Spicy Marmalade

His bed was too large.

Strange how that was the first thing that came to mind as their sweaty, tense bodies relaxed from their previous frantic exertion. Faint pants mirrored his across an ocean of perspiration laden sheets, more than fabric causing the distance between the two bodies. There was no hugging, no loving caresses. It was a point tacitly understood between the both of them. Like the tightly shut eyes, half pants and mumbles that he knew weren't his name--an image engraved over the other's eyelids.

The user had become the used.

And it hurt...god, it hurt...

Like curling your hand around the sharpness of a diamond, and finding you couldn't let go.

At first it had been yet another way to get to him--there had been no other thought in his mind for so long that it had seemed natural. After all, Kaiba had two eyes, and wasn't above taking advantage of another's blindness for his own gain. He had seen the way the make inu had looked at the other boy, noted the protectiveness evident in his gaze. Yuugi had never known, never guessed, causing that tiny break in his friend's heart to grow larger with every mention of friendship...it was a puppet show none of them could ever break free from.

Kaiba turned over, feeling suddenly naked as he drew the pristine white sheet up to give him a semblance of dignity.

"Maybe we should stop..." The words were hoarse. Kaiba had heard them before, a rout ritual that had no real meaning as far as the two of them were concerned.

The lies came tripping past his lips as easily as insults. In a way, they were insults.

"You know he doesn't care about you...that way." Words were a dagger, and he wielded it like a master. He could actually feel the other boy's hurt from what he had memorized as truth, and he bathed in it, torturing himself with the shared pain.

Kaiba didn't give a damn what Yuugi thought either way. He knew the truth. The pathetic dog was scared, and was throwing away something that was nearly in his grasp...all he had to do was reach for it.

Did it really matter?

Kaiba had what he wanted, and if Yuugi was too afraid to make a move in the same direction, so much the better. He could hold tight to his diamond and ignore the bleeding of his lacerated palms until it shattered like the glass it was...

Like the slithering of a snake, that hateful sound of clothes being put on from where they had been left on the floor, a sort of rustling noise that shuffled through the air almost painfully.

"I'll let myself out."


He suffocated the thought with his pillow before it could become words, the only good-bye he gave was the curve of his back as the honey haired boy left the room, shutting the door with the faintest of clicks.

In the dark, only one thought came to the youthful president of the Kaiba Corporation.

His bed was too large...
