Everything seemed to slow down for Dib. Sounds became muffled, and he barely noticed the gunfire being traded back and forth, some of it mere inches from his face. He thought he heard someone screaming and babbling, but it was so far away and faint that he had no idea who.

The only thing that existed for Dib in that moment was Zim's one good eye... and the light that slowly, ever so slowly, faded from it, leaving that eye as glassy and dull as the blackened one.

Dib felt as though he were swimming, in something much thicker than water. Everything was so slow, so far away... even his own thoughts.

No... this can't be happening... Zim... he can't be... no...

Even the dull pound of his head seemed slow, but as first tears and then encroaching whiteness obscured his vision, he welcomed it. He didn't want to fight it anymore... didn't want to believe in a world where Zim had just died in his arms, looking so tiny and broken and fragile...

He didn't even want to know which one was real anymore.

As Dib slowly swam out of the darkness, away from the horror and pain, he found his vision still obscured by tears. Harsh sobs wracked his chest and his voice was hoarse, but the station and the horrors on it were gone. It felt strange to find comfort in a straight-jacket and blinding white walls, but Dib nevertheless clung to them - mentally, anyway - as if his life depended on it. Or perhaps, his sanity.

"Ah, finally back with us I see, Dib. I knew you could do it." As Dib's vision slowly cleared, he was greeted by the friendly, smiling face of Dr Brown once again. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, I think," Dib croaked out. "Sore."

Dr Brown nodded sympathetically. "That's to be expected. You were thrashing around quite a bit there. It must have been hard for you to let go of the world you'd created."

Dib just looked away, trying not to let tears well up again. Zim...

"Do you think you could handle a couple visitors right now, Dib?" the doctor asked, his voice gentle. "I know you've just been through a lot, but... well, they've been waiting for us to finish to see you, and it might help you to have some family around right now..."

Dib's head snapped up. "Family...?" What family did he have that would want to come visit him? At all, much less in an asylum?

Dr Brown nodded, seeming to come to a decision, and got up to crack the door open. "You can come in and see him now," he said, his head poking out the door, then he stepped back a few paces and held it open.

The sympathetic, reassuring smile he directed at the boy on the floor was totally wasted. Dib's whole world narrowed down to the sight of two people in the doorway, his mouth gaping. The man was smiling at him, his hair a little disheveled. Behind his lab coat hid a young girl... well, not that young anymore. Her head poked out, managing to look both wary and eager at the same time.

"D-dad...? Gaz...?"

His father smiled even more broadly at that, and even his sister managed a hesitant smile at that.

For the first time in a long time, Dib felt like he might be home.

Hooray! I even managed to get it all finished tonight. :)

Don't bother asking whether Dib was really insane all along or if he's just insane now... that, my friends, is for you to decide. Both views are equally valid, just depends how happy you like your endings I guess.

I hope you all enjoyed.