Reviews for Ridiculously Romantic
bombshellblonde318 chapter 7 . 10/13/2008
I am just not going to say how fantastic that was because I'm sure you already know. But I will do this, I metaphorically bow at and kiss your feet
jezzi85 chapter 7 . 5/29/2006
I love this story! I especially adored it how you described the dance at the prom. It's one of my favourite scenes and I can't keep myself from watching it over and over again on my computer where I've saved it. Great work!
Wykked As Syn chapter 7 . 10/18/2005
aw! i love how you ended the final episode like that! its so good. out of all five seasons, aside from the final episode of season five, thats my favourtie episode. you've made me love it even more! you did a wonderful job. keep up the great work!
Kessy Kate chapter 7 . 8/31/2004
I loved this so much! I remember watching this episode, and it made me cry, and so did your story, I've read alot of your stories, your very talented, keep up the good work!
silentxsymphony chapter 7 . 5/21/2004
*wipes eyes* I LOVE this episode and this piece went along with it so nicely. You stayed with the story and added your own flair to it. Lovely lovely work.
Clare chapter 6 . 12/4/2003
I loved this fic! i always wondered what happened after the prom scene i wish they would have let it play out more in the garage, but reading your version is just as great!
abby chapter 7 . 12/7/2002
absolutely brilliant... fab writing, keep up the great work, love. brian and justin forever!
Viktoria chapter 7 . 11/18/2002
good story - but I think micheal was a little slow there/
Guest chapter 7 . 10/25/2002
*tingles* Tis a great story! Tis sad... But great!
Angel chapter 7 . 7/22/2002
OH Please don't end it here! I have never been able to find a fic where Brian admited to loving Justin! Please it would be very nice to see it in this one! Please continue. :)
Pretty When You're Faithful chapter 7 . 5/19/2002
awww... great job. i dunno what else to say. made me completely relive that episode, your story was so perfectly articulated. keep it up, you have talent. :)
AMR chapter 7 . 5/19/2002
Great story. Brian *can* be romantic. One tiny mistake: it seems pretty clear in the episode that the prom night followed the farewell party/scarfing night. At the farewell party, David said he changed the tickets to "tomorrow night", and he was getting on the plane while Brian and Justin were at the prom. Also, Brian was way too looped the prior night to have shown up at any prom.