A/N new story, I based it off some other CR stories I've read recently however, this has its own twists and turns.

Chapter 1

"I'm so bored," I whined to Caitlyn.

"What do you suggest I do about it?" she asked in the same bored tone.

"Find something to do," I suggested and her face lightened up instantly.

"Can we play truth or dare?" she asked.

"We're eighteen not eight Cait," I told her and she shrugged.

"So it's not like that's stopped us before," she said and I shrugged, she was right, we did act like little kids a lot. "So what do you think?" she asked.

"Fine but I'm so going first."

"Fine truth or dare?" she asked.

"Dare," I was so not going down to her.

"Alright, I dare you to type a random number into your phone and send them a message, if they don't reply, you're going to school in a dress tomorrow."

"WHAT?" I almost yelled. She raised an eyebrow as if challenging me. "Fine I'll do it," I mumbled.

To: (insert random number here)

Hi! My evil friend dared me to text you please reply I really don't want to wear a dress to school tomorrow!

I pressed send and looked over at Caitlyn who was grinning evilly.

"Alright truth or dare?"


"Oh you suck!" I said and she shrugged. "Alright do you like... Nate Gray from Connect Three?" I asked and she blushed and looked down which was answer enough for me but I wasn't letting her go until she admitted it.

"Yes," she mumbled

"What? I didn't hear that?" I teased.

"I said yes okay but what about you! You soooo like Shane!"

"Yeah so? At least I'm not ashamed to admit it," I told her and loud beeping emerged from my phone which I dived for.

To: (insert another random number here)

Hi person I don't know and have probably never met I my entire life! Haha no we wouldn't want you to be going to school in a dress that would be bad just curiously are you a girl or a boy because it would be a lot less awkward for a girl =P Do you know who I am?

Was the reply I got. Caitlyn, who was reading it over my shoulder, laughed and nudged me enthusiastically.

"Are you going to reply or what?" she asked excitedly.

"Well I was but..."

"Just hurry up already!"

To: (Random number)

I am a girl thank you very much but it would be funny if I wasn't what about you huh? Not a clue who you are should I know you because I don't recognise your number or anything.

To: Mitchie

I am a guy but how is it that bad if you wear a dress. Don't most girls wear dresses? You know me, not personally but you definitely know me, you can call me... Joe's not my real name but whatever. What can I call you?

To: Shane

You may call me... Demi close enough to my real name anyway. How can I know you but not know you at the same time? Do you like go to my school or something?

To: M

No I don't go to school so you definitely don't know me from there. A lot of people know a lot about me but whatever it's not like my life is all that private anyway or well at least not all of it. Do you listen to Connect Three?

To: S

Okay that makes sense I guess. Yeah I listen to Connect Three, Shane's a jerk but whatever, not everyone is perfect, I just think he should learn to appreciate what he's got a little bit more you know?

"Okay well looks like I'm not needed in here anymore, see you tomorrow Mitch," Caitlyn said gathering all her things al heading out.

To: M

I can agree with that why the hate for Shane not like you've ever met him (have you?)

To: S

He just doesn't appreciate what he has, he has a career that people like me can only dream about and he goes around acting like a jerk and treating normal

Civilization like dirt. No I have never net him, never been to a concert but that's what I get for having non rich parents I guess but I'm okay with watching from a distance and listening to them on my iPod when I'm not trying to write a song of my own.

To: M

I'm sure he'll change soon, be doesn't have anywhere to go except up from where he is but I think he is a bit of a jerk as well. Shame you've never met him, but that happens sometimes, you wouldn't be the only one don't worry. You write songs? Can I hear one?

To: S

I hope so. Yeah I do and No you may not hear one but I can send you some lyrics if you want?

To: M


To: S

'I am confident but I still have my moments,

Baby that's just me.

I'm not a supermodel, I still eat McDonalds,

baby that's just me.

Well some may say I need to be afraid

Of losing everything

Because of where i

Had my start and where I made my name

Well everything's the same in the la la land machine'

I have more but it's probably not that great I don't think my songs are very good but it beats no songs at all considering music is practically my life.

To: M

Are you kidding me? That is the best song I have ever heard, it's better than mine that's for sure! (and that's saying something!) please show me the rest of it please? Music IS my life like literally.

To: S

Are you pranking me? Because my music isn't that great.

To: M

It seriously is I'm not joking and I'm in a very successful band so I would know good music when I hear it.

To: S

Really a band? Have I ever heard of it?

To: M

Yeah you have heard of it but I'm not telling you because it would probably ruin this little friendship we have going.

To: S

Alright fine, the rest of the song;

'Who said I can't wear my converse with my dress?

Well Baby that's not me

Who said I can be single and have to go out and mingle

Baby that's not me

Well some may say I need to be afraid

Of losing everything

Because of where i

Had my start and where I made my name

Well everything's the same in the la la land.

Tell me do you feel the way I feel

'cause nothing else is real in the la la land appeal.

some may say I need to be afraid

Of losing everything

Because of where i

Had my start and where I made my name

Well everything's the same in the la la land machine

Well I'm not gonna change in the la la land machine

I will stay the same in the la la land machine

Machine machine

I won't change anything in my life

(I won't change anything in my life)

I'm staying myself tonight

(I'm staying myself tonight)'

To: M

Wow just wow.

To: S

Really? Wow? That all or are you speechless over there?

To: M

Hi Shane's friend! Any reason my brother looks like a fish while staring at his phone?

To: S

Hi Joe's brother (insert your name here) um yeah he read the song I wrote, he asked so I sent it to him why? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

To: M

Joe? His name isn't Joe its Shane O.o right yeah doesn't matter my name is Nick is the song in the recent texts?

To: S

Yeah it is Hi Nick! I'm Demi

To: M

Is there any reason both my brothers are now looking like fishes and staring at Shane's phone?

To: S

Just don't read the recent texts, I don't think you want to look like that as well. Who are you?

To: M

I'm Nate and Shane's brother.

To: S

Nate and Shane? Then you're Jason right?

To: M

Yep that would be me.

To: S

Alright please try and get Shane back on the phone and don't tell him that I know you're Connect Three okay?

To: M

You got it!

To: M

You still there Demi?

To: S

Yeah I'm here, nice brothers you have there.

To: M


To: S

While you were standing there looking like a fish I talked to your brothers Nick and Kevin.

To: M

Sorry your song was amazing it's like nothing compared to my songs.

To: S

I'm sure your fans would deny that.

To: M

Well Nick seems to agree with me.

To: S

Yeah well just don't show Kevin as well please I don't think I can take that.

To: M

Can you write us a song? Like my band? We will fully credit you and everything it's just... Your songs are amazing and we haven't really written anything decent lately.

To: S

Fine but it could take at least a day.

To: M

That's okay with me a DAY? Don't you mean a week or a month?

To: S

No 12 - 24 hours should be sufficient.

To: M

Alrighty then do your stuff.