Reviews for Since you've been around
milagglad chapter 11 . 8/13/2016
I like...
calzonaobessed chapter 11 . 4/18/2012
lucie chapter 11 . 4/17/2012
I just read your entire fic for like the umpteenth time! i just love it so much!


i loved the "Ha! I don't know, I did like him at the beginning... But then certain brunette came along and I realized I liked her."

"Well, sounds like she's a lucky person then." Emily kissed JJ's forehead again.

"Oh she should feel lucky!"

It wasn't that often that JJ showed her huge ego, she was always able to hide it and make people think she didn't feel that important. Emily simple smiled at the comment.

"She feel lucky, believe me." part; love the interraction between jj and emily when it's playful.
swanqueen84 chapter 10 . 4/17/2012
I hope JJ has dinner with again soon.
Crazy Heart 101 chapter 10 . 4/17/2012
Its a date. right!
Lupe.Farron chapter 10 . 4/17/2012


Loved it! As per usual :P Stupid Will. I dislike him greatly. But I love how worried Emily was and then she was reprimanding herself for doing it - it's totally believable :D

Great job!
swanqueen84 chapter 9 . 3/16/2012
I'm so glad Henry will be ok at the beginning of the chapter it sounded like he again soon.
Lupe.Farron chapter 9 . 3/16/2012
Loved it! Yay! He's okay! And I love how concerned everyone is, even down to Dave. Nice job! Can't wait for more :)
calzonaobessed chapter 9 . 3/16/2012
Wow. That was intense. Good I'm glad we ate moving to happier times. Hope Henry does turn out to be ok and Will... Did his ass get kicked? He should of. Lol

Great job
swanqueen84 chapter 8 . 3/14/2012
I hope Henry wasn't again soon.
cheetobreath chapter 8 . 3/12/2012
YOU GOT ME, I was all scared and woah. you're an amazing writer (& I don't say that just because I like you :P)you are! keep writing!
Crazy Heart 101 chapter 8 . 3/12/2012
Poor little Henry. Great story!
Lupe.Farron chapter 8 . 3/11/2012
Ahhh! I'm crying! At 6:31am! I'm in tears! Poor Henry! Cases with kids make me wince anyway...but it was HENRY! -cries- Please be okay little guy :(


Anyway; this chapter was great! Don't worry about the length of your chapters, trust me, they are fine. The pace and the characterisation you're producing is fantastic. Nice job!
Anon chapter 8 . 3/11/2012
Oh my! What a cliffhanger! Even though I highly doubt you'll kill little Henry, I still can't wait to find what happened. Update soon!
Crazy Heart 101 chapter 7 . 3/11/2012
why does Jj got to be so mean to Emily? good chapter update soon.
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