I really don't know what to do with this story anymore so this is the last chapter!

Olivia sat on the couch feeding Angel while Emma and Emily were watching TV in their bedroom. It was tough, Olivia had no idea what she was doing and she was terrified.

"You need to relax." Elliot told her as he slowly started to work her shoulders.

"I don't know how to El, I mean there's two little girls in there who have just lost their Mom and I have to look after them now, I mean I thought looking after Angel was hard enough but now there's Emma and Emily too and I don't know what I'm doing." She explained the fear audible in her face.

"You're not alone Liv, I'm here and I'm going nowhere you know that right?" He asked her gently.

"I know but I'm terrified El, what if I don't do this right?" She asked.

"Olivia, you need to stop this worrying you're going to make yourself sick, you've been brilliant with Angel and you can stop worrying that someone's going to take her now. Emma and Emily are good girls, they're grieving for their Mom at the moment and their pushing you away so they don't get hurt any more but give them a chance and they'll accept you ok?" He told her softly.

"It's not them not accepting me I'm scared of Elliot, what happens if I don't do this right? What about their futures I'm not made to be a mom!" Her voice filled with panic.

"Liv if anyone I know was made to be a mom it was you ok?" He told her firmly. "Secondly, parents make mistakes, every parent does but you learn from them and don't do them again. Those girls are going to be all the better being with you and their Mom knew that and that's why she left them to you, so that they can have a chance at life without getting lost in the system, she's extremely grateful to you that she could go without worrying about her kids future because with you they have one Liv unlike what they would have had if they would have gone into the system." Elliot told her firmly.

He was right, in every sense of the word but that didn't stop her from being worried and being scared.


The funeral was a very sombre event. Other than the kids the only people there were Elliot, Olivia and their friends from the one six who'd come to support her.

The kids were tearful and very clingy towards Olivia which she didn't mind, Elliot kept hold of Angel while Olivia held hands with Emma and Emily.

She remembered her own Mother's funeral, she remembered how hard it had been to watch the coffin lowered into the ground and as she stood holding two tearful little girls her own tears slid silently down her cheeks, her heart was crying out for these girls and she made a silent promise to their mother that she would make sure they grew up well, that they'd want for nothing as it was the least she could do.


Sorry but I've been trying to figure out where to take this story for so long and I thought it's over already so I thought I'd give a concluding chapter for you.