My problem is is that I have too many damn ideas and my brain is malfunctioning due to the overload. I call myself working on 'Rebirth' and then a week later I have about six different ideas for a story. It's annoying, I'll tell you that much. But none of these ideas will leave my head, and it's pissing me off. Um ... these little snippets are random and don't really serve a purpose. I just wanted to incorporate Goku's transformations into Chi-Chi's everyday life.

I don't own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT.



"Goku," Chi-Chi chided, running her slender fingers through her husband's inky fringe. "Do you brush your hair?"

A velvet rumble escaped his throat as he leaned into his wife's touch. "... Does shaking my hair count?"

"Silly ...," she commented, her fingers working magic on his scalp. "No, it doesn't."

A frown marked the woman's lips, but it left as quickly as it came, a soft smile taking its place. She had forgotten how nice it was ... just the two of them relaxing underneath the large leafy tree that decorated the yard. She was thankful that Bulma had offered to take Goten for the weekend, and the fact that Gohan was out with his friends made the moment all the more better.

With her back to the tree, her black locks running free with the wind, Chi-Chi sat in the shaded grass, her husband nuzzled between her legs, his own outstretched. He abandoned his orange gi for a pair of knee-length orange shorts and a black muscle shirt; Chi-Chi doted a simple white t-shirt and her favorite pair of calf-length yellow pants, the intensity of the sun's rays producing a cause for much more comfortable wear. Together the pair sat in the grass, Chi-Chi's hands roaming through Goku's hair, and every so often, a pleasant hum would escape his throat.

"You mean ... you don't comb it at all?"

Goku peeled an eye open, gracing his eyesight was the beautiful, yet flabbergasted face of his wife. He gave her an ear-to-ear grin and shook his head. "Nope! The last time I combed my hair I think I pulled out a big lump of it. Plus, it hurts like crap!"

Chi-Chi laughed. "It's because you don't comb out your hair that it comes out when you do comb it. That's not a good thing, Goku."

"Aw," Goku whined, staring up at his wife. "Are you gonna make me comb it out?"

"Hmm ...," she pondered aloud, her fingers abandoning Goku's hair for her chin. He immediately missed the feeling, but kept his thoughts to himself. "I don't know yet. I mean," she exclaimed, looking down at his boyish face. "I just ran my fingers through it a minute ago, and not once did I encounter a knot. I'm jealous."

Goku rumbled with laughter in his wife's lap, his hands shooting up to her hair. "Why would you be jealous? Your hair is really pretty ... and soft," he whispered, causing the woman to flush a light shade of pink. For what felt like an eternity, Goku's hands roamed his wife's hair, his fingers occasionally brushing her cheek, causing her to release a shudder.

It felt somewhat odd. Goku was by no means a romantic, but to have him lying in her lap, his large, calloused hands racing through her fringe in a flurry of meek touches gave her butterflies. He probably didn't know what he was doing, which was, in itself, a little disappointing, but she wouldn't complain. Instead, she allowed her eyes to drift shut as she leaned into his touch. She wanted to savor the opportunity while it presented itself.

The Saiyan momentarily froze, his hand coming to a complete standstill on her cheek as he stared into the face of his wife. She was really, really pretty. He had never really seen her with her hair down, at least, not often. He hadn't realized how long it actually was, what with it being in a tight bun all of the time, and for a brief moment, Goku hoped that she would wear it down more often. Long lashes framed creamy skin, and her button nose sat right above her petal pink lips. And the fact that she didn't wear that hideous make-up stuff made her look even more beautiful.

"Chi-Chi ...," Goku called; she didn't speak. Instead she gave him a light 'hm' in that womanish, yet girlish voice he'd come to know and love. "You're pretty."

Her eyes peeled open, another set of rose flaring her cheeks. "Thank you," she laughed shyly.

"Really ... pretty," he commented, his obsidian orbs staring at her intently. Chi-Chi laughed once more, and before she could say 'thank you' again, Goku grabbed her face with both of his hands and brought it to his in a swift motion, claiming her lips in a soft, yet firm kiss. Caught by surprise, Chi-Chi paused before falling in synch with the intimacy her husband showcased.


Don't ask me where I was going with this ... because, I honestly can't freaking tell ya. My love for this couple is unconditional, and I wish that more people would give them a chance! Despite the constant screaming from Chi-Chi and the overwhelming absence on Goku's part, I think they're the sweetest couple in all of Dragon Ball Z. One could only hope that Akira would grace his fans with some service!

He totally could've drawn out that kissing scene in the Cell Saga. Dx

Thanks for reading! There will be another installment. This is a little five-shot that I'm working on. Next chapter: Super Saiyan. And don't worry, I'm working my damnedest on 'Rebirth'. Just experiencing some writer's block at the moment.

Edit: All errors have been completed - 3/5/2012