one arm and the kindling in the other, and Monica followed suite and picked up the medium sized sticks and they walked back to camp and found that Scully and Mulder where already back and had organised their sticks and logs into piles too.

Mulder walked up to John and took the bigger logs and branches from him, "Thanks," John said.

"No problem... I don't get it, apparently we have to sort the branches from the twigs, and the twigs form the sticks, makes no sense to me, must be a woman thing to sort everything," Mulder joked and Monica and Scully looked at each other, they knew what they were doing... and so did John.

John smirked, "Ahh, well, they know what they're doing, best we leave 'em to it," He said and winked at Monica.

"What's say we work on preparing dinner then?" Mulder suggested as they headed for the food tent.

"Not too much to prepare, two minute noodles isn't that hard to make," He joked and Mulder looked at him oddly, "I'm joking, we're having soup tonight... or at least that's what I was told by Monica."

"Okay, well, I'm going to need the tin of tomatoes, three carrots, the small packet of pasta, two celery sticks, and the beans..."

"We have all that?" Mulder asked.

"Apparently so..." John said smiling and hunted around the food boxes for the stuff he needed and pulled a few things out and put them on the table, and Mulder watched on.

John had got all the ingredients out and Mulder was cutting up the vegetables when Monica and Scully walked in together.

"Hey guys, how's it going in here? Do you want a hand?" Monica asked.

"Nah, I think we're all good here Mon," John said.

"Okay, well we got the fire started," Scully said, looking over John's shoulder and into the pot, "Hm, looks good," Scully said and John and Monica smiled at each other, knowing that he had made the same soup many times on camps as a kid.


Later the quad sat around the fire talking, Monica absently leaning on John's shoulder, and Scully leaning back on Mulders' chest, when Monica yawned. This didn't go unnoticed by John.

"You tired? Do you wanna go to bed?" John asked and checked his watch, "It's about... 2 am in D.C..."

Monica lifted her head to look at him properly, "Wow, that's late, well then I'm off to bed," Monica said addressing every one, "Good night Dana, Mulder," She said and got up from the fallen tree trunk that they pulled up near the fire to sit on.

"Night Monica," Scully and Mulder said in unison and smiled.

John got up as well, and Mulder and Scully followed suite, "I think I'm gonna go to bed too," John said.

"Yeah, it's really late now, I think we should all go to bed, Monica's got the right idea," Scully said, and headed for her tent.

"Night John," She called over her shoulder and entered her tent.

"Night Scully," He called, upon seeing the look on Mulder's face warning him not to use her first name.

"It's Dana!" Her voice floated from inside the canvas tent and John just gave Mulder a look that said 'Well, she wants me to, what can I do?' and Mulder just gave him a look of understanding and then came up with an idea and whispered it to John when Scully called out.

"Hey, Mulder, are you coming to bed anytime before Christmas!"

"Night," Mulder said winking and John nodded in understanding, and then Mulder headed for his tent.

"Night," John said back, going back to the tent he was sharing with Monica.

It was not something he had been expecting, sharing a tent with Monica, he had not expected her to want to share a tent with him, but he was more than happy to oblige.

John entered the tent and thought for sure that Monica would have already been asleep, but she was rummaging around in her bag. John watched her for a moment before speaking.

"What on earth are you doing," He asked.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed," She said, not bothering to look at him.

"Well you could try taking your jeans off," John said and didn't think about how that sentence sounded.

"That sounds really dirty given the fact that I'm sleeping with you," Monica said, not realising what she had just unintentionally omitted.

"Wow... you are tired," He commented and tried to avoid thinking about the implications of what she just said. If only... he thought.

"What?" Monica asked, finally turning around to look at him.

"Ah, you said... ahh... never mind..." John said, taking his shirt off, and Monica forgot all about what she was doing as she openly stared at his muscular chest. Her eyes ran over the exposed skin delightedly, opening wide with wonder at the possibilities.

Oh my god... pull yourself together, now you acting like a teenager that has never seen a guy before! Monica mentally scolded herself, and drew her eyes back up to his, hoping that he hadn't seen her checking him out. How could he not have, of course he saw you! What were you thinking woman?... I was thinking about how nice it would be to be able to run my hands over his chest... Ah! Agent Reyes! This is your partner you're thinking dirty thoughts about, head out of the sand, and compose yourself! Her mind arguing with its self. Oh shush! You're a voice in my head! If people knew I was arguing with myself like this they'd think I was crazy!... maybe you are crazy, crazy about John Doggett... Her mind taunted her; Oh great... now my own mind is teasing me... great!... Oh, but you know its true- shut up! Shut up, shut up shut up, shut up! She mentally yelled at herself, and realised that John was staring at her, oh damn... he must have said something, damn it, what did he say?

