Title: Reservations Confirmed – Pt. 1

By: FanofRandy

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Emergency! is owned by Universal and Mark VII Productions. I make no profit from my imagination—only a personal joy and peace.

Summary: Another of my stories delving into John Gage's past and what made him who he is. This takes place very shortly after "To Buy or Not to Buy"-Ep. 5.14; Orig. Airdate 12/20/75.


How was he to know that Roy really wanted the house? The last time they discussed it, Roy was not interested. Then, Johnny got a 'wild hair' to purchase the place himself. He was so eager to share the news with his Friend. But, he found that Roy was angry that someone had purchased the house from underneath him. Johnny felt bad, but he was not sorry for buying the house. He had great plans and would be happy when it came time to move.

Roy bugged Johnny the rest of that shift. "What are you going to do with all that room, Johnny? What possessed you to buy a three-bedroom home?" The questions continued and Roy vowed to Cap and the rest of the crew that he would get Johnny to sell him the home eventually. None of the crew could see John Gage living in a three-bedroom "family" home. **

Johnny began to have doubts…


The shift ended with Roy still a bit angry with Johnny. Roy invited Johnny to breakfast, but he gracefully declined; knowing that he would be badgered by BOTH Roy and JoAnne about selling them the house. John had not intended to upset his Friends…his Family…but, he had made a rather "adult" decision to buy a home and he really did not want to back out of the deal.

"Roy, let me think about it today and I will let you know." Johnny promised as they changed into their civies. He meant what he said, but he was sure that he wanted to keep the house. "You have made some good points and I will really think about it. I still have another month and a half on my lease and I promised my landlady I would not move without helping her find someone to take my apartment." Johnny could afford to stay at the apartment and make house payments since his landlady barely charge him any rent. She felt that having him there was an added bonus—rent or no rent—since he was a such a big help to her and the other tenants.

Roy smiled. He had come to really love the house over the weekend and Jo and the kids had, too. He really wanted Johnny to change his mind. But, he also knew his Partner by now. To badger John Gage was to only have him dig his heels in deeper. "Okay, Junior. That's all I can ask you to do is think about it. And, whatever you decide is okay with me."

John shot him a sideways glance that said, "Yeah, right." And added, "You sure, Roy? I don't want this to cause us problems, you know?" Johnny voiced his concerns.

Chet called out, "Seems to me like it already has, Gage…seeing's how you and Roy have barely talked about anything else this entire shift."

"Aw, shut up, Chet." John called out from the other side of the lockers. It was followed by snickers from the rest of the crew.

Roy confirmed with Johnny…"Johnny, honestly, Jo and I love the house. But, no matter what you decide…we will be okay."

Johnny smiled and finished tying his shoes. "Okay, then. I will talk to you next shift and let you know what I decide." He shut his locker and he and Roy walked out to the parking lot together. John once again asked, "You sure you will be okay if I decide to keep the house, Roy?...that WE'LL be okay?"

Roy slapped Johnny on the back and smiled. "Junior, we've been Friends—hell, Family—too long to let something like this come between us. Jo and the kids will be disappointed…me, too. But, no matter what you decide, we'll be okay." He walked toward his car and added, "Call me if you wanna do somethin' tomorrow…I've got a long honey-do list, Junior." Roy smiled and waved at his friend.

The two men got into their respective vehicles and drove away. Johnny had an uneasy feeling about the whole deal and he wasn't sure what he was going to do. He decided to drive by the house one more time to see if it was really someplace where he wanted to live.


Tree-lined streets…houses with neatly trimmed lawns…a quiet neighborhood…a place for Abby to run outside…As Johnny walked around the outside of the house and looked up and down the street, he felt a sense of dread. "If this house means that much to Roy and Jo, then they can have it." Johnny determined in his mind. He walked to the Rover and started to get in when he heard a voice call out…

"Hello, there." A man in a polo shirt and khakis called as he began his way across the street. Johnny noticed he had one of those little alligators on his shirt and appeared to be quite put-together. He suddenly felt underdressed in his jeans and t-shirt.

Johnny closed the door to the Rover and turned his attention to the man. "Hi there." He replied and met the man halfway across the street. Johnny had a strange sense as they shook hands and walked to the sidewalk in front of the home he had just purchased.

"Name's Baker, Marcus Baker." The man with bright red hair and fair skin offered.

"I'm John Gage. Nice to meet you." Johnny replied. He continued…"Have you lived here long?" he asked as he motioned his head toward the house across the street where the man had come from.

"Pretty much all my life…My parents live just down the street and my brother has a house down the block with his family, too. We really love it here. You from around here, Mr. Gage?" The neighbor queried as his eyebrows raised. The question caught Johnny off guard as he was not used to sharing personal information with many people, much less someone he only just met.

"Uh…I have lived in California since I was 16…I am a Firefighter/Paramedic for LA County." Was all Johnny was willing to offer.

Mr. Baker continued the inquisition. "You got a family?"

Johnny blushed a bit as he thought, "Yeah, someone buying a 3-bedroom house ought to have a family." But, he answered, "No, just me." And, he followed with, "Hope to have a family someday."

Mr. Baker cocked his head and gave Johnny a look that was all too familiar. "Mighty strange for a single man to buy such a big house, no?" His voice raising a few octaves with the last word of his question.

"I guess…maybe." Johnny agreed. Johnny knew what was going on…he had dealt with racism and bigotry all his life. The man across from him did not want Johnny in "his neighborhood." Johnny felt goose bumps rising on his skin and it was not due to the cooler December weather.

"'m not sure you would be very happy here, Mr. Gage. Lots of families with small children, older people who are livin' out their retirement…you know, just quiet church-goin' folks. Maybe you'd be more happy somewhere's else." The man flatly stated.

Johnny realized what he was dealing with and responded with a touch of sarcasm. "And, what makes you think I am not one of those 'quiet, church folks', Mr. Baker? What is it that you are saying exactly?" He put emphasis on the last word.

"Uh, well…uh…I'm just wondering if you wouldn't be happier somewhere else is all, Mr. Gage." Mr. Baker announced again. "Maybe somewhere around your own 'kind'." He pointedly supposed.

Johnny nodded his understanding. "My own kind, huh? Well, Mr. Baker…let me tell you something…" Johnny could feel his neck and face getting hot. "…I was reconsidering my decision to purchase this home. But, NOW, I think I will move in tomorrow. How does that strike you, Mr. Baker?" Johnny replied with fierce indignation. The man facing him lost all color and expression, lowered his head and walked away.

Johnny walked to his Rover shaking his head back and forth. "I can't believe the nerve of some people." He whispered aloud as he climbed in and drove away. He was more certain than ever that he had made a bad decision in purchasing the house. He just had to see if he could still get out of the deal.


**Background courtesy of "To Buy or Not to Buy"—Episode 5.14 in the Emergency! Series (airdate: 12/20/75)