Disclaimer – None of the characters in the following story belong to me. They are the property of Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman who based their characters from the British version of the show by Russell T. Davies. No infringement is intended from this work of fiction for which I am not receiving any money. This piece of fiction is only meant for entertainment and to allow me to express my joy for this show and its characters.

Title – Ridiculously Romantic

Rating – R (language and violence)

Spoilers – Ummmm, let's just say the entire first season, especially the finale.

Summery – The events of Justin's prom unfolds with the focus on Brian as he comes to a realization about his relationship with Justin.

Author's Note – Gale Harold is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful man. No, that has nothing to do with the story and yes, I just had to say it :)

Ridiculously Romantic

Brian Kinney walked seemingly aimlessly through the men's apparel section of the clothing store. Lindsay, who was pushing his son in a stroller, was close behind him.

"Oh, I think that's so adorable that he asked you," Lindsay said. "Despite the somewhat questionable difference in your ages and the fact that emotionally he's twelve years your senior."

Brian continued his light stroll, looking for nothing in particular.

"Not going; too old."

Why had he even told Lindsay in the first place? Oh yes, it was so adorable that Justin had asked Brian to attend his prom as his date. At first Brian had thought that he teenager was making a joke. Or maybe he had heard him wrong. A few moments later he had realized the sincerity of Justin's statement and had of course refused.

"Oh so you're thirty I know it's so traumatic but it is something we all go through, if you're lucky enough to live that long," Lindsay continued. "But to carry on like it's the end of your life?"

"It is," Brian said bluntly.

Lindsay came up closer to him and placed her arm on his shoulder.

"It's the beginning. A whole new way of thinking about yourself. Feeling a whole new sense of entitlement . . . and accomplishment."

Brian suddenly turned to face her. After a moment, a slight, knowing grin broke out on his face.

"That's from the "La Jeunesse" anti-aging commercial," he said looking closely at her face. "I wrote that fucking copy!"

With the grin still on his face he sauntered away and left Lindsay to fully absorb her embarrassment.

"Oh, okay, well I guess I only quote from the masters," she said as she gave a little nervous laugh and walked over to where Brian was now standing, pushing Gus along with her. "But it's the truth. I want wrinkles. I wanna have gray hair. I want Gus to make me a grandmother. I wanna grow old with Melanie."

Brian looked at her with a blank expression, his hands shoved in the pockets of his suit.

"Do you want me to puke? Right here?" he asked sarcastically. "I don't want gray hair and wrinkles. I don't want to be a grandfather. And I definitely don't want to grow old with – Melanie. Or anyone else."

Brian had paused slightly as his eyes discovered a nearby mannequin dressed sharply in a black tuxedo with a long scarf made of white satin around the plastic neck.

"What do you want?"

Brian reached out and removed the scarf from the synthetic throat and ran it through his fingers.

"This," he simply stated.

"Very beautiful," Lindsay responded.

Gracefully, Brian swung the scarf behind his head and felt the softness at the nape of his neck.

"You know, maybe you're right," he admitted. "Maybe I should celebrate turning thirty."

As he spoke, Brian began to tie the fine cloth into a knot around his neck.

"Give myself something very special."

Brian turned towards Lindsay who reached up to loosen the knot that Brian had made at the base of his slender throat.

"Now you're talkin'," she said with a smile.