Hey guys! No, this story isn't over yet! And the picture I described in the last chapter is how I picture Caelen. Now his brother on the other hand...
I'd like to thank athenakitty, who, at this point, probably knows more about the sequel than I do! She's given me lots of good ideas and made me explain my story enough that I pretty much have the rest of the story planned out! Give her a round of applause! Take a bow, athenakitty! You've earned it.
And I must apologize to you all because this will be my last chapter for a while. You see, I'm not doing to well in school right now and I really need to focus on that, not my story. I'm so sorry, but when the next chapter comes then I'll be back!
Disclaimer: I live in the American Southwest, not California. I write fanfiction, not NCIS scripts. I have a huge crush on Timothy McGee, not Sean Murray. Put these three things in a pot, stir counter-clockwise, adding a clockwise stir once for every six counter-clockwise stirs. When the words 'She doesn't own NCIS' float out, you have your answer to the burning question, 'Does this author own the best show in the world?'
When Ducky opened his front door to incessant knocking, he was almost thrown aside as Tony and Ziva stormed in and began searching every room. "What are you doing?" he demand, closing the door.
Tony's voice was muffled as he stuck his head into a bedroom so Ducky turned to Ziva who was going through his hall closet. "What are you doing?" he asked again. "We are looking for the perfect place to scare Gibbs," she responded.
Ducky's eyebrows shot upward at an alarming rate. "Wait... You're going to try scaring Jethro? Why on earth would you try to do that?"
Tony had exited the bedroom and answered. "Because, Timmi agreed to go on a date with him tonight."
"So? Are you really asking us that?"
"Yes, Anthony, I am. I have to say that I don't understand why you just don't let it go."
Tony threw his hands in the air. "What I don't understand, is why you have let it go."
"Because Jethro is trying, Anthony! I see that, Abigail sees that, and most of all, Timothea sees that. That is why we have forgiven him."
Tony glared at him mutinously. "I have forgiven him! I just don't want him to hurt Timmi again!"
Ducky rolled his eyes. "Anthony," he said, "If you truly had forgiven Jethro, you would know that he would never hurt Timothea."
"But he already did!"
"It was unintentional!"
"I don't care what you say... Ziva and I are going to put the fear of God in Leroy Jethro Gibbs."
"Good luck with that..." Ducky muttered as he walked away.
Ziva turned to Tony. "I do not think the fear of God will work with Gibbs, Tony."
Tony raised an eyebrow at her. "Then what do you suggest?"
"The fear of Timmi." And suddenly Tony's face resembled the Grinch's when he had a 'wonderful, awful idea!'
Ziva looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you going to be ill?"
Tony ignored her and yanked on her arm, leading her to Timmi's room.
Ziva and Tony burst into Timmi's room, breathing hard. Timmi turned from the mirror, raised an eyebrow and drawled, "...Yes, please. Just walk right in. It's not like I could have been naked or anything."
Tony raised a hand in apology while Ziva verbalized hers. Timmi nodded, then turned back to the mirror. "Why are you both here?" she asked as she carefully applied eyeliner.
"Um... We were kinda hoping to put the fear of God in Gibbs." Timmi whirled around, mouth agape. "Are you insane?" she gasped.
Ziva glanced at Tony. "Yes, he is," she said, nodding vehemently.
"I don't think that you can put the fear of anything in Jethro."
"Not even... You?" Tony asked, making Timmi pause.
"Hmm... Maybe..." she muttered.
Tony nodded excitedly. "See, I don't want him to hurt you so I figure, if you scare him enough, he won't."
Timmi frowned, turning back to the mirror once more. "He's not going to hurt me again, Tony."
Scowling, Tony muttered, "You're not the first to say that."
"You're right, I'm not," she said turning to him, "But I know he won't Tony. It's not just about me anymore. It's about the baby too."
"Do you really think that the baby is going to keep him from hurting you?" Tony asked, aghast.
Timmi laughed. "No, I really don't. But," she stressed, "He won't want to hurt me. And that, Tony, makes a big difference."
Gibbs absent mindedly straightened his jacket as he knocked on Ducky's front door. He knew he shouldn't be nervous, it was Thea after all. The one woman he hadn't managed to scare off yet, the only one who had stayed. Maybe that was why it was nerve wracking standing on a doorstep, waiting for his date like he was in high school again... He didn't want to scare her off!
He was broken out of his thoughts as the door opened and Ducky looked at him curiously. "Ah, Jethro," he said, "Do come inside. We've been waiting for you."