"Monica?" John questioned.

"Huh? Yeah? Sorry, did you say something?"

"Are you feeling okay? You been acting kinda strange since this arvo while we were collecting wood," John said.

"Yeah, I'm-"

"Don't say 'fine'" John said, "Come on Mon, I know you better than that, I can see when something's bothering' you, so what is it?"

"I... I've just had this bad feeling around me for a while now...But I don't want to say anything to spoil the good mood everyone is in. You're all relaxed, and I don't want to spoil that just because I have a weird feeling," Monica said, and John sat down, still shirtless and he tugged on Monica's arm and she sat down beside him on his sleeping bag.

"Tell me about it Monica,"

"John, it's nothing, really, it's something I have lived with my whole life, I live with the pro's and con's of it, it's no big deal, I just have to push it to the side and ignore it," Monica said and started getting up.

"No," He said, grabbing her arm and making her sit again, "I want you to tell me about it, I worry about you Monica,"

Monica sat back down and was silent for a while, "Well, I have had this gift for as long I can remember, and it's often saved my life, helped me in cases and helped me to save other people's lives, my own, fellow agents, citizens... Like right now I have this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it's been nagging me ever since you snuck up on me, which under any other circumstances would have been impressive by the way," Monica said and then stopped. Oh my god... I did not just say that! She thought, shocked that she had said, and John looked shocked to hear it too.

"Ah, well you learn things from being in the Marines," John said, "But continue,"

"I heard a noise behind me, and I looked up and you were still in front of me, I heard another noise and turned around, hoping to find just some small animal, but I couldn't see anything... but it didn't sound small... tell me, John, did you feel anything out there? Cos maybe it was just me but-"

"I didn't feel anything, just saw you looking panicked," John said rather quickly.

Monica's eyes were half closed and she didn't even pick up on the way that he answered her question way too quickly.

"Hmm... must just be me then... well I am wrecked, I'm going to sleep," She said, and rolled on to her stomach, lying her head on her camp pillow.

"Ah, Mon, aren't you forgetting something?"

"Hm?" She asked, turning her head to look at him.

"You're not going to change?" John asked and Monica closed her eyes and groaned then got back up, and crawled over to her bag, digging around a bit before pulling out some warm thermal Pj's.

"You just goner stare, or are you going change out of your jeans?" She questioned, not turning around to face him. Although... I don't know if I would mind too much if he did stare... Monica! She mentally yelled at herself, and started up another conversation. Mmmhmmm, oh yeah, girl you so have the hots for your partner... do not!... mhm, you just keep telling yourself that... Monica accidently groaned aloud, and John looked over his shoulder briefly.

Monica had her back to him, and had taken her shirt off but hadn't yet put her other shirt on, and John silently admired her toned back. Who knew? He thought to himself. You wouldn't know it, with the way she sometimes hides her figure... but then there are times when she's not shy at all with her body, and damn it can be hard too stay focused on work then! John scolded himself for thinking like that about Monica. Stop it, before you get yourself into trouble...

"Monica, you okay?" He asked, and turned back around in case she looked over at him. He had changed and was now sitting- still shirtless in his sleeping bag.

"Yeah, fine," She said and then quickly pulled her top on, and changed out of her jeans, making sure every now and then that John wasn't watching her.

Oh like you'd mind!... He's my partner!... Then why are you sleeping together?... We're not! Well we aren't romantically involved, but it's easier to take two tents instead of taking three, we all know Scully and Mulder would be together anyway... oh but you want to be sleeping with him, you want to close the gap between your sleeping bags, hell, you want to be in his sleeping bag... shut up! Monica scolded herself again.

Monica got into her sleeping bag and the rolled over to face John, "You can turn around now," She said, and he rolled onto his side to face Monica.

"You're not going to put a shirt on?" Monica asked.

"Nah, too uncomfortable, g'night Monica," He said.

"Good Night John," Monica replied and fell asleep within seconds, and John watched her peacefully sleeping for a minutes before succumbing himself. But the peace would not last long...

End chapter one! How's that for a starter? Review to start the week? I'm feeling good about this one and I've spent quite some time building this so I hope you all like it, and I estimate that this one will be about 20,000 words and maybe as many as ten chapters? (But then again I have said that story will be three or four chapters and ended up being thirty... so we shall see!)

Happy Birthday Kenikigenikai!