
The shout went through the immense house shared by the nine Asian nations, and Japan commented to himself, "Aniki's mad again." Raising his voice the nation asked, "Yao, did you break your phone again?"

"Shut up aru!" Yes. The black haired 17 year old heardthe elder nation made his way to Japan's room, talking all the while. "It's not my fault the damn cell phone keeps breaking aru. What do they make them out of, glass aru?"

"Heavy duty plastic actually." Japan corrected, looking up from his book as his older brother entered his room. "You just keep forgetting how strong you are." It was true; his big brother may be small, slight, and girly looking, but he invented at least five different types of lethal martial arts. Not to mention the fact that he was one of the world's richest nations, with a formidable military.

China just gave an exasperated sigh, holding out his hand to Japan. "Just fix this aru."

Japan looked at the pitiful remains of what had once been Aniki's fifteenth cell phone in two months. "I can't fix that."

"Why not? You're good with technology aru!"

Japan fixed China's eyes with his. "Gege, it's in twenty pieces. I can't fix that."

The eldest country in the world sighed. "Fine, xia xia anyways. I'll just get another from the drawer."

With that he left, and Japan returned to his book.


Not even looking up, Japan called, "You broke another one didn't you?"

"Shut up aru!"