Aha, finally, something from me, right? Sorry it's been so long, guys. We're getting to the end of the school year and finals are in a week and I've got a lot of stuff to do. *sigh* In two weeks, though, I'll be back in full!

So anyways, I was gonna write this for one of the Weekly Prompts on the forum I admin for (Criminal Minds Weekly Prompts! Go check it out guys! It's awesome! :]) but I got busy with school (Grrr XD) and didn't get it done in time. Then we had the prompts from a few weeks open back up, so I finished it!

Anyways, it was originally for week thirteen, and I decided to do all three prompts in one story! (I'll put them at the bottom, because this A/N is already long enough.) I hope you guys like it!

Morgan laughed to himself quietly, looking over at the sleeping Reid and anticipating the sweet revenge he'd be getting in a few minutes. He was finally gonna get back at Pretty Boy for that stunt with his music player a few weeks back. He'd never really retaliated for that. But now, almost two full months later, Reid wouldn't be expecting him to pull anything. In fact, Reid would probably be thinking that he'd forgotten, or let it go.

Morgan snatched a small package from his go-bag, taking it into the hotel bathroom. On the outside it looked perfectly normal, unsuspicious. It seemed completely innocent. Though when Morgan opened it up, even knowing the contents, he couldn't suppress a shudder. The thing creeped him out, and that was really saying something.

He pulled out the flashlight first, putting it down on the bathroom counter. Then he reached in again and grabbed it. The creepiest type of Halloween mask he'd ever seen in his entire life. It looked like some half decomposed something, with wisps of grey hair and a bunch of yellow fangs sticking out at odd angles. Covered in blood, of course.

He peeked out the door at Reid one more time, and saw him stir slightly. Morgan froze for a second as he watched his younger friend, but he appeared to just move slightly and fall still again. He knew that Reid would be freaked out by this. Anyone would be, but combined with his fear of the dark… He'd definitely be getting his revenge tonight.

He took one more look at the mask in his hands before placing it on his head. The plastic laid against his head oddly and he had to play with it a little bit so that he could actually see out of the eye holes. His vision was oddly restricted, he only had . He looked at himself in the mirror and recoiled slightly before smirking, grabbing the flashlight, and stepping into the main room. He also turned off the bathroom light so that it was completely dark.

He turned the flashlight on and trained it on the mask as he began walking over towards Reid's bed. He nearly tripped twice on something or other that had been left on the floor, most likely the kid's converse shoes, but he eventually managed to make it over next to the sleeping man. He got down a bit closer and was prepared to wake him up, but before he even laid a hand on the genius, he could tell that something wasn't right. Was Reid…. Shaking?

He was. It looked like he was close enough to terrified. There were beads of sweat on his forehead. He tossed around in his sleep slightly for a few seconds, and Morgan watched him for a moment before he realized- Reid was having a nightmare.

Morgan set the flashlight down on the table and quickly turned on the lamp that was sitting on the little bedside table between the two beds. Reid gave a sudden sort of whimper, and Morgan knew he didn't have it in him to try and get his revenge now. He ripped the mask off his head and hurriedly shoved it underneath his bed behind him.

"Reid, man," he said softly, trying to shake the sleeping man awake. But Reid just twisted in his sleep more violently, and muttered something that Morgan couldn't make out. His face twisted up in an expression of mixed fear and horror.

"Hey! Reid! Wake up!" Morgan said, a bit louder.

"No… Stop… Let me go…" Reid mumbled , his voice sort of slurred and hard to understand from his sleep. "I don't… want it… no…"

Morgan froze as he realized what his friend was dreaming of. Hankel. That bastard who had tortured and drugged Reid all those years ago. Morgan almost snarled out loud. If that son of a bitch wasn't already dead, he'd kill him. If Reid hadn't shot him.

He had no idea that Reid was still bothered by it, was still having nightmares over five years later. Though, what sane person would ever really truly get over something like that completely?

Not one, he realized. His mind slowly drifted to the night a few days before we he himself had woken up suddenly in the middle of the night, covered in cold sweat. Carl Buford still haunted him every now and then, and it had been so much longer for him. Back to when he was a young teen. For Reid, it was only a few years. Everyone thought he was mostly over it, as during the daytime, Reid appeared perfectly fine. He'd beaten the drug addiction that he didn't really think they knew about. He was alright in the field again, stopped being bothered by cases of kidnapping and drug use.

Reid suddenly gave another sort of pleading whimper, and Morgan snapped out of his thoughts. "Reid! Hey! Spencer!"

It seemed like the use of his first name finally snapped him awake. Reid stopped tossing around and opened his eyes slowly, blinking a few times. "What? Morgan? What are you…" he said slowly, sitting up.

"You were having a nightmare," Morgan said simply. Reid's eyes suddenly cast downward, away from him as he realied that Morgan knew. Morgan could tell he was more than a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing, Morgan. Just a dream," Reid muttered.

"Reid, 'just dreams' don't normally have people tossing around and mumbling in their sleep like that," he answered back quietly.

Reid faltered for a second, before saying, "I'm fine, just go back to bed."

"I know, Reid. You were dreaming about Hankel," Reid sort of froze then, making an odd jerking movement with his arm. He looked like he wanted to say something, but stayed silent as Morgan kept talking. "No, listen. Reid, it's okay. It's completely normal. You have to understand that."

"Morgan, it's been five years, I should be over it by now," Reid said softly, sneaking a quick look over at him before his eyes cast back the opposite direction.

"No," Morgan said. "Do you know how long it's been since Carl Buford for me? And I still get the occasional nightmare. Brought on by the stress of the job, the experienced we have in the field."

"Really?" Reid asked quietly. He snuck a look over again.

"Of course. These big, horrible things that happen to us, Reid, we never really get completely over them. They'll always be there, and we'll have to deal with them. But that's the thing. We'll deal with them. You and me especially. It helps that we know we've got a group of amazing people who will always be there for us, right?"

Reid smiled a little bit and looked over at him again. He nodded for a few seconds. It looked like he was about to say something, when the look of horror was suddenly back on his face and he jumped a little bit, yelling out. Morgan tensed up for a moment, before Reid said, "What is that thing?"

Morgan looked to where he was pointing and saw that he was referring to the mask, which he hadn't shoved under his bed properly.

"Oh, nothing," he tried to say innocently, pushing it farther underneath the bed. Reid gave him a strange look.

"Why is… You know, I'm not even going to ask," Reid said, stifling a yawn and starting to lie back down.

"Good idea, man. It's late, time for sleep. If you need anything at all, you let me know, okay?" Morgan said, standing up and smiling at him reassuringly, before turning off the lights in the bathroom and the lamp on the side table.

"Alright," Morgan heard Reid say quietly as he jumped into his own bed. After a moment, he heard Reid whisper, "Thank you." Though it was quiet enough that he wasn't one hundred percent sure that it was really there.

"Anytime, kid," he whispered back. "Anytime."

Okay, the prompts I used were: 1.) Someone has a nightmare on a case. 2.) Morgan decides it's time to get revenge on Reid for his pranks. And 3.) A scream, a flashlight, and a mask. Yes, another story where Reid has a nightmare. Haha, I guess I just like to write these! XD

Anyways, reviews? I appreciate each and every one of them! =D