"Oh, yes! You didn't think that you could get away with taking Timothea on a date without the entire world hearing about it, did you?"
"No," Gibbs replied as Ducky closed the door, "But I was kinda hoping."
Ducky laughed. "Well, Timothea is almost ready. She said she just had to find her shoes and then she'll be right down."
Gibbs raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Really? So it's not going to take twenty minutes for her to show up?"
A feminine laugh answered him. "Really, Jethro?" Timmi asked, walking down the stairs. "We lived together for six months. Did I ever keep you waiting?"
Gibbs' didn't answer, mostly because he was too busy picking his jaw up off the floor. "My, Timothea," Ducky breathed, "You look absolutely stunning."
Timmi smiled and spun around once, offering a full view of her knee length green dress. She faced Gibbs and began to laugh at the look on his face. Tony and Ziva, who had quietly followed her down the stairs, both reached over and closed his mouth.
The sudden change in position shocked him enough to send him into action. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out a single red rose. Timmi stared at it wide eyed as he presented it to her, while Ziva grinned and tried to get a closer look. She accepted it and pulled it to her nose to catch a whiff of the scent. Timmi smiled at Gibbs and then handed the rose to Ziva.
She took his arm and walked him to the door saying, "This is going to be a very good date, Agent Gibbs."
"Wait!" Tony shouted, making the couple turn back around to find their friend acting the part of a disapproving father.
"What time will you be back?" Tony asked. Gibbs raised an eyebrow but replied, "2300 hours."
Tony shook his head. "You don't need her for five hours."
Timmi rolled her eyes, tugging on Gibbs arm. "You're not my keeper, Tony. You can't dictate how long he needs me."
Both men ignored her. "Okay. How's 2200 hours?" Gibbs asked him calmly, making Ziva's and Timmi's jaws drop.
Tony narrowed his eyes. "Acceptable. Where are you taking her?"
"To a restaurant."
"What restaurant?"
"None of your business, Tony!" yelled Timmi, as she grabbed Gibbs arm and yanked him out the door.
There was silence for a moment then Ziva turned to Tony and said, "You are an idiot, Tony," before walking away
Out in the car, Timmi sat in silence for a moment before she turned to Gibbs. "Why did you encourage him, Jethro? He'll be insufferable for days now."
Gibbs calmly replied, "It was important to him, Thea. He took care of you while I was gone and he's still doing it. I can't fault him for that."
Timmi threw her hands exasperatedly into the air. "Men," was all she said before falling into silence once more. It wasn't an awkward silence by any extent, but a peaceful one. It wasn't unlike the ones that they had shared before Gibbs had left. No words were necessary, only looks and feelings.
As Gibbs pulled into the parking lot of a diner, making Timmi burst out laughing. "What?" Gibbs asked, smirking.
Timmi's eyes were full of mirth as she said, "You told Tony you were taking me to a restaurant. You lied through your teeth!"
Gibbs' eyes were sparkling with laughter as he replied, "I didn't lie, I just twisted the truth slightly," before getting out of the car, walking around it, and opening Timmi's door, holding his hand out to her. She took it gratefully and they walked into the diner together. Gibbs nodded at the hostess who smiled and said, "Hello, Agent Gibbs. Your usual table is ready for you."
"Usual table?" Timmi's eyebrows met her hairline. "What? They make great coffee," he shrugged in answer, making her laugh. They followed the hostess to a table next to the window which offered an excellent view of the parking lot. She put a couple of menus on the table and grinned as Gibbs pulled Timmi's chair out for her before he sat down himself
"How come you've never brought me here, Jethro?" she asked as a waiter waved to him, "You seem to have spent a lot of time here."
"I have... I guess I just never thought about it," he said slowly as a young man, about Timmi's age, sidled up to their table.
"Hi, Agent Gibbs! The usual?" he asked enthusiastically.
"Yep. What do you want, Thea?" he asked, making the waiter notice her for the first time.
His eyes widened comically as Timmi carefully perused the menu in front of her. "I'll have... The clam chowder, a ceasar salad, and decaf coffee," she said, and tried to hand him the menu. He took it absently, still staring at her with his mouth open. When he didn't move, Gibbs looked at him in concern that quickly turned to anger. He recognized the look. It was the one he had often seen on other men who met Timmi for the first time.
Thinking fast, he slammed his hands on the table making a loud sound that woke the waiter, who swallowed and quickly recovered. "Sorry, miss," he said, flirting, "I didn't quite get that." Gibbs' eyes narrowed as Timmi, oblivious to the waiter's flirting, repeated her order. The young man smiled at her before he ran off to the kitchen.
