
Tune: America (Simon and Garfunkel)

Let us be pilots, escaping the End Days together
I've got coordinates here on my screen
So we got a herd of dinosaurs
And sooner than we knew
We'd flown off to look for Siluria

"Captain," I said as we left ancient Terra behind us,
"Species are settling in-all but one."
Thousands of dinosaurs hunt on the decks,
and we've all gone to look for Siluria.

Gazing at the stars, finding new constellations
Once I was sure I saw ankylosaurs in the sky
Captain said "Pilot, don't tell me there's dust on the camera..."

"Toss me a stimulant, there should be some in the medkit."
Should have been sleeping an hour ago
So I looked at the instruments, waiting for my relief,
And a sun rose over an asteroid.

"Captain, we're lost," I thought, though I never could say it
"The darkness is empty and I don't know why"
Counting my people, asleep in their pods,
and we've all gone to look for Siluria