It had been an exhausting case, the team met at the jet, Reid was giving Morgan a hard time while playing chess, Hotch was finishing up some paperwork with Rossi and Emily couldn't help but stare at the younger blonde agent who was sitting by herself looking as though something bothered her.
She decided the curiosity was too much, so she went to where the blonde was and sat next to her, not wanting to be nosey she looked at her with obvious concern "JJ, are you okay?" She realized that even though she had 2 nasty cuts, a few bruises and a black eye JJ still looked beautiful.
JJ smiled, the blonde was gratefully that it was the brunette the one who came to talk to her. "Yeah, I'm okay, just a bit tired, my wounds hurt a little but I'll be fine." Emily noticed that JJ was in real pain when she tried to sit straight, she took the blonde's hand and squeezed it "I'm sure you'll be fine, you're a tough girl, just let me know if you need anything."
JJ smiled and squeezed back "Thanks Em, I really needed this." Emily smiled, she loved when the younger agent used her shortened name. She realized she was still holding JJ's hand and thought she could stay that way forever, still she didn't want to make the blonde uncomfortable, so she let go off her hand. JJ felt slightly annoyed that the brunette had let go off her hand, she didn't know why but the feeling of a physical contact with the older agent felt just right.
Back at Quantico Hotch decided he would leave some paperwork for Strauss and headed home, Rossi, Reid and Garcia did the same and went home to get some sleep before going back to work, since it was already past midnight and they knew they would only have a few hours of sleep. Morgan went to talk to JJ "You were great out there, I'm really proud of you." He smiled and put and arm around JJ's shoulder. "
"Thanks, I can't say much, my trainer is amazing, he helped me a lot while I was in the State Department." She winked at the taller male agent. "Yeah, well who would've thought our young petite agent from Pennsylvania would be this tough." He winked back "You should go home to Will, I'm sure he misses you.
The blonde simply nodded, she wasn't sure why she didn't was so keen to go home, sure she wanted to see Henry, but she wasn't that excited about seeing the father of her son, still she headed to the parking lot.
"JJ! Wait up!" Emily shouted as she got closer to where the blonde's car was parked, a huge grin in her face. "There is no way I'm letting you drive when you're in pain."
JJ felt a little angry but was happy to see that the brunette was truly concerned about her health, so she agreed. "Fine, just because it's you who's driving me home." She immediately felt her mouth grow a smile as she entered the car. The drive was full of random conversation until JJ gave a tired sigh and whispered "I'm glad you're here Em." She regretted it as soon as she said it, what the hell was going with her, she wasn't the kind of person to let her feeling out, let alone like this, she didn't know why she had said that, Emily was her best friend and after all the online scrabble they had played she felt they had a stronger connection, but why was she so thrilled about being with her, just the of them. JJ put her arm on the arm rest and she felt Emily doing the same and holding the blonde's hand and giving a soft squeeze. "Good, I'm glad too." JJ smiled and neither one of them let go off each others hand. The younger blue eyed agent didn't know why but she desperately wanted to kiss her. She resisted though, she didn't know how the other woman would react and even worse, she didn't know how she would react, she didn't want to ruin that friendship she cherished so much.
They got to JJ's house and the blonde agent felt slightly disappointed when the brunette let go off her hand and turn to look at her friend, JJ didn't want to go home to be honest, but she knew she had to face the reality, the intimate encounter had to end right there.
"Thanks for the ride, I really appreciate it." JJ smiled at her, and the urge to kiss the older woman became even harder to ignore. "Any time, remember you can call me if you need anything, I mean it Jareau. I'll come and pick you up tomorrow morning, okay?"
"Sure, thanks again." She pulled the brunette into a tight hug, she could feel the older woman's scent, a real nice scent. Emily pulled back and she kissed JJ on the forehead. "See you tomorrow."
JJ left the car and headed to the front door, she was surprised that the lights were off, normally Will would wait for her reading at the couch, she was somehow relieved that he wasn't there though. She headed to Henry's room and gave him a goodnight kiss.
She entered her room and saw Will was pacing around like crazy. "Hey I'm back, how are you?" Will didn't reply, instead he looked at her aggressively "Where the hell have you been? I thought you would be here by 11pm and it's 1am already! And what the fuck happened to your face?" JJ was surprised at the way his boyfriend was acting, so she decided to answer calmly as she tried not to yell as well. "Our flight was delayed and we went back to the office to finish some stuff up. And about my face, I had a nasty fight with the unbsub." Will was still pacing around and JJ though he might hit her until he spoke up, still agitated "I can't even look at you right now! Do you have any idea of how worried I was, you didn't call at all!" JJ was now looking at the man extremely surprised, he wasn't the kind of guy that freaked out like that over nothing. JJ didn't know what to say, she didn't want to keep fighting, she'd had enough already "I-" before she could keep talking Will cut her off "I really can't believe you didn't have the decency to call me and let me know you were running let, neither the fact that you're all bruised!" He was about to walk out of the room until JJ spoke up "You sleep here, I'll sleep at the guests room, see you tomorrow if you wake up before Emily picks me up for work. Goodnight."
She walked out of the room with some clothes and took the opportunity to call Emily or at least text her, she needed her friend. She went to the couch and called her, hoping the brunette was still awake. The blonde didn't have to wait long to hear the sleepy beautiful voice the older agent had. "Agent Prentiss" - JJ thought she listened even sexier when she was half asleep, wait sexy ? What the hell was wrong with her. She shook her head and replied as soon as possible "Hi Em, it's JJ ... I hmm .. Sorry to wake you up, it's just that ..." The blonde couldn't focus on her words and Emily realized it so she tried to encourage her friend "What happened ? Is everything ok ?"
The blonde smiled, her friend was obviously concerned. "Yeah, it's just that... I had a fight with Will and I don't feel like sleeping here tonight, do you mind if I grab a cab and go to your place?" She was nervous, it was her friend but JJ couldn't stop thinking about Emily, the brunette was all she needed right now, and Emily knew that her friend needed her so without hesitation she spoke up "Don't grab a cab, I'll go and pick you up. I'll be there in 10 minutes."
With that, Emily hung up and headed to the car, knowing that JJ needed her and she wanted to be there for her, she wanted to hold her, to even kiss her ... Kiss? No one's kissing, get a grip Prentiss! She thought to herself.