Timmi laughed again, making Gibbs smile. He hadn't realized how much he had missed even just eating with her. It was almost perfect... Almost. Their waiter, who called himself Jeff, was making completely unnecessary stops at their table. Timmi was perfectly oblivious, as usual, but he could see it. And he was not happy.
In fact, Jeff had dropped more than enough hints... Most of them not even hints at all! "Here's your bread; it's hot like me," he had told Timmi, who simply ignored him.
"Hey you two!" came the voice of one of the only people in the world that Gibbs loathed at the moment. Timmi looked at him in surprise. "Jeff! We've been seeing you a lot tonight. You must not be having a busy night."
"Na... It's pretty slow. But, here's your bill, Agent Gibbs." Gibbs was rather unhappy to have the piece of paper shoved in his face, but it didn't show. He quickly pulled a wad of cash out of his wallet and left it on the table while Jeff and Timmi chatted before he stood up.
"Thank you, Jeff," he said icily before he went to help Timmi out of her chair, but Jeff beat him to it. Timmi turned wide eyes to Gibbs as Jeff tried to help her. It seemed that she had finally caught on to the advances of their waiter. As she stood up, she paused in shock before turning around and asking in a dangerous voice, "Excuse me, did you just touch my ass?"
Gibbs' growled and moved forward to kick Jeff's ass, but Timmi beat him to it. She slapped him as hard as she could before kneeing him in the crotch. She left him on the floor and confidently walked out of the diner.
Jeff groaned from the floor, "Dude... She is so hot!" he looked at Gibbs, "Can you give me your daughter's number, Agent Gibbs?"
"Um... Her?" he asked, pointing to the doors. At his nod, he crouched down next to him. "You've always been a good waiter whenever I've come here, Jeff, but tonight... You weren't. So no." And he stood up to walk away, but after a few feet, he paused then turned back.
"And Jeff? That wasn't my daughter. That was my pregnant girlfriend." And with that, he walked out of the diner, leaving it eerily quiet. He got into the car after pausing and looking back long enough to see Jeff get attack by almost every woman in the diner.
"You alright?" he asked Timmi who had been waiting in the passenger seat.
"Yeah... Please tell me you kicked his ass," she pled.
Gibbs laughed. "I didn't have to."
"Why not?"
He smirked and said, "Girl power."
A few hours later, after eating ice cream on a park bench, they stood on Ducky's doorstep. "I had a great time tonight, Jethro," Timmi whispered, her lips inches from his.
He murmured something unintelligible and went to kiss her but was rudely interrupted when Ziva's car turned onto the street and screeched to a stop inches from Gibbs' vehicle.
"There will be no kissing on this doorstep tonight!" bellowed Tony as he dove out of the passenger side. Ziva rushed from her side of the car to join him standing on the sidewalk, glaring at the couple. "Wait... You let Ziva drive?" asked Timmi, bewildered.
"I had too! Do you have any idea how many restaurants there are in Washington DC?!" Tony exclaimed
"Wait... Were you planning on crashing our date?" Timmi gasped.
"... So what if we were?"
Timmi's hands clenched into fists of rage for a moment before they relaxed. "Tony? Ziva? Will you please go inside? I need to speak to Jethro alone for a moment. And no, Tony, I won't kiss him on the doorstep."
Grudgingly, the two agents nodded and went inside. The door had barely closed before Timmi exploded. "What the hell is wrong with them?! Why do they think what we do is any of their business?!"
Gibbs let her rant for a minute or so before he pulled her into his arms, calming her almost instantly.
"They just have your best interests at heart, " he told her softly.
She sighed. "I know... But they're treating me like I'm a little kid!"
"... I'm not."
A smile graced her face as she laid her hands on top of his. "You never have. You've always trusted me to act like an adult and make my own decisions."
"It's not like I've had much of a choice," he responded wryly.
"... So what should I do for revenge?" she asked a moment later, making him laugh. "... I don't know. But I need them in working condition on Monday."
She broke free of his hold and led him onto the sidewalk before turning and giving him a soft, sweet kiss.
"I make no promises," she breathed, her lips brushing his.
"I thought you told Tony that there wouldn't be any kissing on the doorstep," he murmured.
She pulled back, much to his disappointment, to grin at him. "Oh, Jethro. That's why I moved onto the sidewalk."
Enjoy this chapter! Remember, this is the last one for a while. On the bright side (for me), I'm going to Vegas this weekend! Yay, me!